SCERT Kerala Class XII Home Science Sample Question Paper 2015

Organisation : State Council of Educational Research & Training
Exam : Higher Secondary Education Exam
Subject : Home Science
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Year : 2015
Class : XII STD

Website : http://www.scert.kerala.gov.in
Download Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8472homesciencxii.pdf

Home Science Class XII Sample Question Paper :

Maximum : 60 Scores
Time: 2 hrs
Cool off time : 15 Minutes

Related : SCERT Kerala Class XII Social Work Sample Question Paper 2015 : www.pdfquestion.in/8465.html

General Instructions to candidates:
** There is ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 hrs.
** You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.
** Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plant your answers.
** Read the questions carefully before answering
** All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
** When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
** Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
** Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
** Give equations wherever necessary
** Electronics devices except nonprogrammable calculations are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

1. Name the micro organism found in damaged bread. (1)
2. A resist dyeing process in which designs are made with wax on a fabric are called……… (1)
3. Describe the importance of meal planning. (2)
4. What do you mean by mineral fibres. Give one example. (2)
5. Differentiate between osteoporosis and osteomalacia. (2)
6. Select the odd one. Give reason. (2)6. Differentiate between osteoporosis and osteomalacia. (2)
7. Select the odd one. Give reason. (2)
8. Zinc is very essential during pregnancy. Justify. (2)
9. List the merits of germination of pulses (2)
10. Examine the aspects of yarn twist. (3)
11. Describe the extension teaching methods. (3)
12. Illustrate the harmful effects of junk foods with examples. (3)
13. (a) Identify the fabric in which weighing is applied. (1)
(b) Give the advantages of giving weighing to such fabrics. (2)
14. (a) Different stages of dyeing are illustrated below. Identify the missing one. (1)
(b) Write a brief note about the identified one. (2)

15. Communication is essential for the growth and development of the individual. Support the statement with valid arguments. (3)

16. (a) Choose the correct bactericidal method of food preservation from the alternatives given below.
(a) Cellar storage (b) freeze drying
(c) Refrigeration (d) Canning (1)
(b) State the merits of the above method. (3)
17. (a) Classify types of diarrhoea (2)
(b) Evaluate the energy and protein requirements of a diarrhoea patient (2)
18. (a) Observe the pictures given below and identify the weave. (3)
(b) Analyse the characteristics of the above weaves. (3)
19. (a) Compare the symptoms of kwashiorkor and marasmus. OR
(b) Classify proteins based on the proportion of amino acid content with examples. (6)
20. (a) Critically evaluate the effect of sunlight on the following textile fibres.
(a) Cotton (b) linen (c) wool (d) Nylon (e) polyester (f) Acrylic
(b) Create a table containing details of microscopic structure and odour while burning about the textile fibres cotton, silk, nylon, polyster, cellulose, acetate (6)

Structure of the question paper :
The question paper should reflect the following features in general :
** general instructions for the question paper should be given on the top.
** instructions for specific questions can be given before the question text.
** monotony of set patterns (objective or descriptive) should be avoided.
** questions should be prepared in bilingual form.
** there should not be any mismatch between the bilingual versions of the questions.
** choice can be given for questions up to 20% of the total score.
** while giving choice, alternative questions should be from the same unit with the same level of thinking skills.
** in the case of languages, language of the questions and answers should be in the particular language concerned. Necessary directions in this regard must be given in the question paper.
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