tiss.edu RAT Ph.D. Question Paper Model : Tata Institute Of Social Sciences

Name of the University : Tata Institute Of Social Sciences
Degree : Ph.D
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Name of the Subject : RAT Ph.D. Model question paper

Website : tiss.edu
Download Sample Question Paper: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7623-RATPhD.pdf

TISS RAT Model Question Paper

1. The scoring for RAT is 100 marks and the interview is for 100 marks. RAT will assess research and analytical abilities and personal interview will assess your research aptitude, competence and subject knowledge and suitability to join the research stream.

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2. The duration of the test paper is for 2 hours carrying 100 marks.
3. The test paper consists of Part I, II and III. You are expected to answer all the parts.

4. Part I will assess the analytical skills and it is for 40 marks. You are required to answer either of the two – the qualitative part or the quantitative part. Both the choices carry equal marks and you need to answer all the questions within that.

5. Part II will assess the conceptual and interpretative skills and it is for 30 marks. These questions will assess your subject specific competence in answering the questions. The questions would cover wide-ranging social sciences subjects and you have to answer 3 questions out of 6 choices. Each answer carries 10 marks.

6. Part III will assess research aptitude and it is for 30 marks. You are expected to briefly write your research proposal indicating the broad contours and steps in research.

7. Write your Admit Card No. legibly in the box below. Do not write your name on the Answer Sheet.
8. Hand over the test paper upon completion to the invigilator without fail.

Part I Analytical Skills

Marks : 40 Marks
Quantitative Part with one question to be answered (OR) Qualitative Part with two questions to be answered

Quantitative Part:
Percent distribution of ever daily smokers age 20-34 by age at smoking initiation, according to selected background characteristics, Global Adult Tobacco Survey India, 2009-2010
Background Characteristic Age at smoking initiation Mean Age
<15 15-17 18-19 20-34 Total
Overall (India) 13.7 25.6 21.4 39.3 100 17.9
Male 12.8 25.2 22.0 40.0 100 18.1
Female 30.6 32.2 10.4 26.8 100 14.7
Urban 8.1 23.1 26.9 42.0 100 18.5
Rural 15.7 26.5 19.5 38.3 100 17.7
Source :
Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), India 2009-2010. GATS India was conducted in 2009–2010 as a household survey of persons age 15 and above. A total of 69,296 interviews were completed among 33,767 and 35,529 males and females, respectively,across the country.

1. What are the key observations that you can make by studying this table?

Qualitative Part :
Please read the following passage and answer all the questions given below. All questions carry equal marks.

Excerpts from The globalisation of inequality Unravelling time: One thing about the prediction that less than 30 years from now, slums will housea third of humanity. The vast majority of these people will be not in Africa or Latin America but here in Asia.

The worse the economic ravages, the greater the growth will be of fundamentalism and neo-fascist trends. We are witnessing the greatest loot and grab sortie in history. Not in one country, but in most. The era of giant collapses has already begun. Enron and WorldCom produced the largest bankruptcies in history.

And ruined countless retirees whose pension funds had been invested in them. To MCI goes the honour of the largest accounting fraud in history. But you will see many more. How does corporate-driven globalism in any way need these people or include then? A system that excludes maybe two billion people – maybe far more – cannot be sustained.

But here’s the good news the excluded are responding. (…)In Seattle, in Cancun, in Davos and New York. In Washington and Prague, in Genoa and Quebec, the numbers of those protesting the globalisation of inequality grows, it does not diminish.

In the World Social Forum at Porto Allegre, in a hundred other forums, people seek transnational public unity against transnational corporate tyranny. Whether they are finding all the answers is another issue. The point is they are addressing many of the right questions.

1. The author appears to correlate economic crisis with the growth of fundamentalism. Do you agree/disagree? Substantiate your position with examples.

2. “Another world is possible. Other worlds are possible.” What do you think are the basic principles on which alternatives should be built? Concretely discuss an alternative experiment/strategy in your area(s) of interest.

Part II Conceptual & Interpretative Skills

This part will assess your subject specific competence in answering the questions. Indicate the question number that you are attempting correctly.
Attempt 3 questions out of the 6 choices. Each question carries 10 marks (each answer can be of 200 words)

Q1: “The Information Technology boom has created opportunities to the educated but has increased the social economic inequalities and marginalization in our society”. Explain.

Q2: Discuss the benefits and limitations of individual incentives to drive organizational performance?

Q3: There are apprehensions about corporate interests taking over tribal people’s sources of livelihood. Explain with examples whether you agree or disagree with these apprehensions.

Q4: “On the one hand, the HRM function is in crisis, increasingly under fire to justify itself and confronted with the very real prospect that a significant portion of its traditional responsibilities will be outsourced. On the other hand, organizations have an unprecedented opportunity to refocus their HRM systems as strategic assets.”Discuss your understanding of this statement.

Q5: The last National Family Health Survey revealed that 46% of infants are malnourished and 49% of women are anemic. Reports by various agencies show that India is not doing enough to fight hunger. Explain the reasons for this and what do you think needs to be done?

Q6: Health tourism is considered to be a boon for the Indian economy. In what ways do you think the hospital sector needs to be regulated?

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