TERI Olympiad Sample Questions Paper 1 : The Energy and Resources Institute

Name of the Organisation : TERI The Energy and Resources Institute
Name of the Paper : Olympiad Sample Questions Paper

Website : http://www.teriin.org/
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Olympiad Sample Questions Paper :

1. Which is the world’s largest mammal?
a. Blue whale
b. Elephant

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c. White shark
d. Killer Whale

2.Every part of the Neem tree has medicinal values. Which part is used to clean our teeth?
a. Leaves
b. Roots
c. Branches
d. Flowers

3. Which disease (illness) will you get if you eat food that is not cooked and served in clean conditions?
a. Diarrhoea
b. Malaria
c. Viral fever
d. Red swollen eyes

4. Birds fly from one part of the world to another in search of food and habitat. What do we call this?
a. Evacuation
b. Migration
c. Immigration
d. Export

5. Which of these is the largest form of water body on earth?
a. Pond
b. Lake
c. Wetland
d. Ocean

6. Who said these famous words “The Earth has enough for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed”?
a. Rabindranath Tagore
b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. Mahatma Gandhi
d. Indira Gandhi

7. The process by which plants give off water vapour to the atmosphere is known as_________
a. Evaporation
b. Transpiration
c. Condensation
d. Precipitation

8. How can you save electricity in your classroom?
a. Leaving the fans and lights on when you leave the classroom
b. Switching off all lights and fans when not in the class
c. Leaving the fans on to keep the room cool
d. Leaving the lights on

9. This is a layer of rock, gravel or sand under the ground, that holds water like a big underground sponge. What is this called?
a. Aquifer
b. Estuary
c. Bore-well
d. Tube-well

10. There are seven continents that make our world. Name the largest continent
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Europe
d. North America

11. Where is the safest place to be during an earthquake if you are indoors?
a) Corner of a wall
b) Outdoors
c) On the chair
d) On top of the terrace

12. Which of these is not an insect?
a. Spider
b. Fly
c. Cockroach
d. Ant

13. Which of the following bags would you ask your mother to carry when she goes shopping?
a. Plastic
b. Paper
c. Cloth
d. None of the above

14. Carrot contains Vitamin A which is good for eye sight. What is a carrot?
a. Root
b. Fruit
c. Flower
d. Seed

15. I am not a bird, but I can fly. Who am I?
a. Penguin
b. Eagle
c. Bat
d. Hawk

16. Sometimes rain contains chemical waste which causes damage to plants and animals. What is this rain known as?
a. Smog
b. Acid rain
c. Monsoon rain
d. Seasonal rain

17. What is the name for energy that does not run out or get finished?
a. Fossil Energy
b. Commercial Energy
c. Renewable Energy
d. New Energy

18. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other animal characters were created by this man who through his cartoons brought in a feeling of love and attachment towards animals. Name him.
a. K Shankar Pillai
b. Jim Davis
c. Walt Disney
d. R K Laxman

19. Condensation is _____________
a. Loss of water from parts of plants
b. Change of water vapour into liquid water
c. Change of liquid water into water vapour
d. Loss of water from holes on the earth’s surface

20. The disease Dengue is caused by mosquitos breeding in __________
e. Standing water
f. Moving water
g. Freezing water
h. Warm water

21. Materials and substances that occur in nature and can be used are called natural resources. Which of the following is not a natural resource –
a. Wood
b. Leaves
c. Plastic
d. Natural gas

22. What is the only bird that can fly backwards?
a. Humming bird
b. Cuckoo
c. Sparrow
d. Pigeon

23. What does this universal symbol stand for
a. Composting
b. Danger
c. Recycling
d. Wind Energy

24. This substance is present in leaves and is responsible for their green color. It helps produce food with the help of air, water, and sunlight. Identify this substance
e. Chlorophyll
f. Hemoglobin
g. Carotene
h. Stomata

25. There are five oceans on Earth. Name the largest ocean.
a. Pacific Ocean
b. Atlantic Ocean
c. Indian Ocean
d. Arctic Ocean

Categories: Talent Exam
Tags: teriin.org

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  • Thanks for giving this Olympiad, my daughter is so happy after doing this Olympiad, now she loves science. Thanks allot.

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