bieap.gov.in Dairying Vocational Practical Question Bank : Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Education

Board : Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Vocational Education
Course : Vocational Practical | Dairying
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : bieap.gov.in

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1st Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7339-dairyyr1.pdf
2nd Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7339-dairyyr2.pdf

Dairying Vocational Practical Question :

First Year :
Subject : Animal Production & Management
Paper – I:
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 50

Related : Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Education Automobile Engineering Technician Vocational Practical Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/7338.html

Section – I (1 x 8 = 8 Marks):
1. Draw the sketch diagram of Cow and mark various body parts.
2. Draw the sketch diagram of Bull and mark various body parts.
3. Draw the sketch diagram of Sheep and mark various body parts.
4. Draw the sketch diagram of Goat and mark various body parts.
5. Write about deworming and vaccination schedule of cattle.
6. Write about deworming and vaccination schedule of Sheep and Goat.

Section – II (1 x 8 = 8 Marks):
7. Write about breed characteristics of Ongole breed.
8. Write about breed characteristics of Sahiwal breed of cattle.
9. Write about breed characteristics of Holstein Friesian breed.
10. Write about breed characteristics of Jersey breed.
11. Write about breed characteristics of Nellore sheep breed.
12. Write about breed characteristics of Jamunapari goat breed.

Section – III (1 x 8 = 8 Marks):
13. Draw the floor plan for loose Housing system for cattle.
14. Draw the floor plan for loose conventional barn for dairy cattle.
15. Draw the floor plan for loose Sheep and Goat House.
16. Write about dairy farm routine.
17. Write about sheep farm routine.
18. Write about various records maintained in dairy farms.

Section – IV (2 x 4 = 8 Marks):
19. (a) Cattle breeding programme
(b) Castration

20. (a) Grading up programme for buffaloes
(b) Dehorning

21. (a) Feeding of colostrum
(b) Weaning of the calf

22. (a) Sterilization A.I equipment
(b) Weaning of lamb

23. (a) Hand milking
(b) Dentition in sheep

24. (a) Machine milking
(b) Dentition in cattle

Section – V (4 x 2 = 8 Marks):
25. (a) Drenching
(b) Grooming brush
(c) Compound microscope
(d) Liquid nitrogen container

26. (a) Dehorner
(b) Cow anti kicker
(c) Cradles
(d) Neck chains

27. (a) Bull horning
(b) Burdizzo castrator for cattle / Buffalo
(c) Burdizzo castrator for goat and sheep
(d) Eye hook

28. (a) Bull leader / Bull poles
(b) Applicator for tags
(c) Ear tags
(d) Ear notches

29. (a) Mouth gag
(b) Applicator for tatooing
(c) Tattooing letters
(d) Tatooing ink

30. (a) Casting rope
(b) A.I Gun
(c) Artificial vagina
(d) A.I Straw
Section – VI:
Record 5 Marks
Viva 5 Marks

Subject : Animal Production & Management
Paper – I:
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 50
Section – I 1 x 8 = 8 marks:
4. Draw the sketch diagram of Goat and mark various body parts.

Section – II 1 x 8 = 8 Marks:
8. Write about breed characteristics of Sahiwal breed.

Section – III 2 x 4 = 8 Marks:
17. Write about sheep farm routine.

Section – IV 2 x4 = 8 Marks:
22. (a) Sterilization A.I equipment
(b) Weaning of lamb

Section – V 4 x 2 = 8 Marks:
25. (a) Drenching
(b) Grooming brush
(c) Compound microscope
(d) Liquid nitrogen container

Section – VI:
Record 5 Marks
Viva 5 Marks

Note : The Serial numbers of the questions mentioned above are the serial numbers in question bank. In practical examiantion only the serial number of the questions will be given, the examiner shall decode it with question bank and give the questions.

Subject : Animal Production & Management
Paper – I:
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 50
Section – I,II,III Major Questions (1 x 8 = 8 Marks):
1. Principle / Objective / Purpose : 1 mark
2. Material : 1 mark
3. Procedure / Method : 4 marks
4. Result / Observation / Comment : 2 marks

Section – IV (2 x 4 = 8 Marks):
1. Purpose / Use / Objective : 1 mark
2. Method / Description : 2 marks
3. Result or Remark : 1 mark

Section – VI:
Record : 5 Marks
Viva : 5 Marks
Identification : 1 mark
Uses / Importance : 1 mark

Subject : Feeds and Feeding of Animals
Paper – II:
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Section – I (1 x 8 = 8 Marks):
1. Draw the sketch diagram of digestive system of cattle.
2. Draw the sketch diagram of digestive system of sheep.
3. Draw the sketch diagram of digestive system of Goat.
4. Describe the preparation of Silage making.
5. Describe the preparation of Hay making.

Section – II (1 x 8 = 8 Marks):
6. Write about common feed ingredients.
7. Thumb rules of feeding cattle and buffaloes.
8. Formulation of ration for milch animal.
9. Feeding of animals during drought.
10. Feeding of new born calf.
11. Write about Agro industrial by- products.

Section – III (1 x 8 = 8 Marks):
12. Preparation of calf starter.
13. Preparation of milk replacer.
14. Preparation of mash feed for cattle.
15. Preparation of urea-moalsses, salt bricks block licks.
16. Preparation of vermi compost.
17. Identification of common feed ingredients.

Section – IV (2 x 4 = 8 Marks):
18. (a) Advantages of Chaffing.
(b) Advantage of colostrum feeding.

19. (a) Describe different silos
(b) Identification of Silage.

20. (a) Feed mixing
(b) Forage farm

21. (a) List of non conventional feed ingredients.
(b) Animal protein supplements

22. (a) Cultivation practice of Maize.
(b) Cultivation practices of Sorghum.

23. (a) Cultivation practices of Lucerne.
(b) Cultivation practices of Cow pea.

Section – V (4 x 2 = 8 Marks):
24. (a) Cow pea seed
(b) Breseem seed
(c) Lucerne seed
(d) Horse gram seed

25. (a) Maize seed
(b) Jowar seed
(c) Bajra seed
(d) Ragi seed

26. (a) Feed grinder
(b) Feed mixer
(c) Concentrate feed
(d) Spoiled feed
10 Dairying

27. (a) Ground nut cake
(b) Cotton seed cake
(c) Sun flower seed cake
(d) Soyabean cake

28. (a) Rice bran
(b) Wheat bran
(c) Rice husk
(d) Red gram husk

29. (a) Mineral mixture
(b) Salt licks
(c) Urea
(d) Silage

Section – VI:
Record 5 Marks
Viva 5 Marks

Categories: Miscellaneous
Tags: bieap.gov.in

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