bie.telangana.gov.in Intermediate II Year Sociology & Psychology Model Question Paper : State Board Of Education

Organisation : Telangana State Board Of Intermediate Education
Exam : IPE Intermediate II Year
Paper: Sociology & Psychology
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Location : Telangana

Website : http://bie.telangana.gov.in/Secondyrmodelpaper.aspx

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Sociology : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8967-sociology.pdf
Psychology : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8967-phsclogy.pdf

Intermediate II Year Sociology & Psychology Model Question Paper :

Psychology :
Section – A : (Essay Question)
I. Write Essay on any three. All questions carry equal marks. 3 x 10 = 30 Marks
1. How intrinsic and extrinsic motivation influence learning ?

Related : Telangana State Board of Education Intermediate II Year History & Geography Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/8964.html

2. Write an essay about the origin of intelligence testing.
3. Describe the characteristic of a good leader.
4. Explain the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication.
5. How do you develop healthy personality.

Section – B : (Short Answer)
II. Write Short answer on any 8 of the following : 8 x 5 = 40 Marks
6. Write about Maslow’s hierachial theory of motivation.
7. Discuss emotional intelligence.
8. What is Pro-social behaviour?
9. Explain group dynamics.
10. Describe classification of groups.
11. Explain Transactional Analysis approach.
12. Describe Communication Process.
13. How do you assess personality?
14. Describe the measures to overcome test anxiety.
15. Write briefly about rational emotive therapy.
16. Mention the stress management techniques.
17. Discuss about the gifted and challenged children.

Section – C : (Very Short Answer)
III. Define or Explain any 15 of the following in two or three sentences each: 15 x 2 = 30 Marks
18. Complimentality
19. Impression formation
20. Physical attraction
21. Self perception
22. Self confidence
23. Decision making
24. Aggression
25. Depression
26. Conflict
27. Frustration
28. Stress
29. Relaxation
30. Meditation
31. Yoga
32. Thought stopping
33. Proximity
34. Similarity
35. Drug addiction
36. Suicidal tendency
37. Competition

Sociology :
Section – A :
Note :
i. Answer any four questions. 4×15=60marks
ii. Each answer should not exceed three pages.
iii. Each question carries fifteen marks.

1. Define caste and explain its characteristics.
2. Examine the nature of diversities in India.
3. What are the problems faced by the scheduled castes?
4. Define Social Disorganization and mention its causes.
5. Write about Woman Empowerment.
6. Define Social Legislation and explain any two social legislations.
7. Define Community Development and explain its basic elements.
8. Discuss about Fundamental Rights.

Section – B :
Note :
i. Answer any three questions. 3×10=30marks
ii. Each answer should not exceed two pages.
iii. Each question carries ten marks.

9. Explain the importance of Purusharthas.
10. Describe the nature of Social Problems.
11. Write about “Globalization”.
12. Explain the causes of HIV-AIDS.
13. Write a note on Social Organization.
14. What are Primary Duties?

Section – C :
Note :
i. Write short notes on any two 2×5=10marks
ii. Each answer should not exceed one page.
iii. Each question carries five marks.

15. Rural-Urban Divide
16. Juvenile Delinquency
17. Minorities
18. Privatization.

History – Paper II :
Section – A :
I. Answer any 3 of the following 3 x 10=30
1. What was the achievement of Fredevick II of Preesia?
2. What are the causes and results which led to out break of the American war of Independence?
3. What are the causes of the French Revolution?
4. Why was the great was of 1914-1918 called First World War?
5. Explain the causes of the Second World War

Section – B :
II. Answer any eight of the following: 8x 5=40
6. Trace the factors responsible for geographical discoveries
7. What is ‘Renaissance’? What are the cause Renaissance.
8. Explain how Petes Westernized Russia.
9. What do you mean by the Industrial Revolution?

Trace any 3 reason why it originated in England :
10. Give an account of the past played by basic dalti in the unification of Italy.
11. Describe the policy of Blood & Iron.
12. Trace the cause of Bolshevik Revolution in Russian.
13. Review the career and reforms of Kenal Pasha.
14. Discuss the causes and effects of the opinion
15. Give an account of the career and achievement of Mussolini.
16. Write about the development of science & Technology in modern world.
17. In the map provided to you mark the following places. Thirteen colonies in America
1. Georgia 2. Virginia 3. Mary land 4. Nao Hampshire 5. New York
Identify the following places in Italy’s Unification:
1. Sicily 2. Naples 3. Sardinia 4. Corsica 5. Rome

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