bieap.gov.in Office Assistantship Vocational Practical Question Bank : Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Education

Board : Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Vocational Education
Course : Vocational Practical | Office Assistantship
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : bieap.gov.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
1st Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7351-oasyr1.pdf
2nd Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7351-oasyr2.pdf

Office Assistantship Vocational Practical Question Bank :

First Year:
Subject : Accountancy & Computers
Paper – II:
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 50

Related : Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Education Insurance & Marketing Vocational Practical Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/7350.html

Section – I  : (1 x 10 = 10 Marks);
1. Demonstrate deleting of files, folders, un-deleting of files and folders.
2. Create text file using wordpad or notepad
3. Format the text document with all the features available in wordpad.
4. Demonstrate creating of folders and create a text file in notepad.
5. Demonstrate changing date and time, screen settings, printer settings.
6. Change the wall paper on the desktop, Screen saver and change the date.

Section – II (1 x 10 = 10 Marks):
7. Identify any 8 tools in MS-Word screen.
8. Demonstrate any 5 the text formatting commands in MS-Word.
9. Demonstrate page formatting commands in MS-Word
10. Demonstrate Mail – Merge in MS-Word
11. Demonstrate cut, copy, paste, paste special, and check spelling
12. Insert an image from clip art and rotate it

Section – III (1 x 10 = 10 Marks):
13. Identify any 8 tools in MS-Excel Screen
14. Demonstrate how to change the cell border, cell background color, cell foreground color and center the content.
15. Write and Demonstrate the procedure for changing the width of row and column in Excel.
16. List and Demonstrate any four formula functions in Excel.
17. Write and demonstrate to add, substrat, multiply and divide two cell values in Ms-Excel.
18. Write and Demonstrate the procedure for creating a chart in Excel.

Section – IV (1 x 10 = 10 Marks):
19. Write and Demonstrate the steps to create file in MS-Word, type some text and save the file.
20. Write and Demonstrate the steps to create file in MS-Excel, type some text and save the file.
21. List and Demonstrate four arithmetic operators used in MS-Excel.
22. Write and Demonstrate the steps for changing the left margin, right margin, top margin and bottom margin in MS-Word.
23. Write and Demonstrate the Steps for changing the page color and page borders in MS-Word.
24. Insert five shapes in MS-Word and fill colors within it.

Section – V:
Record 5 Marks
Viva Voce 5 Marks

Subject : Accountancy & Computers
Paper – II:
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 50
Section – I 1 x 10 = 10 Marks:
3. Format the text document with all the features available in wordpad.

Section – II 1 x 10 = 10 Marks:
10. Demonstrate Mail – Merge in MS-Word

Section – III 1 x 10 = 10 Marks:
15. Write and Demonstrate the procedure for changing the width of row and column in Excel.

Section – IV 1 x 10 = 10 Marks:
19. Write and Demonstrate the steps to create file in MS-Word, type some text and save the file.

Section – V:
Record 5 Marks
Viva 5 Marks

Note : The Serial numbers of the questions mentioned above are the serial numbers in question bank. In practical examiantion only the serial number of the questions will be given, the examiner shall decode it with question bank and give the questions.

Subject : Accountancy & Computers
Paper – II:
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 50
Section – I, II, III, IV (1 x 10 = 10 Marks):
1. Introduction : 2 marks
2. Structure : 2 marks
3. Demonstration : 6 marks

Section – V:
Record : 5 Marks
Viva Voce : 5 Marks

Subject : Type Writing
Paper – III
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 50
Section – I : (Speed) (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)
Speed paper @30 wpm 150 words : 5 Minutes
Section – II : (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)
Type the following statement and rule up
Section – III : (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)
Type the following business letter in proper form
Section – IV : (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)
Type the following Government ordre in proper form
Section – V :
Record 5 Marks
Viva 5 Marks

Section I :
(1). Type the following by taking 2 Line spacing
Automobile Industry :
The automobile industry has been passing through extremely difficult phase on account of a sharp decline in off take of heavy and medium commercial vehicles, light commercial vehicles, passengers cars. The increase in end prices as a result of the drastic devaluation of the rupee and upward adjustments in selling prices for indigenous raw materials and higher import and excise duties and interest rate have discouraged seriously fresh purchases.

(2). Type the following passage by talking 2 line spacing
Quest For Knowledge :
A man launce from the components of great thoughts, inspiration of great ideals, examples of great achievements and consultants of great failures .The people he meets, the place he visits, the books he reads and the situations and circumstances through which he passes, all leave an impact and opportunity to learn and widen his horizon of knowledge, provided he keeps his eyes and ears open and alert.

(3). Type the following passage by taking 2 line spacing.
Industries In Present ERA :
The automobile and ancillary industries has been badly affected by a declining demand for various types of vehicles with the exception of jeeps after the continuing rise in output and sales until the end of the previous layer. Serious difficulties are being experienced by even efficient producers in maintaining production at their desired levels.

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