science.maheshtutorials.com Lakshya Talent Search Exam Paper Sample : MT Educare

Organisation : MT Educare Ltd
Exam : Lakshya Talent Search Examination
Document Type : Sample Question Paper

Website : science.maheshtutorials.com
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Lakshya Talent Search Examination Model Paper :

Section A : Mental Aptitude
1. What comes next ?
Looking at lines across and do n, if the first t o tiles are combined to produce the third tile, ith the e ception that like s mbols are cancelled out, hich of the above tiles is incorrect, and ith ich of the tiles belo should it be replaced

Related : Mahesh Tutorials Lakshya Talent Search Examination Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/9000.html

What numbers should replace the question marks?
(a) 8, 2 (b) 31, 4 (c) 16, 17 (d) 49, 2

Read the following information carefull and ans er the question based on them. In the venndiagram given belo , the square represents omen, the triangle represents persons ho area in govt. services, the circle represents educated persons and the rectangle represents persons orking in private sectors. Each section of the diagram in numbered. Your task is to stud the diagram and ans er the questions that follow What number should replace the question mark?
a) 45 (b) 5 (c) 63 (d) 3
8. (a) 35 (b) 24 (c) 16 (d) 19

Which number represents the uneducated omen, ho have government obs as ell as ob in private sectors ?
(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 12 (d) 9

In the following question there is a series with one term missing as sho n b (?). his term given as one of the
alternatives among the four numbers given below . Find this term. 2 1 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 ?
a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12

Between t o book ends on our stud table, there are our five favourite puzzle books. If  decide to arrange the five books in ever possible combination and move ust one book ever minute, ho long ill it take?
(a) 1 hour (b) 2 hours (c) 3 hours (d) 4 hours

A, B, C, D and E place a game of cards. A sa s to B, “If ou give me three cards, out ill have as man as E has and if I give out three cards, out ill have as man as D has”. A and B together have 10 cards more than hat D and E together have. If B has t o cards more than hat C has and the total number of cards be 133, ho man cards does B have ?
(a) 22 (b) 23 (c) 25 (d) 35

At hat time between 3 and 4 o’clock ill the hands of a clock coincide ?
(a) 15 min. past 3
(b) 12 15 11 min. past 3
(c) 4 16 11 min. past 3
(d) 2 16 11 min. past 3

He si faces of a solid cube have been painted in different colours. he top of the cube is painted Red and the bottom is painted White. he rest of the four faces have been painted Yellow , Blue,Green and Pink, respectivel in clock wise direction. he cube is no turned in such a manner that Blue face is at the top. What ill be the colour of the bottom face
a) Pink (b) White c) Yellow (d) Green

One night, three naught bow s stole a basketful of apples from the garden, hid the loot and ent to sleep. Before retiring the did some quick counting and found that the fruits ere less than a hundred in number. During the night one book, counted the apples and found that he could divide the apples nto three equal parts if he first took one for himself.

He then took one apple ate it up and took 1 /3 of the rest, hid them separatel and ent back to sleep. Shortl thereafter, another bo a oke, counted the apples and he again found that if he took one for himself the loot ould be divided into three equal parts He ate up one apple, bagged 1/3 of the remainder, hid them separatel and ent back to sleep.

he third bo also a oke after sometime, did the same and ent back to sleep. In the morning, hen all oke up, and counted apples, the found that the remaining apples again totaled 1 more than could be divided into three equal parts. Homan apples did the bo steal?
(a) 67 (b) 79 (c) 85 (d) None of these

Three persons A, B and C ore shirts of black, blue and orange colours (not necessaril in that order) and pants of green, ello and orange colours (not ecessaril in that order).
No person ore pant and shirt of the same colour. Further, it is given that
1. A did not ear shirt of black colour.
2. B did not ear shirt of blue colour.
3. C did not ear shirt of orange colour.
4. A did not ear pant of green colour.
5. B ore pant of orange colour.

What ere the colours of pant and shirt orn b C, respectively ?
(a) Yellow and Black (b) Yellow and Blue (c) Green and Blue (d) Orange and Black
Stud the following information carefully and ans er the given questions.
i. B and E are good in Dramatics and Computer Science.
ii. A and B are good in Computer Science and Physics
iii. A, D and C are good in Phy sics and History
iv. C and A are good in Phy sics and Mathematics
v. D and E are good in History and Dramatics
Who is good in Phy sics, History , Computer Science and Mathematics?
(a) A (b) B (c) D (d) E

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