Business Economics BBA Paper : maims.ac.in

Name of the University : Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies
Degree : BBA
Subject Code/Name : BBA/ (B&I/)/ (TTM)/ MON 104/Business Economics
Sem : I
Website : maims.ac.in
Document Type : Previous Paper

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MAIMS Business Economics II Sample Questions

Paper Code : BBA/ (B&I/)/ (TTM)/ MON 104
Subject : Business Economics II
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 75

Related : Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies BBA305 Production & Operation Management BBA Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/7824.html

Note: Attempt any five questions.
01. What do you understand by the concept of National Income? Discuss the significance of the estimates of National Income? (15)
Q2. Explain the circular flow of income in all the four sector economy. Draw a relationship between leakages and injections in circular flow. (15)

03. What are the various methods of estimating National Income data? Which method is being followed in r98pect of estimation of National Income of India? Can you make some suggestions in making more accurate data for estimation of National Income in India? (15)
(b) What is the role of consumption function and investment function in National Income determination? Support your answer by diagram and citing some practical examples. (8)

05. Explain the theory of determining price-level. inflation is better than deflatkm? Do you agree that (15)
Q6. Critically examine and compare the theories of Keynesian and Friedmanian. (15)
Q7. What do you understand by the concept of money market and product market? Give some suggestions to improve the working of money market in India. (15)

08. Write short notes on any two of the following:-
(a) IS-LM Model
(b) Demonstratior; effect
(c) Induce Investment
(d) Liquidity Trap

Explain briefly:
(a) Macro Economics is useful in business decision making.
(b) Income demand curve bends backward at higher levels of income
(c) The gap between average cost and average variable cost keeps falling with increase in output.
(d) With price of a commodity rising, if total expenditure falls, it is a case of elastic demand.

Q. 2. (a) Discuss the importance of Marginalism and Incrementalism in decision making. (8)
(b) Distinguish between Economics and Business Economics. (7)
“Business Economics bridges the gap between abstract theory and business practice. It uses tools of economic analysis in classifying problems, in organising and evaluating information and in comparing alternative courses of action.”
Outline the nature and scope of Business Economics in the light of this . statement. (15)

Q. 3. Explain the importance of deman forecasting. Discuss the various methods of demand forecasting. What are the main issues involved in selecting a particular method? (5, 10)
(a) Discuss the properties. of indifference curves. How a consumer attains equilibrium under indifference curve analysis? (4, 6)
(b) Explain the determinants of price elasticity of demand. (5)

Q. 4. “When the law of diminishing returns operates, efficient production occurs at or beyond the level of output at which average product equals marginal product and total product.”
Explain discussing the relevant law in detail. (15)
Illustrate the laws of production through isoquants. Explain whether constant returns to scale are compatible with the law of diminishing returns. (10, 5)

Q. 5. (a) “A competitive producer must look to average variable cost in determining whether or not to produce in the short run, to marginal cost in deciding upon the best volume of production and to average total cost to calculate profits or losses.” Discuss. (8)
(b) Distinguish between Perfect competition and Monopoly. (7)

Q. 5. (a) Discuss the equilibrium of a discriminating monopolist, if the foreign market in which he operates is perfectly competitive, while in the domestic market he faces a downward sloping demand curve (7)
(b) The Kinked demand curve can explain both interdependence of firms and stickiness of prices under oligopoly. Explain

Business Policy :

Q.01 Comment on any two of the following: (15)
(a) “The purpose of strategy is to define the nature of relationship between a firm and its environment.
(b) “Business policy course is supposed to integrate the knowledge of different functional areas of management and to develop certain skills and attitudes to make long-term strategic decisions”.
(c) “SWOT analysis is a very crucial element of strategic planning”.
Q.02. Do you agree with the view that structure follows strategy? Give reasons for your answer. Also explain the role of top management in the implementation of strategy. (15)
03. Explain Michael Porter’s Five Force Analysis for analyzing competitive environment of a firm. (15)
04. How should the executives go about preparing a strategic advantages profile (SAP) for their companies? Explain with the help of an example of a company you are aware of. (15)

Categories: Economics
Tags: maims.ac.in

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