CISCE History Specimen Question Papers 2016 : Council For Indian School Certificate Examinations

Name of The Board : Council For Indian School Certificate Examinations
Name of Subject : History Specimen-Question-Papers 2016
Class : XII STD
Year : 2016

Website : http://www.cisce.org/
Download Sample Question Paper: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/8135History.pdf

History Specimen Question Papers

Time : Three hours
Instructions :
** Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper.
** They must NOT start writing during this time)

Related : ISC Art-V Crafts A Question Paper Council For Indian School Certificate Examinations : www.pdfquestion.in/5948.html

** Answer Question 1 (Compulsory) from Part I and five questions from Part II,
** choosing two questions from Section A, two questions from Section B and one question from either Section A or Section B.
** The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

Part I

(20 Marks)
Answer all questions : Question 1 [20 x 1]
(i) When was the Quit India Resolution passed?
(ii) Name the Maharaja of Kashmir who signed the Instrument of Accession with India.
(iii) With struggle for which linguistic state would you associate Potti Sriramulu?
(iv) When and under whose leadership was the JP Movement started?
(v) Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India?
(vi) State any one reason why Indira Gandhi imposed the emergency in 1975.
(vii) Who became the first ever Non-Congress Prime Minister in 1977?
(viii) Name the signatories of the Assam Accord of August 1988.
(ix) Where in India has Dalai Lama been given asylum?
(x) State any one cause for the India-Pakistan war of 1971.
(xi) Mention any one feature of the Sykes- Picot Agreement.
(xii) Give one reason why Britain and France followed a policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany.
(xiii) State any one reason for the defeat of the Axis Powers in the Second World War.

(xiv) What was the Marshall Plan?
(xv) State any one reason for the formation of NATO.
(xvi) What do you understand by Zionism?
(xvii) Name the Israeli and the Egyptian leaders who signed the Camp David Accords of 1979.
(xviii) Under which US president was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 introduced?
(xix) When and by which American leader was the campaign for civil rights started?
(xx) Name the two radical economic policies launched by Gorbachev that led to the decline of the USSR.

Part II

(60 Marks)
Answer five questions in all, choosing two questions from Section A, two questions from Section B and one question from either Section A or Section B.
Section A :
Question 2 :
(a) What were the proposals of the Cripps Mission? State two reasons why the proposals were rejected by almost all the Indian political parties. [6]
(b) Discuss the contribution of the INA to India’s struggle for freedom under the leadership of Subhash Chandra Bose. [6]

Question 3 :
(a) What role did the students play in the Naxal Movement? [6]
(b) Outline the main causes of the rise of the Naxal Movement in the late 1960s. [6]

Question 4 :
(a) What was the Syndicate? Discuss its role in the Congress. [6]
(b) How did Indira Gandhi overcome the opposition from the Syndicate? [6]

Question 5 :
(a) What were the reasons for the formation of NAM? [6]
(b) Evaluate the role of NAM during the era of the Cold War. [6]

Question 6 :
Discuss two main features of the Towards Equality Report (1974) which reflected Women’s Movement in India in the 1970’s and 1980’s. [12]

Section B :
Question 7 :
(a) Discuss the main features of Nazi Germany’s Foreign Policy (1933-39). [6]
(b) Give the significance of the following battles:
(i) El Alamein
(ii) Midway Island [6]

Question 8 :
(a) Explain any three major causes which led to the Cold War. [6]
(b) How and why was Germany divided after the World War II? [6]

Question 9 :
(a) What is meant by the term ‘Apartheid’? How was it implemented in South Africa? [6]
(b) Trace the events leading to the end of ‘Apartheid’. [6]

Question 10 :
Outline the problems faced by Mao Zedong on coming to power in China in 1949. Critically explain the steps that Mao took to bring about agricultural and industrial changes in China.

Categories: History
Tags: cisce.org

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