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CSIR HRDG UGC NET Mathematical Science Sample Question Paper 2015

Name of The Board : Human Resource Development Group Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Name of the Paper : CSIR UGC National Eligibility Test
Name of Subject : Mathematical Science Sample Question Paper 2015
Year : Dec – 2015

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CSIR UGC Mathematical Science Sample Question Paper

Part ‘A’ :
1. “The clue is hidden in this statement”, read the note handed to Sherlock by Moriarty, who hid the stolen treasure in one of the ten pillars. Which pillar is it?
1. X 2. II 3. III 4. IX

Related : CSIR HRDG UGC NET Engineering Science Question Paper Model National Eligibility Test :

2. Suppose three meetings of a group of professors were arranged in Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai. Each professor of the group attended exactly two meetings. 21 professors attended Mumbai meeting, 27 attended Delhi meeting and 30 attended Chennai meeting. How many of them attended both the Chennai and Delhi meetings?

1. 18 2. 24 3. 26 4. Cannot be found from the above information

3. The probability that a ticketless traveler is caught during a trip is 0.1. If the traveler makes 4 trips , the probability that he/she will be caught during at least one of the trips is:

1. 1?(0.9)4 2. (1?0.9)4 3. 1?(1?0.9)4 4. (0.9)4

4. The minimum number of straight lines required to connect the nine points above without lifting the pen or retracing is

1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6

5. Let A, B be the ends of the longest diagonal of the unit cube. The length of the shortest path from A to B along the surface is

1. 2. 3. 4. 3

6. How many digits are there in 316 when it is expressed in the decimal form?

1. Three 2. Six 3. Seven 4. Eight

7. A circle drawn in the x-y coordinate plane passes through the origin and has chords of lengths 8 units and 7 units on the x and y axes, respectively. The coordinates of its centre are

1. (8, 7) 2. (?8, 7) 3. (?4, 3.5) 4. (4, 3.5)

8. There is an inner circle and an outer circle around a square. What is the ratio of the area of the outer circle to that of the inner circle?

1. 2 2.3 3.3.5 4. 5.5

9. The base diameter of a glass is 20% smaller than the diameter at the rim. The glass is filled to half the height. The ratio of empty to filled volume of the glass is

1.10-9/9-8 2. 10-8/9-8 3.10-9 4. 10-8

10. A wheel barrow with unit spacing between its wheels is pushed along a semi-circular path of mean radius 10. The difference between distances covered by the inner and outer wheels is

1. 0 2. 10 3. 22/7 4. 2*22/7

11. Write d =1 degree, r = 1 radian and g = 1 grad. Then which of the following is true?

(100 grad = a right angle)

1. cos d < cos r < cos g

2. cos r < cos g < cos d

3. cos r < cos d < cos g

4. cos g < cos d < cos r

12. A vendor sells articles having a cost price of Rs.100 each. He sells these articles at a premium price during first eight months, and at a sale price, which is half of the premium price, during next four months. He makes a net profit of 20% at the end of the year. Assuming that equal numbers of articles are sold each month, what is the premium price of the article?

1. 122 2. 144 3. 150 4. 160

13. The statement: “The father of my son is the only child of your parents”

1. can never be true

2. is true in only one type of relation

3. can be true for more than one type of relations

4. can be true only in a polygamous family

14. One is required to tile a plane with congruent regular polygons. With which of the following polygons is this possible?

1. 6-gon 2. 8-gon 3. 10-gon 4. 12-gon

15. Most Indian tropical fruit trees produce fruits in April-May. The best possible explanation for this is

1. optimum water availability for fruit production.

2. the heat allows quicker ripening of fruit.

3. animals have no other source of food in summer.

4. the impending monsoon provides optimum conditions for propagation.

1 Comment
  1. Suppose three meetings of a group of professors were arranged in Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai. Each professor of the group attended exactly two meetings. 21 professors attended Mumbai meeting, 27 attended Delhi meeting and 30 attended Chennai meeting. How many of them attended both the Chennai and Delhi meetings?
    1. 18 2. 24 3. 26 4. Cannot be found from the above information

    Tell me the answer please for the above question.

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