DMT12 Tourism Products In India MA Question Bank :

Name of the University : Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Department : Tourism Management
Degree : M.A
Subject Code/Name : DMT12/Tourism Products In India
Year : I
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Document Type : Question Bank

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MS University Tourism Products In India Sample Questions

Sub. Code : DMT 12
First Year – Non-Semester

Related / Similar Question Paper : MS University MA Principles of Tourism Question Bank

Tourism Management (DD & CE) :
Tourism Products In India :
(For those who joined in July 2008-2009 onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 * 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. Define product.
2. “India is land for all seasons and all reasons”. Explain.
3. Give a short note on Jammu and Kashmir.
4. Give a short note on Mt. Abu.
5. Write any five Hindu Festivals.
6. Explain the importance of Chitra Festival.
7. Define culture and civilization.
8. Define adventure.

PART B : (5 * 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Explain any five cultural events of Tamilnadu.
10. List out the geographical attractions of Tamilnadu.
11. Examine the tourism importance of Mamallapuram.
12. List out the water falls of Tamilnadu.
13. Explain the holy places associated with Hindus.
14. Write an essay about Velankkani.
15. Explain the role of tourism fairs and festivals.
16. State briefly the adventure resources of South India.

APRIL 2015

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. Give a note on Himalayas.
2. Give a brief note on Tourism attractions of Himachal Pradesh.
3. Give a short note on Jammu and Kashmir.
4. Give a short note on Mt. Abu.
5. List out the famous Buddhist Centres in North India.
6. Give a short note on Saranath.
7. Define Culture and Civilisation.
8. Write a few words about the Water Skiing.
PART B : (5 × 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. How far the climatic conditions are favourable to promote Tourism in India.
10. Examine the most favourable monsoon seasons of Indian Tourism.
11. Examine the Tourism importance of Mamallapuram.
12. Write a detailed account on Kodaikanal.
13. Explain the Holy Places associated with Hindus.
14. Write an essay about Velankkani.
15. Examine the major fairs in India.
16. Examine the resources of Flora and Fauna in India.


PART A : (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. What is seasonal product?
2. “India is Land for All Seasons and All Reasons”. Explain.
3. Give an account on Tanjore Temple.
4. Give a short note on Mt. Abu.
5. Write any five Hindu Festivals.
6. Write a short note on Tanjore Brahadeeshwara Temple.
7. Define Culture and Civilisation.
8. Explain the role of Handicrafts in Tourism Promotion.
PART B : (5 × 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Examine the nature of Tourism products.
10. Examine the Tourism importance of Mamallapuram.
11. Explain the role of libraries in the context of Tourism development.
12. Examine the importance of Zoological Parks and Botanical Gardens of India.
13. Examine the role of Gurudwara in Tourism Promotion.
14. Write an essay about the folk culture.
15. Write any five major events of Motor Rally.
16. Examine the Resources of Flora and Fauna in India.


First Year – Non-Semester
Tourism Management (DD & CE)
Tourism Products In India :
(For those who joined in July 2008-2009 onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 ? 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. Define product.
2. “India is land for all seasons and all reasons”. Explain.
3. Give a short note on Jammu and Kashmir.
4. Give a short note on Mt. Abu.
5. Write any five Hindu Festivals.
6. Explain the importance of Chitra Festival.
7. Define culture and civilization.
8. Define adventure.

PART B : (5 * 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight.
9. Explain any five cultural events of Tamilnadu.
10. List out the geographical attractions of Tamilnadu.
11. Examine the tourism importance of Mamallapuram.
12. List out the water falls of Tamilnadu.
13. Explain the holy places associated with Hindus.
14. Write an essay about Velankkani.
15. Explain the role of tourism fairs and festivals.
16. State briefly the adventure resources of South India.

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