DNA3B Computer Graphics & Multimedia BCA Question Bank : msuniv.ac.in

Name of the University : Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Department : Computer Applications — Main
Degree : B.C.A
Subject Code/Name : DNA3B/Computer Graphics & Multimedia
Year : III
Website : msuniv.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Nov 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7939nov2012DNA3B.pdf
Apr 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7939-apr2012ComputerGraphicsandMultimedia%20.pdf
Nov 2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7939-nov2014COMPUTERGRAPHICSAND.pdf
Apr 2015 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7939-apr2015COMPUTERGRAPHICSANDMULTIMEDIA.pdf
Nov 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7939-nov2013COMPUTERGRAPHICAND.pdf
Apr 2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7939-apr2014COMPUTERGRAPHICS.pdf

MS University Computer Applications Sample Questions

Sub. Code : DNA 3 B
Third Year – Non Semester
Computer Applications — Main :
Paper XI — Computer Graphics And Multimedia :
(For those who joined in July 2008 onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Related : Manonmaniam Sundaranar University BED02 Teaching Of English Education B.Ed Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/7923.html

November 2014

PART A : (5 * 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. How time is spent scanning across each row of pixels during screen refresh on a raster system with a resolution of 1280 by 1024 and the refresh rate of 60 frames per second.
2. Write the matrix representation of rotation and explain.
3. Explain parallel projection and depth cueing methods for three-dimensional display.

4. Prove that the multiplication of three-dimensional transformation matrices for the following sequence of operations is commutative Any two successive translation
5. Write notes on wire frame methods.
6. Write notes on properties of circle.
7. Explain scaling factors.
8. Illustrate how line clipping using non rectangular clip windows is performed.

PART B : (5 * 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Write the procedure of parallel version of Bresenham’s line algorithm for slopes in the range 1 0 m .
10. What is meant by composite translation. Illustrate with an example.
11. Derive the window-to-viewport transformation equations by first scaling the window to the size of the viewport and then translating the scaled window to the view-port position.

12. Explain the illustrate how an object can rotated about an axis that is
(a) parallel to one of the coordinate axis
(b) not parallel to the coordinate axis.
13. Explain area-subdivision method. Illustrate.

14. Write in detail about the hard copy devices used for printing images.
15. Explain the matrix representation of the basic transformation.
16. Implement Cohen-Sutherland in clipping algorithm.

November 2013

PART A : (5 * 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. Explain the function used to display character strings in PHIGS.
2. What is meant by uniform scaling?
3. Write notes on splitting concave polygons for clipping.
4. Obtain the transformation matrix for rotation about the X axis.
5. Write notes on back-face detection.
6. Explain raster-scan displays.
7. What is meant by translation distance and translation vector?
8. Explain window to viewport coordinate transformation.

PART B : (5 * 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Write and explain the DDA algorithm for line drawing.
10. How is translation represented using matrix representation? Illustrate with an example.
11. Implement the Liang-Barsky line clipping algorthim.
12. Write a procedure to implement general rotation transformations using the rotation matrix.

13. Write in detail about parallel projections. Illustrate.
14. Write in detail about the function of refresh Cathode-ray tubes.
15. Write in detail about the two-dimensional basic transformations.
16. Explain how Cohen-Sutherland line clipping is performed.

April 2014

Third Year – Non – Semester :
Computer Application — Main :
Paper XI – COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA : (For those who joined in 2008 onwards)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (5 ´ 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight.
1. Suppose an RGB raster system is to be designed using an 8 – inch by 10 – inch screen with a resolution of 100 pixels per inch in each direction. If we want to store 6 bits per pixel in the frame buffer, how much storage do we need for the frame buffer?
2. Write the matrix representation of scaling and explain.
3. Explain perspective projection and depth cueing methods for three – dimensional display.

4. Prove that the multiplication of three – dimensional transformation matrices for the following sequence of operations is commutative. Any two successive scaling operation.
5. Explain the functions related to visibility – detection.
6. Explain the function used to display character strings in PHIGS.
7. What is meant by uniform scaling?
8. Write notes on splitting concave polygons for clipping.

PART B : (5 ´ 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Write the procedure for parallel version of midpoint circle algorithm.
10. What is meant by composite rotations? Illustrate with an example.
11. Carefully discuss the rationale behind the various tests and methods for calculating the intersection parameters 1 u and 2 u in the Liang – Barsky line clipping algorithm.

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