CBSE Academic Class XII Informatics Practices SET 2 Sample Question Paper 2015-16

Name of the Board : CBSE Academic
Class : XII STD
Subject : Informatics Practices
Year : 2015-16

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Informatics Practices SET 2 Sample Question Paper :

Time: 3Hrs.
MM: 70

Related : CBSE Academic Class XII Human Rights & Gender Studies Sample Question Paper 2015 :

1 (a) The ‘Chalchitra’ theatre has a computer network. The network is in one building.
(i) Name this type of network( out of LAN/MAN/WAN).
(ii) Name one communication channel that can be used for fast communication between workstations of the network.(2)
(b) Explain in brief any 2 security threats to Computer networks. (2)
(c) Write the advantages of using Unicode to represent text. (2)
(d) Write one example each of URL and IP address. (2)
(e) Identify the topology shown below. Write 2 advantages of this topology. (2)

2 (a) While working in Netbeans, Ms. Sonia has designed a login page where she wants to display “Welcome” or “Try again” message depending on the password entered by the user in text field named ‘jTexField1’. If password entered is “India”, ‘Welcome’ message should be displayed otherwise ‘Try again’ message should be displayed. Help her in choosing more appropriate statement out of ‘If statement’ and ‘Switch statement’. Give reason for your choice. (1)

(b) Write Java code to assign the value 10 to variable x and store its square value in another variabley. (1)

(c) Deepti works as a programmer in a travel company. She has developed the following code to display travel detail according to user’s choice. Help her in rewriting the same code using SWITCH CASE:
jTextField1.setText(“New Delhi to Goa”);
else if(choice==2)
jTextField1.setText(“New Delhi to Paris”);
else if(choice==3)
jTextField1.setText(“New Delhi to Bangkok”);
jTextField1.setText(“Pl. choose valid option”);

(d) Shambhavi has to design two web pages with following specifications
i. One web page should have an unordered list.
ii. Another web page should have background “Yellow” in colour.
Suggest her suitable tag(s) and attribute(s) for the above specifications. (2)

(e) Albert works as a website developer in Global Website Designers company. Currently he has created following tags in XML (2)
Are these tags part of HTML code or XML code?
Are these same same or different?

(f) How many times will the loop execute? (2)
int value1 =7,value2=19;

3 (a) Consider the table ‘empsalary’. 1
To select tuples with some salary ,Siddharth has written the following erroneous SQL statement:
SELECT ID, Salary FROM empsalary WHERE Salary = something;
Write the correct SQL statement.

(b) Consider the table ‘Employee’.
Write the SQL command to obtain the following output :

c) While creating the table Student last week, Ms. Sharma forgot to include the column Game_Played. Now write a command to insert the Game_Played column with VARCHAR data type and 30 size into the Student table? (1)

(d) In Marks column of ‘Student’ table, for Rollnumber 2, the Class Teacher entered the marks as 45. However there was a totaling error and the student has got her marks increased by 5. Which MySQL command should she use to change the marks in ‘Student’ table.

(e) Consider the table ‘Teacher’ given below.
TeacherId Department Periods
What will be the output of the following queries on the basis of the above table:
(i)Select count(Department) from Teacher;
(ii)Select count(*) from Teacher; (2

(f) Consider the Stu table
The following SQL queries are executed on the above table INSERT INTO Stu VALUES(5,’Gagan’); COMMIT; UPDATE Stu SET name=’Abhi’ WHERE Rollno = 4 SAVEPOINT A; INSERT INTO Stu VALUES(6,’Chris’); SAVEPOINT B; INSERT INTO Stu VALUES(7,’Babita’); SAVEPOINT C; ROLLBACK TO B; What will be the output of the following SQL query now: SELECT * FROM Stu; (2)

(g) An attribute A of datatype varchar(20) has the value “Amit” . The attribute B of datatype char(20) has value ”Karanita” .

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