natboard.edu.in Social & Preventive Medicine Question Paper Model : National Board of Examinations

Name of the University : National Board of Examinations
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Name of the Subject : Social& Preventive Medicine

Website : natboard.edu.in
Download Sample Question Paper https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7628-spm.pdf

Social& Preventive Medicine Sample Paper :

Paper – I :
Write short notes on :
1 Enumerate criteria f an ideal contraceptive ist absolute and relative contradiction Intrauterine vices(I UDS)’

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2 What are first Referral Units (FRUs)? Mention critical determination of facility of FRU.Describe anyone in brief’
3 Enumerate salient features of Janani Suraksha Yojna Enumerate cession dedicator evaluate is scheme
4 What is infant morality ate (lMR)?E numeracy current MR in India.Enumerate manic uses of MR.List preventative social treasurer reduce Ri n India
5 Enumerate e package  services nd beneficiaries under ICDS scheme.List the indicators to evaluate he quality of services under ICDS scheme
6 What is growth chart Enumerate the uses of growth chart.List advantages dis advantage of growth chart.
7 What is Integrated Management Neonatal&l Childlessness (lMNCl)? Describe briefly management of diarrhea with moderated hydratioinn an Under vice child.
B What do you understand by main streaminag  qulity Write in brief measures taken under RCH-ll Programme for main streaming of gender.
9 What is essential obstetric are Write in brief components.
10 What do you earn by Baby Friendly hospital initiative(eB FHI)? Enumerates stepson which a Hospital use fulfill or “labeling s Baby  friendly Hospital

Paper – II :
1 Define Perinatal MortalityR ate. Enumerate ts causes and suggest pleasureful  its prevention.
2.Describe in brief the social and cultural a ctors affecting other and child health in India.
3 Write in brief quality indicators used to monitors nd evaluate RCH program
4 List Inventor cyclotron technique. briefly discussant ED Analysis.
5 What is National health Account? Write in brief budgeting for health and  zerobase budgeting.
6 What is risk approach in antenatacl are ?Enumerate high risk pregnancy.
7 What is Juvenile Delinquency Mention its causes and preventive erasures.
8 Enumerate micro biological dedicator water quality What measures will you suggest to ensure quality of water at household vel?
9 What are the determinants  Under five mortality? Suggest preventive easure for a community of one lakh population.
10 Define” Adolescence What are the health related problems of adolescents? Suggest measures to reduce their health problems

Paper – III :
1 What is extensive drug resistant Tt B (XDR-TB) Describe current situationan easurefs or control of XDRT B in India.
2 What are Indian Public health Standard( PHS) Enumerate B the IPHS’ for primary health centre.
3 What is Human Developmental index? How it is measured Comment  Human Development  india.
4 Enumerate the goals,s strategy and component of National Rural Health Mission.
5 What is Geographical information System (GlS)? Describe briefly with suitable examples of its uses in various health programmes.

6 What is the current of status of Poll in India and measures 4+6
7 Enumerate ealt him pact of climate change.Describe any one in detail. 6+4

8 What is childhood obesity? Enumerate its causes, assessment and preventiv meeasures. 2 +2+3+3
9 What is Health Management information System? Explain in brief how it  is useful in management of RCH programme. 2+8

10 Write in brief the epidemiologoy of depression and role of Public health Professionaln itsm anaoemenatt district level. 4+6

Time :3 hours
Max, Marks :100
Attempt all questions in order’
Each question carries 10 marks
1 Enumerate measures of dispersion Describe Standard Deviation with suitable diagram and examples’ 2+5+3
2 What is Gantt chart? Explain Gantt charting with suitable examples
3. What is Verbal Autopsy ? Describe in brief its advantage as And disadvantages
4. What is sickness A bsenteeism? Describeit s incidence causes ‘and prevention 1+3+3+3
5. Briefly explain the indicator so futilization pattern of Hospital Beds ?

6. What is planning cycle? Enumerate the steps of health planning cycle.Describe only first step in detail

Categories: Social Science
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