TNTEU B.Ed. Degree Examination Sample Question Paper : Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University

Organisation : Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University
Exam : B.Ed. Degree Examination
Paper: Education In Emerging Indian Society
Document Type : Sample Question Paper

Website : http://www.tnteu.in/
Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8755-B.EdQustion.pdf

TNTEU B.Ed. Degree Sample Question Paper

Core Paper – I –
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks.


(a) Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III.
(b) Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half – a – page, one page and three pages respectively.
(c) Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks.

Education In Emerging Indian Society

PART – I (10X2=20 MARKS)
Very short answer questions :
1. State any four features of traditional Indian Society.
2. Define the concept of privatization.
3. What is consumerism?
4. Write a short note on Article – 45 of Indian Constitution.
5. Write a brief note on minimum levels of education.
6. Give expansion : MHRD, CBSC.
7. List any four functions of DTERT.
8. Suggest any four Solutions to abolish child labour.
9. What is underemployment?
10. What is non – violence?
11. Mention any four traditional Indian values.
12. State any four causes for poverty in India.

PART – II : (2X15=30 MARKS)
Essay questions :
21.(a). Describe the vision for the Indian education in the 21st century.
(b) Briefly explain the implications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the educational systems.
22.(a) Summarise the salient features of NPEC (1986)
(b) What is terrorism? Examine the role of educationa to combat against terroism?

Psychology of Teaching & Learning

Core Paper – II –  :
PART – I (10X2=20 MARKS)
Very short answer questions
1. Define Emotional Intelligence.
2. What is developmental task?
3. Illustrate sublimation.
4. What is reinforcement?
5. Explain ‘Law of readiness.’
6. Distinguish between perception and illusion.
7. Give any four principles of growth and development.
8. What is group behaviour?
9. List the characteristics of creative people?
10. Define classroom climate.
11. Distinguish between mental health and mental hygiene.
12. Give the causes of maladjustmets.

PART – II : (2X15=30 MARKS)
Essay questions :
21.(a) Describe the factors relating to attention.
(b)How will you assess personality?
22. (a) Explain in detail Pavlovian conditioning.
(b)Describe the importance of educational psychology for the teacher.

Educational Innovations &Technology

TIME : Three Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks.
Note :
(a) Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III.
(b) Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half – a – page, one page and three pages respectively.
(c) Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks.

PART – I : (10X2=20 MARKS)
Very short answer questions
1. Define educational innovation.
2. What is school complex?
3. What are the social aims of education?
4. What is basic education?
5. Mention the contributions of Swami Vivekananda to Indian Education.
6. Write the views of Rousseau on Negative Education.
7. What is democratic leadership style?
8. Write a short note on floating university?
9. What is team teaching?
10. What are neighbourhood schools?
11. Explain the concept of open learning?
12. What are the steps involved in discovery learning?

PART – II : (5X5=25 MARKS)
Short answer questions.
13. What are the principles involved in educational innovations.?
14. Describe any one self learning technique.
15. What are the special features of Montessori apparatus?
16. Describe the use of mass media for educational purposes.
17. Discuss the innovative educational system of Gandhi.
18. State the role of teacher in the use of instructional media.
19. Explain Krishnamoorthy’s views on freedom in learning situations.
20. What is Dalton Plan? Write the salient features of Dalton Plan?

PART – III : (2X15=30 MARKS)
Essay questions.
21.(a) Enumerate self paced learning instructional system and its advantages?
(b) Discuss Dewey’s project method of instruction.
22. (a)Describe the impact of technology on educational innovations.
(b)Mention the need for distance education in India. How can it be carried our effectively?

Categories: Board Exams
Tags: tnteu.in

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