DGE Tamilnadu Class XII Nursing Sample Question Paper : Directorate of Government Examination

Name of the Board : Tamilnadu Directorate of Government Examination
Name of the Exam : HSC – XII STD
Subject : Nursing
Document Type : Sample Question Paper

Website : http://dge.tn.gov.in/
Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/859912Nursing.pdf

DGE TN Class XII Nursing Sample Question Paper

Time : 3 hrs
Marks : 150

Related : Directorate of Government Examination DGE Tamilnadu Class XII Home Science Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/8596.html


Section A – Answer all questions
Section B – Answer any 15 questions
Section C – Questions 71 is compulsory and answer any five from the remaining questions
Section D – Answer any four questions in 200 words

Model Questions

Section – A :
Answer all questions
I. Choose the Following 10 x 1 = 10
1. Disease caused by viruses are
a) Diphtheria
b) Tetanus
c) Pertussis
d) Measles

2. Mumps is a virus infection. It affects the
a) Parotid gland
b) Pituitary gland
c) Thyroid gland
d) Adrenal gland

3. Cholera is an acute communicable disease caused by
a) Bacilli
b) Virus
c) Mycobacterium
d) Vibriyo

4. Infection of hepatitis affects the
a) Spleen
b) Stomach
c) Liver
d) Intestine

5. Calories are the unit to measure
a) Growth
b) Heat
c) Energy
d) Development

6. Vitamin B12 is also needed for producing
a) White blood cells
b) Red blood cells
c) Plasma
d) None of these

7. Capsules are made up of
a) Tablets
b) Gelatin
c) Liquid
d) Powder

8. Fracture in which one side of a bone is broken, and the other side is bent is called
a) Compound fracture
b) Simple fracture
c) Greenstick fracture
d) Depressed fracture

9. Unconscious is a condition in which there is depression of cerebral function called
a) stupor of coma
b) convulsions
c) concussion
d) intracranial hemorrhage

10. This method is suitable for enamel, metal glass
a) boiling
b) filtering
c) chemicals
d) dry heat

II. State whether the following statements are True or False : 10 x 1 = 10
11. Water borne, food borne diseases are measles and common cold.
12. Sign and symptom of typhoid fever is high fever more than a weak.
13. Protein deficiency is called marasmus.
14. Sources of carbohydrates are Rice, wheat, cereals and root vegetables.
15. Bacteria causing diseases are cholera, Typhoid, Dysentery.
16. ‘Vibrio’ BACILLI cause Typhoid fever.
17. INFLAMMATION of the tongue is called stomatitis.
18. Glossitis means inflammation of the mouth.
19. Kwashiorker is due to deficiency of carbohydrates.
20. Disinfection is the process of killing the pathogenic micro-organisms.

III. Fill in the blanks : 20 x 1 = 20
21. Till 1950 _____________ was considered to be a major health problem in India.
22. _____________ by 1990 was part of a global effort, coordinated by the world health organization.
23. In every school a fully equipped _____________ box should be available at hand.
24. _____________ is the back bone of public health Nursing.
25. National AIDS control programme was launched is INDIA in theyear _____________
26. In English “The Word” midwife means _____________ (the person with the women who is in labour)
27. _____________ is a passage of menstrual flow and is the exit of the foetus during delivery.
28. The ovaries produce ovum and the female hormones _____________
29. _____________ produces a thin lubricating fluid which enters the urethra through ducts.
30. _____________ is primarily responsible for stimulating the ovaries to secrete corpusleuteum.
31. _____________ is primarily responsible for stimulating the corpusleuteum for production of progesterone.
32. _____________ is the end of a woman reproductive.
33. In _____________ the foetus floats.
34. _____________ is important for the promotion of adequate foetal growth.
35. _____________ is the removal of urine by means of catheter.
36. _____________ Operation involves a large surface area of the body.
37. _____________ Organisms are those which produce disease.
38. _____________ are plant like organisms.
39. _____________ are animal type of organisms.
40. _____________ are smaller than bacteria.

IV. Match the following : 10 x 1 = 10
41. Protozoa – Plant type of organisms
42. Fungi – Rod shaped organisms
43. Bacilli – Triple antigen
44. B.C.G. – Cholera
45. D.P.T. – Animal type of organisms
46. Epidemic – Vaccine against tuberculosis
47. Mosquito – The germs live in a soil and cowdung
48. Air borne disease – Malaria
49. Tetanus – Water borne disease
50. Typhoid – Common cold, measles

PART – B :
V. Answer the fifteen questions in two lines each : 15 x 2 = 30
51. What are the reasons for majority of death and illness?
52. What is infection?
53. What are all the diseases spread by droplet infection?
54. Write two signs and symptoms of upper respiratory infections?
55. What is the complication of mumps?
56. What is poliyomylitis?
57. What is Asepsis?
58. What are the nutrients materials present in food?
59. What are the staple food?
60. What are the sources of proteins?
61. What is the benefits of vitamin A?
62. What are the sources and deficiency of Iron?
63. What do you mean by dietary food?
64. Define medication.
65. What is Analgesic?
66. What is Antidotes?
67. What are the reasons for Paratiditis?
68. What is gastritis?
69. What is appendicitis?
70. What is constipation?

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