BBA305 Production & Operation Management BBA Paper : maims.ac.in

Name of the University : Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies
Degree : BBA
Subject Code/Name : BBA305/Production & Operation Management
Sem : V
Website : maims.ac.in
Document Type : Previous Paper

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Production & Operation Management Sample Questions :

Paper Code : BBA – 305
Paper ID : 17305
Note : Attempt Five questions in all. Select at least Two questions from each section.

Related / Similar Question Paper : MAIMS BBA Business Policy and Strategy Previous Paper

Specification : Calculators allowed. .
Q. 1. Operation Management is becoming a very important subject in business education in the last few decades. Explain the importance of Production and Operation Management and why it is an integral part of business education. State with example. (8+ 7)
Q. 2. (a) Discuss the various models of inventory system. Give examples wherever appropriate. (8)
(b) Explain the relationship between quality and productivity under the JIT philosophy. (7)
Q. 3. Describe the purposes and differences between P- chart and X bar and R-chart. (15)
Q. 4. (a) How do facilities location differ for service and manufacturing plants? (8)
(b) Discuss different types of layout formats and what kind of layout is ‘used in a physical fitness center? (7)
Q.5. Write short notes on any three:
(a) Types of Transformation
(b) Waiting line management
(c) Forecasting Technique
(d) Current manufacturing trends
(e) Critical Path Method

Section B :
Q. 6. There should be equal protection under the law against the crimes and so high – crime areas should have more police protection than low-crime areas. Therefore, police patrols and other methods for preventing crime should be used proportiona~ely to crime occurrence.
The city has been broken down into 20 geographic areas, each containing 5000 residences. The 1000 residents sampled from each area showed the following incidences of crime during the past month.
Area | Number of crimes | Sample size :
I 1 14 1000·
2 3 1000
3 19 1000
4 18 1000
5 14 1000
6 28 1000
7 10 1000
8 18 1000
9 12 1000
10 3 1000
11 20 1000
12 15 1000
13 12 1000
14 14 1000
15 10 1000
16 30 1000
17 4 1000
18 20 1000
19 6 1000
20 30 1000
Suggest a reallocation of crime protection effort based on P chart analysis.(10)
To be reasonably certain ‘in your recommendations, select a 95 percent confidence level (Z = 1,96). (5)
Q. 7. An auto manufacturing facility is being planne’d so that the .parts manufactured can be supplied to three heavy automobile manufacturing facilities.
The locations of the current plants with their coordinates and volume requirements are given in the following table:
Plant Location | Coordinates | Volume (Parts per Year) :
A 300,320 4,000
B 375,470 6,000
C 470,180 3,000
(a) Calculate the coordinates of the new plant D, using center of gravity method. (10)
– C – x coordinate for plant D
– C y – y coordinate for plant D
(b) Draw these coordinates on your answer sheet only.

First Semester [BBA] December-2012 :
paper Code: BBA10l
Subject: Principles of Management
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks :75
Note: Attempt any five questions.
Q1 ‘Management is a process of getting things done by others’. Explain it with the help of role and functions of management. (1
Q2 (a)’Co-ordination is an essence of management’. Discuss it. (8)
(b)Explain the ‘system approach’ to man agemen t. (7)

Q3 (a)Explain the elements of planning process. (7)
(b)’Planning is equally important even in rapidly changing business environment. Discuss it. (8)

Q4 (a)Enumerate the steps involved in the organizing process. (7)
(b)Distinguish between decentralization of authority and delegation of authority. (8)
Q5 (a)’Staffing is a continuous process’. Explain it.
(b)Write note on Management By Objectives (MBO). (7) (8)

Q6 (a)Discuss the motivation theory of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy. (7
(b)What is leadership? How does it differ from managing process? (3+5)
Q7 Discuss the elements of controlling process. Explain the requirements of effective control system. (8+7)

Q8 Write short notes on any three of the following:-
(a)Managerial levels
(b)Strategic and operational decisions
(c)Importance of informal organization
(d)Management Audit (5×3=15)

Business Economics :
01. What do you understand by the concept of National Income? Discuss the significance of the estimates of National Income? (15)
Q2. Explain the circular flow of income in all the four sector economy. Draw a relationship between leakages and injections in circular flow. (15)

03. What are the various methods of estimating National Income data? Which method is being followed in r98pect of estimation of National Income of India? Can you make some suggestions in making more accurate data for estimation of National Income in India? (15)
(b) What is the role of consumption function and investment function in National Income determination? Support your answer by diagram and citing some practical examples. (8)

05. Explain the theory of determining price-level. inflation is better than deflatkm? Do you agree that (15)

Categories: Business Studies
Tags: maims.ac.in
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