MCA1001 Introductory Programming MCA Question Paper Model : vrsiddhartha.ac.in

Name of the University : V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College
Department : Department Of Computer Applications
Degree : MCA
Subject Code/Name : MCA1001/Introductory Programming
Sem : I
Website : vrsiddhartha.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vrsiddhartha.ac.in/7821-1001.pdf

Introductory Programming Sample Question :

Department Of Computer Applications :
First Semester :
Introductory Programming (2010-11) :
MCA 1001
Time: 3hrs
Max Marks: 60 M

Related : MCA104 Professional Communication MCA Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5795.html

PART-A is Compulsory :
Answer one question from each unit of PART- B:
8 X 1= 8M
What is C Preprocessor?
State the purpose of header ?les in C.
Distinguish between actual and formal arguments.
What is Recursion?
Uses of Pointer.
Advantages of Dynamic Memory Allocation.
What is Structure? How it differs from a Union?
Explain the general format of fseek function.

1. (a) Explain different control statements in C. (8M)
(b) Write a C program to generate prime numbers in the range a to b. (SM)
2. (a) Write a ‘C’ program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer.(5M)
(b) Explain about Arithmetic, Relational and Logical Operators, Increment and
Decrernent Operators. (3M)

3. (a)Write in detail about one dimensional and two dimensional array-rs. I (8M)
(b) Write a C program to ?nd the occurrences of a given character tn a string. (5M)
4. (a) Explain about Call by Value and Call by Reference. (6M)
(b) Explain in detail abont Storage Classes. (7M)

5. (a) Distinguish between array of pointers and pointer to array with examples. (7M)
(b) Write a C program to find factorial of giVBn number using pointer to function.(6M)
6. (a) Write a ‘C’ program to arrange the given names in alphabetical order using
Pointers. (7M)
(b) How to use pointers as arguments in a function? Explain with an example. (6M)

7. (a) Explain about Array of Structures along with an example. (7M)
(b) Write a C progrgram to illustrate the concept of structure within structure. (6M)
8. (a) Write a ‘C‘ program that takes the contents of text ?le and copies them into another text file, character by character. (6M)
(b) Explain in detail about Random Access Files. (7M)

Part – A :
1 ) The following is used to connect components in a computer system
a) van
b) car
c) bus
d) None of these

2 )’IR’ stands for
a) Instruction Register
b) Information Register
c) Instrument Register
d) Invalid Register

3 ) Maximum number of unique characters that can be represented using ASCII format is
a) 127
b) 128
c) 255
d) 256

4 ) Pick the odd one out:
b) dBase
d) MS- Access

5 ) Supply the appropriate question —tag : She sings well. ? ‘
a) Does she
b) Doesn’t she
c) Isn’t she
d) Hasn’t she

6 ) A philanthropist is:
a) One who hates mankind
b) One who loves mankind
c) One who loves films
d) One who loves comfort

7 ) A number of ships or cars is called a
a) swarm
b) bevy
c) constellation
d) fleet

8 )The interjection, ‘wow’ expresses
a) grief
b) pain
c) great surprise
d) recognition

9 ) All the proper nouns begin with
a) colon
b) capital letter
c) small letter
d) hyphen

10 ) She can sing film songs. ‘Can’ indicates
a) futurity
b) probability
c) ability
d) obligation

11. The silicon chips used for data processing are called
(A) RAM chips
(B) ROM chips
(C) Microprocessor
(D) PROM chips.

12. The contents of information are stored in
(A) Memory data register
(B) Memory address register
(C) Memory access register
(D) Memory arithmetic register.

13. A path by which communication is achieved between a central processor and other devices is called
(A) wires
(B) bus
(C) network
(D) channel.

14. A hybrid computer uses a ……………….. to convert digital signals from a computer into analog signals.
(A) Modulator
(B) Demodulator
(C) Modem
(D) Decoder.

15. The section of the CPU that selects. interprets and sees to the execution of program instruction is
(A) Memory
(B) Register unit
(C) Control unit
(D) ALU.


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