mgu.ac.in B.Sc Zoology Question Paper Model : Mahatma Gandhi University

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Degree : B.Sc. Fifth Semester
Name Of The Subject : Zoology
Document type : Model Question Paper

Website : mgu.ac.in
Download Model Question Papers :
Evolution,Zoo geography & Ethology https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7525-%20SemZoology.docx

MGU B.Sc Zoology Model Question Paper

Part A : (Short Answer Type)
Answer all questions in one word.
Each question carries 1 mark.

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1. Who is the father of Zoo geography?
2. What is the name given to the distribution of animals in the fresh water?
3. Give an example for continental island?
4. Which is known as ‘‘Bird continent’?
5. What is quantum speciation?
6. What is Pangaea?
7. Name the richest wool producing zone in India?
8. Name the intermediate horse.

Part B :
Answer any six questions. Answer in one paragraph each.
Each question carries 2 marks.
9. Distinguish between sympatric and allopatric speciation.
10. Write the importance of Galapagos Islands in the study of evolution
11. Give an account on Mutation theory of De Vries.
12. Explain use and disuse theory.
13. What is mutation theory?
14. What is Lamarckism?
15. Explain the ‘theory of panspermia’.
16. What is discontinuous distribution?
17. What is a deme?
18. What is punctuated equilibrium?

Part C :
Answer any four questions. Answer in one page each.
Each question carries 4 marks.
19. Explain tooth radiation in mammals.
20. Explain the factors that upset Hardy –Weinberg equilibrium..
21. Describe the factors that affect animal distribution.
22. Explain variation.
23. Explain fission- track dating.
24. Describe natural selection theory. (4 x 4= 16)

Part D :
Answer any two questions. Answers should not exceed four pages.
Each question carries 12 marks.
25. Write an essay on Biochemical evolution.
26 Write an essay on speciation.
27. Write an essay on biogeography of India with special reference to Western Ghats.
28. Write an essay on different types of learning.

Environmental Biology

Part A : Answer all questions
Each Question carries 1 mark
1. Define Ecotone.
2. What is Entropy?
3. Define Stratification.
4. Name a cold Desert.
5. Expand IPCC.
6. What is E-waste?
7. Any two environmental toxins present in plastics.
8. What is Red Data Book?

Part B : Answer any Six questions.
9. Comment on carbon credits.
10. What is Biomagnification?
11. Write four characteristic adaptations of sandy shore organism.
12. What is Botulinum toxin?
13. What are planktons? Write any four planktonic adaptations with examples.
14. What is a Wetland? Name 2 Ramsar sites in Kerala.
15. Give any four adaptations of desert animals.
16. What is Green House Effect?
17. Define autecology and synecology.
18. Explain the significance of wetland. State the threat to wetlands.

Part C :
19. Briefly explain the toxic effect of heavy metals on organism.
20. Write a short note on Food additives.
21. What is ozone depletion? Add a note on it.
22. Discuss the causes and management of landslides.
23. What are non-renewable energy resources and how can we conserve it?
24. Define hazard, disaster, vulnerability and risk.

Part D :
25. Write an essay on Biotic, abiotic components and physico chemical nature of a Fresh water ecosystem. Add a note on threat to fresh water resources of Kerala.
26. Write an essay on e-waste and its management.
27. Explain the causes and consequences of four natural disasters.
28. Discuss reasons and remedies for present global environmental changes.

Evolutionary Biology

Time : 3Hours
Total Weight : 30
Section I :
Short answer type questions Weight-1
Answer any 10 out of 12 :
1. What is endosymboint theory?
2. Comment on neutral evolution.
3. Distinguish between intelligent design and evolutionary theory.
4. What is LUCA?
5. Define Hardy-Weinberg law.
6. Distinguish between heterotopy and heterometry.
7. Comment on RNA world.
8. What is founder effect? Give an example.
9. Briefly highlight a few advantages of chemical communication.
10. Differentiate between habituation and sensitization in animal behavior.
11. Comment on the differences between kinesis and taxis.
12. What are the advantages of altruism?

Section II :
Short essay type questions Weight -2
Answer any 5 out of 8 :
13. Discuss Neutralist versus Selectionist approaches in evolution.
14. Comment of the contributions of Rose Mary and Peter Grant in understanding molecular evolution.
15. Discuss the idea of biochemical origin of life and describe the experiment that supported the concept.
16. Which are the major mass extinctions in the geological past? How did they affect evolutionary process?
17. Give an account on evolution of sex and its advantages.
18. Explain biological rhythms influenced by the lunar cycle with examples.
19. What is the role of courtship in reproductive behavior? Add a note on the mating systems met within birds.
20. What is imprinting? Why is it a unique form of learning?

Section III :
Long essay type questions Weight -5
Answer any 2 out of 3
21. Discuss Darwinism in the light of modern developments in biology.
22. Describe hominid fossils and comment on the cytogenetic and molecular basis of origin of man.
23. Give an account on the social organization of primates.

Categories: Zoology
Tags: mgu.ac.in

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