Business Organization BBA Paper : maims.ac.in

Name of the University : Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies
Degree : BBA
Subject Code/Name : BBA/ (B&I/)/ (TTM)/ MOM 102/Business Organization
Sem : II
Website : maims.ac.in
Document Type : Previous Paper

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Business Organization Sample Question

Paper Code: BBA/BBA (B&I)(TTM) MOM 102
Subject: Business Organization
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 75

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Note: Attempt all questions as per internal choice given.
Answer any three of the following:- (15)
(a) What is the impact of politico legal environment on business?
(b) Why is business viewed as an open system?
(c) Why is profit maximizat~on in business criticized?
(d) What is the need for assumption of social responsibility by business?
(e) What functions are performed by FICCI?
(f) What are the causes of international business risks?

Q2. Who is an entrepreneur? What entrepreneurial decisions have to be taken while launching a new enterprise? (15)

What facts should be taken into consideration while deciding the location of an industrial unit by an entrepreneur? Why does government encourage location of new units in backward areas?

Q3. Explain the steps in the formation of a public limited company. -(15)
Explain the characteristics of partnership. How does it differ from a Joint Stock Company?

Q4. What are the problems of small business in India? Enumerate the steps taken by the Central Government to resolve these problems. (15)
Explain the rationale of government’s role in business. What are the main forms of government’s participation in business?

Q5. (a)”MNC’s are a mixed blessing “. Comment. (15)
(b)Briefly explain the causes of business combination.
(a)”Ethics is good business”. Comment.
(b) Briefly explain the reasons for the survival of sole proprietorship as a form of business organization.

2011 :
Answer any three of the following:
(a) Various types of Business Objectives.
(b) Definition of Small Business by MSME Govt. of India.
(c) Functions of Association.
(d) MNC’s Vis TNC’s
(e) Social Responsibility of Business towards its customers.
(f) Ethics Vis Values- difference.

02. Discuss the concept of business. Define its nature and scope. What are the environmental forces that surrounds the business?
What are Business Ethics? How are they different from code of conduct? Discuss giving suitable examples.

03. Discuss the concept of Entrepreneurship. How Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise related? What is Weber’s Theory and its applicability in locating of Business Enterprise.
How to form a company? What procedure as refer to documentation is followed of the time of formation of a company? Discuss the various stages involved in its formation.

04. What are the various incentives gives by Ministry of MSME to small and Medium Enterprises? Discuss them in the light of role of small business in economic development of a country?
How Government helps in the promotion of business in a country? What are the various forms of government and Business Interface and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each form.

05. Discuss the role of MNC’s in the growth of any country. What are two various types of International Business Risks and the ways to cover these risks?
What are Business Combination? Give examples in context of India. What are the benefits of such business combinations? Give suitable examples to illustrate your answer.

Paper Code: BBA102
Subject: Business Organisation
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks :75
Note: Attempt all questions. Internal choice is indicate.

Ql Write short notes on the following:-
(a) Rationale of Government’s Role in Business
(b)Need and Importance of Business Ethics
(c) Leader vs Manager
(d) National Objectives of Business
(e) Joint Stock Company vs Partnership form of Business Organisation. (5×5=25)

Q2 Define business. How does it differ from profession and employment or service?
“The ultimate objective of business is to earn profit but responsibility towards the society can’t be ignored”. Elucidate the above statement. (12.5)
Q3 What is the importance of location in business? Discuss the Weber’s theory of Industrial location. Also, state the grounds on which the theory is criticized.
“The business operating as ‘one-man show’ has its own ups and downs.” In the light of the above statement, discuss the suitability of Sole Proprietorship in today’s competitive environment. (i2.5)

Q4 Define small business and discuss its characteristics. Also, examine the Government policy towards small business in India.
Briefly explain the meaning and contents of the following documents:- (12.S
(a) Memorandum of Association
(b) Articles of Association

Q5 What do you understand by multinationals? What is the role of MNCs in Indian economy? (12.5)
What are, business combinations? What are the forces that lead to business combinations?

Categories: Business Studies
Tags: maims.ac.in
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