bie.telangana.gov.in Intermediate I Year Model Question Paper Geology & Sociology : State Board Of Education

Organisation : Telangana State Board Of Intermediate Education
Exam : Intermediate I Year
Paper: Geology & Sociology
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Location : Telangana

Website : http://bie.telangana.gov.in/Firstyrmodelpaper.aspx

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Sociology : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8953-sociology.pdf
Geology : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8953-geology.pdf
Geography : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8953-geography.pdf

Intermediate I Year Model Question Paper Geology & Sociology :

Sociology :
Section – A :
Note :
i. Answer any four questions. 4×15=60marks
ii. Each answer should not exceed three pages.
iii. Each question carries fifteen marks.

Related : Telangana State Board of Education Intermediate I Year Civics & History Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/8950.html

1. Explain the nature and scope of Sociology.
2. Write the relationship of Sociology with any two Social Sciences.
3. Define Human Society and mention its characteristics.
4. Define Socialization and explain Cooley’s theory of Socialization.
5. Explain the types and characteristics of family.
6. Define caste and distinguish between caste and class.
7. Mention the characteristics of urban community.
8. Define social change and explain the roles of technological factors in social change.

Section – B :
Note :
i. Answer any three questions. 3×10=30marks
ii. Each answer should not exceed two pages.
iii. Each question carries ten marks.

9. Describe human evolution.
10. Classification of social groups.
11. Write an essay on status.
12. Write about the agencies of social control.
13. Explain Religious institution.
14. Describe various types of marriages.

Section – C :
Note :
i. Write short notes on any two 2×5=10marks
ii. Each answer should not exceed one pages.
iii. Each question carries five marks.

15. Uses of Sociology.
16. Conflict.
17. Personality.
18. Rural community.

Geology :
Section – A : (4×15=60 marks)
I. What is structure? Describe various structures of sedimentary rocks.
Define igneous rock. Write its classification.
Describe the classification of metamorphic rocks.

II. Write an essay on copper deposits of India.
Describe the magnetic concentration of mineral deposition.
Describe the origin, occurrence, distribution and uses of Iron ore deposits.

III. Write an essay on physiographic divisions of India.
Give the lithology and succession of Vindhyan system. Add a note on its economic importance.
Describe the classification, age and economic importance of Deccan Traps.
IV. What are fossils? Mention the different modes of preservation. Add a note on the uses of fossils.
Describe in detail the classification and morphological characters of Brachiopoda.
Write an essay on ‘Trilobites’

Section – B :
V. Write short notes on any two of the following: (2×7 1/2 =15)
a. Granite
b. Marble
c. Asbestos
d. Coal

VI. Write short notes on any two of the following: (2×7 1/2 =15)
a. Glossopteris
b. Nallamalai series
c. Geological time scale
d. Fossils of Shiwalik

Section – C :
VII. Answer all the following questions. Choose the correct answer and write in answer book. (10×1=10 marks)
1. Bauxite is an ore mineral of ___________
a. Aluminium
b. Gold
c. Manganese

2. Chemical composition of chalcopyrite is__________
a. Fe2O3
b. MnO2
c. CuFeS2

3. Limestone is a _____________rock.
a. Metamorphic
b. Sedimentary
c. Igneous

4. Khondalite is ___________rock.
a. Metamorphic
b. Igneous
c. Sedimentary

5. Spirifer belongs to ____________
a. Cephalopoda
b. Brachiopoda
c. Gastropoda.

6. The type area for cretaceous rock is ___________
a. Cuddapah
b. Tiruchirapalli
c. Kutch

7. Dolomite is a ___________rock.
a. Igneous
b. Metamorphic
c. Sedimentary

8. Columnar joints are common in __________________
a. Granite
b. Sandstone
c. Basalt

9. Quartzite consists of mainly ___________mineral.
a. Quartz
b. Calcite.
c. Garnet

10. Chemical composition of Diamond is _____________
a. CaCO3
b. PbS
c. C

Time: 3 Hours
i. Answer any Five of the following questions, selecting at least one question from each section.
ii. All questions carry equal marks.
iii. Illustrate your answers with suitable sketches, wherever necessary.

Section – A : (General Geography and Fundamentals of Physical Geography)
1. Explain about the branches of Geography.
2. What are Earth’s rotation and revelation? Explain about their effects.
3. Write a geographical note on the structure of the interior of the Earth.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a. Definition of Geography
b. Standard time
c. Galaxy
d. Igneous Rocks
e. Latitudes
f. Salient features of metamorphic rocks

Section – B : (Geomorphology, Climatology and Bio- Geography)
5. What are the major landforms? Explain about any one of them.
6. Describe planetary winds with the help of a neat diagram.
7. Explain the landforms formed by Aeolian erosion.
8. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a. Rock weathering
b. Beaches
c. Ox-bow Lakes
d. Stratosphere
e. Doldrums
f. Convectional rainfall

Section – C : (Oceanography, Hydrology and Natural Hazards)
9. Define tides. Explain ocean tides with the help of a neat diagram.
10. Define hydrological cycle and explain the elements that effect Hydrological cycle.
11. What is meant by Drought? Mention the causes and consequences of Drought.

12. Write short notes on any three of the following :
a. Flood protection measures
b. Kuroshio Current
c. Terrageneous Deposits
d. Tsunami
e. Distribution of Volcanoes
f. Effects of Landslides

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