Library Information Science Question Paper Model : Acharya Nagarjuna University

Name of the University : Acharya Nagarjuna University
Degree : B.L.I.Sc
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Name of the Subject : Bachelor Of Library Information Science

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Bachelor Of Library Information Science Question Paper :

Paper – I: Foundations of Library And Library Management
Answer any Five Questions :
1) Describe the five laws of library science.
2) Bring out the library movement in A.P.

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3) Discuss the trend and progress of library education in India.
4) Critically evaluate the role of FID in the development of libraries.
5) Give an account of manpower requirement of libraries.
6) Discuss the organisation of Job analysis in libraries.
7) How is library budget period?
8) Enumerate the maintenance of statistics in a library.
9) Describe the procedure followed in stock verification.
10) Write short notes on the following:
b) Circulation
c) Staff formula
d) Annual reports

Paper – II: Library Classification Theory
Answer any Five Questions :
1) Explain the purpose of library classification.
2) What are the features of general theory of library classification?
3) State the canons of library classification.
4) Explain the principles in facet sequence classification.
5) Describe the need for notation.
6) Bring out the recent trend in library classification.
7) Distinguish between UDC, DDC and CC.
8) Enumerate the fundamental categories used in colon classification.
9) Give an account of call and collection numbers.
10) Write short notes:
a) Common isolates
b) Growth of knowledge
c) Kinds of notation
d) Helfful sequence

Paper – III: Library Cataloguing Theory
Answer any Five Questions :
1) What are the functions of library catalogue?
2) Distinguish between added entry and reference entry.
3) Explain the physical and inner forms of library catalogue.
4) Give an account of international standard bibliographic description.
5) Bring out the recent developments in library cataloguing.
6) State the guidelines of AACR relating to entries of corporate bodies.
7) Describe the merits and demerits of cooperative cataloguing.
8) Discuss the procedure of filing of entries.
9) State the practice of union catalogue.
10) Write short notes on
a) Uniform titles
b) Analytical entries
c) CIP
d) Simplified cataloguing

Paper – IV : Information Sources and Services
Answer any five questions
1) State the functions of bibliographics.
2) What are the reference sources of information?
3) Give an account of abstracting techniques.
4) Bring out the document delivery and translation services.
5) Elucidate the functions of information and documentation centres.
6) Explain the services available on online.
7) Enumerate the methods employed in bibliographic control.
8) Distinguish between literature search and referral services.
9) What are the sources available for current events?
10) Answer the following:
a) Year books
b) Serial sources
c) Data bank

Paper – V : Basics of Information Technology
Answer any five questions :
1) Discuss the significance of IT in daily life.
2) Describe the components of IT.
3) Explain the applications of IT in office.
4) How does IT promotes career opportunities?
5) What are the applications of internet in LS?
6) State the features of digital libraries.
7) Explain the issues in the automation of library.
8) Enumerate the browsing tools of interest.
9) Elucidate the relationship between IT and multimedia.
10) Write short notes on:
a) Software
b) WWW
c) Search engines
d) Automation

Paper – I : Research Methodology
Answer any Five Questions
1) State the purpose of social science research.
2) What is the nature and scope of legal research?
3) How do you formulate and test the validity of hypothesis?
4) Explain the sources of identification of research problem.
5) Enumerate the techniques employed while preparing research design.
6) Elucidate the demerits of different techniques of sampling.
7) Discuss the considerations while preparing schedule.
8) Explain the tools used in the analysis and interpretation of data.
9) What are the merits and demerits of survey method of research?

10) Write short notes on :
a) Content analysis
b) Case study
c) Research report

Categories: Library
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