bieap.gov.in Fisheries Vocational Practical Question Bank : Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Education

Board : Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Vocational Education
Course : Vocational Practical | Fisheries
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : bieap.gov.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
1st Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7346-fisheriesyr1.pdf
2nd Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7346-fisheriesyr2.pdf

Fisheries Vocational Practical Question :

First Year:
Subject : Taxonomy, Ecology and Biology of Fishes
Paper – I:
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 50

Related : Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Education Fashion & Garment Making Vocational Practical Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/7345.html

Section – I 1 x 8 = 8 Marks:
1. Estimate the D.O of the given water sample.
2. Estimate the total Alkalinity of the given water sample.
3. Estimate the total Hardness of the given water sample.
4. Determine the salinity of the given water sample.
5. Determine the PH value of the given sample.
6. Determine the Nitrates, Phosphates of the given sample.

Section – II 1 x 8 = 8 Marks:
7. Dissect and display the digestive system of the given fish. Draw the neat labeled diagram.
8. Dissect and display the digestive system of the given prawn. Draw the neat well labelled diagram.
9. Dissect and display the nervous system of the given fish. Draw the neat labelled diagram.
10. Dissect and display the nervous system of the given prawn. Draw the neat well labelled diagram.
11. Dissect and display the Reproductive system of the given fish. Draw the neat well labelled diagram.
12. Dissect and display the Reproductive system of the given prawn. Draw the neat labelled diagram.

Section – III 2 x 4 = 8 Marks:
Identify the give spotter and write characters with neat diagram.

13. (a) Scoliodon
(b) Macrobrachium rosenbergii

14. (a) Tarpedo
(b) Penaeus monodon

15. (a) Exocoetus
(b) Macrobrachium malcomsonii

16. (a) Hippocampus
(b) Penaeus indicus

17. (a) Wallago attu
(b) Chanos

18. (a) Sardenella Longiceps
(b) Mugil cephalus

Section – IV 2 x 4 = 8 Marks:
Identify scales and fins of fish appendages of prawn write character with diagram

19. (a) Cycloid scale
(b) Pectoral fin

20. (a) Ctenoid scale
(b) Pelvic fin

21. (a) Placoid scale
(b) Hetercercal tail

22.(a) Ganoid scale
(b) Homocercal tail

23. (a) Mandible
(b) Chelate periopod

24. (a) Antenna
(b) Pleopods

Section – V 2 x 4 = 8 Marks:
Identify the plankton, write the Characters with diagram
25. (a) Euglena
(b) Nostoc

26. (a) Artemia
(b) Anabina

27. (a) Moina
(b) Spirulina

28. (a) Artemia
(b) Oscillatoria

29. (a) Brachionus
(b) Spirogyra

30. (a) Paramecium
(b) Dhaphnia

Section – VI:
Viva 5 Marks
Record 5 Marks

Subject : Taxonomy, Ecology and Biology of Fishes
Paper – I:
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 50
Section – I 1 x 8 = 8 Marks:
1. Estimate the D.O of the given water sample

Section – II 1 x 8 = 8 Marks:
8. Dissect and display the digestive system of the given prawn. Draw the neat labeled diagram

Section – III 2 x 4 = 8 Marks:
14. Identify the given spoters and write characters with neat labelled diagram
(a) Tarpedo
(b) Penaeus monodon

Section – IV 2 x 4 = 8 Marks:
21. Identify the given scales and fins, of fish write the characters with diagram
(a) Placoid scale
(b) Heterocercal tail

Section – V 2 x 4 = 8 Marks:
Identify the given plankton, write the characters with diagram
27. (a) Moina
(b) Spirulina

Section – VI:
Viva Voce 5 Marks
Record 5 Marks

Note : The Serial numbers of the questions mentioned above are the serial numbers in question bank. In practical examiantion only the serial number of the questions will be given, the examiner shall decode it with question bank and give the questions.

Subject : Taxonomy, Ecology and Biology of Fishes
Paper – I
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 50
Section – I 1 x 8 = 8 Marks:
Aim : 1 Marks
Apparatus / chemicals : 1 Marks
Principle : 1 Marks
Procedure : 4 Marks
Result : 1 Marks

Section – II 1 x 8 =8 Marks:
Dissection and display : 4 Marks
Labeled diagram : 4 Marks

Section – III, IV & V 2 x 4 = 8 Marks:
Identification : 1 Marks
Characters : 2 Marks
Labeled diagram : 1 Marks

Section – VI:
Viva : 5 Marks
Record : 5 Marks

Subject : Principle of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Paper – II:
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Section – I 2 x 4 = 8 Marks:
Identify the given carp fish specimen and write the characters with neat diagram.
1. (a) Catla catla
(b) Common carp

2. (a) Labeo rohita
(b) Silver carp

3. (a) Cirrhinus mrigal
(b) Grass carp

4. (a) Catla catla
(b) Labeo bata

5. (a) Labeo rohita
(b) Labeo calbasu

6. (a) Cirrhinus mrigal
(b) Labeo fimbriatus

Section – II 2 x 4 = 8 Marks:
Identify the given crustacean museum specimens and write the characters with neat diagram.
7. (a) Penaeus monodon
(b) Scylla serrata

8. (a) Macrobrachium resenbergii
(b) Scylla tranquibarica

9. (a) Panaeus indicus
(b) Thenus orientalis (sand lobster)

10. (a) Lithopenaeus vannamei
(b) Panulirus ornatus (Spiny lobster)

11. (a) Panaeus monodon
(b) Litopenaeus vannamei

12. (a) Panaeus indicus
(b) Scylla serrata

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