SCERT Kerala Class XII Geology Sample Question Paper 2015

Organisation : State Council of Educational Research & Training
Exam : Higher Secondary Education Exam
Subject : Geology
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Year : 2015
Class : XII STD

Website : http://www.scert.kerala.gov.in
Download Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8485geologyXII.pdf

Geology Class XII Sample Question Paper :

Maximum : 60 Scores
Time: 2h
Cool off time : 15 Minutes

Related : SCERT Kerala Class XII Communicative English Sample Question Paper 2015 : www.pdfquestion.in/8482.html

General Instructions to candidates :
** There is a ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 h.
** You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.
** Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.
** Read the questions carefully before answering
** All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
** When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
** Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
** Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
** Give equations wherever necessary
** Electronics devices except nonprogrammable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

1. a) Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource?
i). Coal
ii). Groundwater
iii). Wind energy
iv). Solar energy

b) What are the different grades of coal? Which of these grades contain the least and highest amount of carbon?
c) What are the major concerns about the consumption of fossil fuels? Mention any two solutions to overcome the situation.

2. An ore can be considered as a type of rock that contains metallic elements that can be economically extracted from the rock.
a). What is the name given to the worthless non-metallic minerals found associated with ores?
b). Distinguish between syngenetic and epigenetic mineral deposits.

3. A. What is the difference between the size of grains in intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks? Why crystals of pegmatite are so large?
B. What does the texture of an igneous rock tell us about its cooling history?

4. A. All major cities of India are situated in flood prone areas. Suggest any two remedial measures to tackle the situation of flood hazards.
B. If you live near an active volcano, what precautions do you take to save your life and property?

5. a) Faults are fractures in rocks along which movement has occurred. In what respect the motion of hanging wall in a normal fault and reverse fault differs from each other? (2)
b) Which type of fault is bounded on either side of a horst or graben? Illustrate with the help of a diagram.

6. a) Faults are fractures in rocks along which
movement has occurred. In what respect the motion of hanging wall in a normal fault and  reverse fault differs from each
other? (2)
b) Which type of fault is bounded on either
side of a horst or graben

7. Explain any three types of folds with the help of suitable diagrams. (3)
8. Differentiate between a hazard and a disaster with examples. (2)
9. a). The principle of —————- can be said as ‘the present is key to the past’
ii) Superposition
iii) Original horizontality
iv) Faunal succession (1)
b). How does the principle of faunal succession allow us to determine the relative age of geologic events? (2)
10. A. Suppose, a mechanized charnockite quarry starts functioning nearby your village. Evaluate the possible impacts of the quarrying activity on the environment.

B. In what ways are sand mining harmful to the environment? What steps could be taken to reduce the problems? (3)
11. Match the column A with B and C. The table shows the interrelationship between plate boundaries and zone of earthquakes. (3)

12. a). An earthquake magnitude of 6.5 has –
———– energy than a quake of
magnitude 5.5
i) about 10 times
ii) twice as much
iii) 31 times more
iv) more than three times (1)
b). How is the intensity of an earthquake determined? (2)
c). Outline the factors that cause the intensity and impact of an earthquake to vary from place to place. (2)

13. Resources like petroleum, iron ore etc. cannot be produced as fast as they are
consumed. Do you think that there is a
need for conservation of such nonrenewable
resources? Suggest any two
measures with examples to conserve
mineral resources. (2)

12. a). An earthquake magnitude of 6.5 has – ———– energy than a quake of magnitude 5.5
i) about 10 times
ii) twice as much
iii) 31 times more
iv) more than three times (1)
b). How is the intensity of an earthquake determined? (2)
c). Outline the factors that cause the intensity and impact of an earthquake to vary from place to place. (2)13. Resources like petroleum, iron ore etc.
cannot be produced as fast as they are consumed. Do you think that there is a need for conservation of such nonrenewable resources? Suggest any two
measures with examples to conserve mineral resources. (2)

12. a). An earthquake magnitude of 6.5 has –
———– energy than a quake of
magnitude 5.5
i) about 10 times
ii) twice as much
iii) 31 times more
iv) more than three times (1)
b). How is the intensity of an earthquake determined? (2)
c). Outline the factors that cause the intensity and impact of an earthquake to vary from place to place. (2)

13. Resources like petroleum, iron ore etc. cannot be produced as fast as they are
consumed. Do you think that there is a
need for conservation of such nonrenewable
resources? Suggest any two
measures with examples to conserve
mineral resources. (2)

12. a). An earthquake magnitude of 6.5 has – ———– energy than a quake of magnitude 5.5
i) about 10 times
ii) twice as much
iii) 31 times more
iv) more than three times (1)
b). How is the intensity of an earthquake determined? (2)
c). Outline the factors that cause the intensity and impact of an earthquake to vary from place to place

(2)13. Resources like petroleum, iron ore etc.
cannot be produced as fast as they are consumed. Do you think that there is a need for conservation of such nonrenewable resources? Suggest any two
measures with examples to conserve mineral resources. (2)

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