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Organisation : Department Of State Educational Research And Training
Exam : State Level NTSE Examination
Paper: Paper – I
Document Type : Model/Sample Question Paper
Year : 2013

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DSERT NTSE Examination Model Question Paper

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Related / Similar Question Paper :
DSERT Language Comprehensive Test Model Question Paper

Instructions to Candidates

1. The Question Booklet containing 50 questions and the OMR answer sheet is given to you.
2. All questions are compulsory, each question carry one mark.
3. During the examination,

• Read the questions carefully.
• Completely darken/shade the relevant oval against Question No. in the OMR answer sheet, using blue/black ball point pen. Do not try to alter the entry and not do any stray marks on OMR Sheet.

4. If more than one oval is darkened for a given question, such answer is treated as wrong and no marks will be given.
5. The candidate and Room Supervisor should sign in the OMR sheet.
6. Candidate should return the OMR answer sheet only to the room supervisor before leaving the examination hall.
7. The calculator, mobiles and any other electronic equipments are not allowed inside the examination hall.
8. English version of the question paper will be considered as final, in case of any dispute arising out of variation in translation version.
9. In case of any dispute the opinion of the experts appointed by DSERT will be final.

Sample Questions

1. General Mental Ability Test :
1. 2, 2, 5, 7, 11, 22, ? , ?
1) 23, 35
2) 23, 67
3) 43, 77
4) 63, 85

2. D G K P G J N S __ M __ V __ P T __
1) N Q U X
2) K N R W
3) J Q M Y
4) L O R U

Directions :
In the given questions there are four groups of numbers / pairs of numbers / groups of letters / figures. Among them three are alike and one is different. Find the one which is different.
3. 1) 5 8 8
2) 6 7 5
3) 7 3 5
4) 7 6 8

4.1) 211, 41
2) 338, 54
3) 507, 69
4) 734, 76

Directions : Identify the number of specified geometric shapes in the given diagrams and mark the correct answer.
5. How many squares are there in the given figure ?
1) 13
2) 12
3) 11
4) 10

6. How many triangles are there in the given figure ?
1) 8
2) 10
3) 12
4) 14

7. How many Trapeziums are there in the given figure ?
1) 7
2) 9
3) 10
4) 12

8. If M A T H S is coded as G G N N M, then B O T A N Y can be written as
1) V U N G H E
2) H U N G V E
3) V N U G G H
4) H H U V V G

9. P, R, Q and S are standing in the corners of a square shaped park with length L shown in the figure. P and Q walk 2 1L mts. in clockwise direction, while R walks 2 L mts. in anti clockwise direction. S remains in the same corner.
10. Now, in which direction P is standing with respect to R, Q and S ?
1) To the north of R and S
2) To the north – west of R and S
3) To the south of R and Q
4) To the south – east of Q and S

10.If the length of the park L = 250 mts. find the total distance covered together by P, R,Q and S.
1) 250 mts.
2) 375 mts.
3) 500 mts.
4) 750 mts.

11. Directions : Choose and substitute the correct set of signs in place of (*) sequentially, selecting from the given alternatives to make the equations meaningful.
45 * 15 * 5 * 35 * 25 * 25
1) –, ÷ , ×, = , +
2) =, ÷ , +, –, ×
3) ÷ , ×, +, –, =
4) ÷ , +, ×, –, =

12. When interchange of ÷ and –; 4 and 2 are made, find which of the following equations would be correct
1) (16 – 2) × 3 = 11
2) (32 – 2) ÷ 4 = 6
3) (10 ÷ 4) + 5 = 12
4) (30 ÷ 4) – 2 = 9

13. A newspaper has 8 sheets consisting in 32 pages in total and 4 pages in each sheets with all the pages printed. If page number 25is not present in that newspaper, find the set of missing pages fromthe choices given below.
1) 7, 8, 25, 26
2) 3, 4, 25, 22
3) 9, 10, 25, 24
4) 12, 13, 25, 22

Directions : Find the missing number in the given matrices.
14. 7 9 6
3 8 ?
8 3 5
168 216 900
1) 10
2) 15
3) 30
4) 45

15. 163 16 115
215 19 158
276 23 ?
1) 207
2) 216
3) 237
4) 246

Directions : Complete the given analogy by selecting the correct answers from the alternatives.
16. 16 : 105 :: 14 : ?
1) 91
2) 85
3) 77
4) 69

17. 343 : 441 ::? : 225
1) 64
2) 125
3) 216
4) 512

18. In a degree examination 75 students have appeared from a college for subjectsphysics, chemistry and mathematics. Among them,
1) 12 students have passed in all subjects.
2) 21 in physics only, 15 in chemistry only, 9 in mathematics only have passed.
3) Equal number of students have passed in any of the two subjects only.

19. Find the total number of students who have passed in mathematics.
1) 12
2) 15
3) 21
4) 33

20. What is the difference in the number of students who have passed in physics and chemistry ?
1) 8
2) 7
3) 6
4) 5

1 Comment
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  1. How many trapeziums are there in the following figure?


    along with diagonals

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