IF07404 System Programming Concepts Question Paper : gpmumbai.ac.in

Name of the University : Government Polytechnic Mumbai
Department : Information Technology
Subject Code/Name : IF07404/ System programing Concepts
Sem : III
Exam : Term End Examination
Website : gpmumbai.ac.in
Document Type : Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7877-SEM3.pdf

GP Mumbai System programing Concepts Question Paper

Term End Examination :
Course Title: System programing Concepts
Time Allotted: 03 Hrs.
Max.Marks: 80
Min Marks: 29

Related : Government Polytechnic Mumbai IF07304 Computer Architecture & Organization Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/7872.html


** Use separate answer book for section I and section II.
** Attempt all the questions from each section.
** Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
** Use of Mathematical Tables, Steam Table and Pocket Calculator (non-programmable) is permissible.
** Marks on Right Hand Side indicate full marks for the question.
** Assume suitable additional data, if necessary.

Section – I

Attempt any SIX : (12 Marks)
Differentiate between compiler and Assembler
What is System Software
What are the different Phases of Assembler
Define Analysis and Synthesis phase of Assembler
Differentiate‘between single pass and multi pass Assembler.
What are the different inputs given to Assembler?
Differentiate between linear search and binary search

Attempt any four : (4*4 Marks)
Write short note on macros
What are the elements of Assembly language programming?
Explain loaders and linker in brief
Explain two pass structure of Assembler in brief.
Explain shell sort with suitable example
Explain what factors make a good sorting algorithm.

Attempt any Two : (2*6 Marks)
What is software processor? Explain the components of system software
Draw and explain flow — chartfor pass—I Assembler.
Explain Addresscalculation sort with Suitable example.

Section – II

Attempt any SIX : (6 x 2 marks) 12Marks
a. State the function of loaders.
b. List the features oftmacro facility.
c. How macros call within macros are implemented?
d. Define cOmpiler? List the different phases of compiler.
e. What is meant by dynamic loading.
f. State the advantages & disadvantages of macro.
g.Steps of algorithm for the systex anglysis phase
h.Define MDT ( macro definition table) & MNT (macro name table)

Q.5.Attempt any FOUR : (4 marks)
a.Explain single Pass Macrosprocessor.
b Draw a “neat-diagram forthe passesof compiler.
0. Explain in brief the general loader scheme
d. Explain assembling phase brief.
e. Describe the specification of data base used by the two passes of the macro processor
f. Explain Diret linking loaders

Attempt any TWO :
Write short notes on
1)Assemble and go loader
2) absolute loader
b. Describe the one pass, macro processor along with flow chart & algorithm.
c. Explain any two phases of compiler
1) lexical phase
2) syntax phase
3) interpretation phase

Q.1 Attempt any SIX : (6 x 2.marks)
Define formatting.
Enlist different buses available in computer.
What are different types of FDD?
Enlist different types of memory.
Enlist any four features of Pentium processor.
Give different components of Pentium motherboard.
What are different computer generation?
What are different number formats?

Q.2 Attempt any FOUR : (16 Marks)
State‘functions of BIOS.
Give the features of ISA bus
Explain use of various outputs. of SMPS
Give the comparison between 80386 SX and 80386 DX motherboard
What are limitations of computer?
Explain any tho number formats

Q.3 Attempt any TWO :
a. Draw and label the diagram for 80486 motherboard
b. Describe multimedia hit hardware.
c. Explain architecture of Pentium processor- in briefly

Q.4 Attempt any six : (6 x 2 marks)
a) Give advantages of virtual memory.
b) Define access time for memory.
c) List the features of 8255 PPI.
d) State disadvantages of hardwired control unit.
e) What is miCroprogrammed control unit?
f) Define the terms ‘Cache hit’ and ‘Cache miss’.
g) List fUnctions done by microprograms in CPU.
h) What are hardwired controllers?

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