schooleducation.kar.nic.in SSLC Science Question Bank & Answer Keys : Karnataka Department of Public Instruction

Organisation : Karnataka Department Of Public Instruction
Exam Name : SSLC
Subject : Science
Document Type : Question Bank & Answer Keys
Location : Karnataka, India
Website : schooleducation.kar.nic.in

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School Education Karnataka SSLC Science Question Bank

Physics :

Alternative sources of Energy

Chapter -1:

Related / Similar Question Bank :
Karnataka SSLC Social Science Question Bank

I. Choose the correct answer and write:
1. Which of the following is not a biomass energy source:
a) Gobar gas
b) Coal
c) Dry wood
d) Nuclear energy

2. Minimum speed of wind to operate generator to produce electricity is:
b) 25mls
c) 30mls
d) 100 mls

3. Which the place in India where wind mills are aplenty is:
a) Kanyakumari
b) Meerut
d) Jaduguda

4. Geothermal energy has a temparature about:
a) 5000C
b) 3000C
c) 130000C
d) 13000C

5. Geotherma energy is obtained from the heat present at depth of:
a) 10Km from surface of earth.
b) 20 Km from the surface of the earth.
c) 1300 Km from surface of earth.
d) 40 Km from the surface of the earth.

1. What are the non-renewable sources of energy? Give two examples:
A: Resources which are exhausted after continuous use and take a long time to replenish are called non renewable or exhaustible resources.
Eg: Coal, petroleum, minerals etc.,

2. What are renewable sources of energy? Give two examples:
Resources which are not exhausted even after continues use and can replenished quickly in nature are called renewable or inexhaustible resources.Ex: Solar Energy, air, water, soil, forest, wild life.

3. What are the advantageous of having non-conventional sources of energy?:
** They are in exhustale
** They are not concentrated over an area.

4. What is Solar Energy? How it reaches the earth? What is the cause of Solar energy?:
The energy obtained from sun in the form of heat and light is called solar energy. Continuous thermo nuclear fusion reaction taking place inside the sun, this is the source of solar energy. Solar energy reaches earth in the form of electromagnetic radiations.

5. What are solar collectors? Give any 2 exampes:
The devices which convert solar energy into thermal energy and stroes them are called solar collectors.
Ex. Solar, Cooker, Solar pond.

6. What is the principle of a Solar Cell?:
The principle of solar cell is photo voltaic effect.

7. What is bio-energy?:
Energy produced by the biological matter is called bioenergy.

8. How is bio energy advantageous?:
** It offers clean fuel for energy.
** It maintains an unpolluted environment and reduces the carbondioxide content in the atmosphere.

9. Write any two plants which are directly or indirectly used to prepare biodiesel:
** Jatropha
** Pongamia Pinnata (Honge)

10. How is electricity generted from wind energy?:
The Kinetic energy of the wind is utilized to rotate wind mils which converts wind energy into electrical energy.

11. What are the limitations of wind energy?:
** It cannot be installed everywhere.
** Wind speed is not same through out the year.

12. Where do you find the largest collectors of wind mills in India?:
Near Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu.

13. What should be the speed of wind to convert it in to electrical energy?:
The speed of wind should be between 8 and 22 m per sec.

14. What are wind mills?:
The devices which convert wind energy in to electrical energy called wind mills.

15. Which places in India are suitable to install the plants which covert wave energy in to electrical energy? :
The tropical coastline of our country, especially the south west coast line, is found to be highly suitabale for establishing energy conversion plants.

16. What are the limitations of wave energy?
** The cost of energy conversion per unit is very high.
** It can’t be produced everywhere.

17. What is geothermal energy?:
Thermal energy hidden in the earth’s crust is called geothermal energy.

18. Write any two places in India where geothermal energy is used?:
Puga, Manikaran, Tatapani and Bakneshwar.

Types of Motion

Chapter -8
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Time period(T) and frequency(n) of the wave are related by

2. The following is an example for non-mechanical waves is
a) Sound waves
b) electromagentic wave
c) Water waves
d) Tides

4. Any object of hing by a thread is
a) Simple pendulem
b) bob
c) weight
d) Rigid body

5. The periodic deturbance at a point in a medium is
a) motion
c)kinetic energy
d. Friction

6. An example for transverse wave
a. Sound waves
b) straight motion of a spring
c. Vibration of molecules in air
d. Electromagnetic radiation.

II. Answer the following in a sentence each:
1. What are waves? which are the two types
The disturbance set up in a medium is called as a wave. The two types of wave are
1.Mechanical waves.
2.Electromagnetic waves.

2. What are longitudinal waves? give an example. The waves in which particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of motion.
Ex. Sound waves

3. What are transverse waves? Give a example.
* After The waves in which particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction of motion.
Ex. Electromagnetic waves.

4. Write any two characteristics of wave motion?
The two characteristics of wave motion are
1. A wave is produced by a periodic disturbance.
2. When a wave propagates in a medium the particles vibrate afont their mean position and ernergy is transferred without the transfer of the particles of the medium.

5. What are mechancial waves? Give an examples.
The waves which need material medium for their propagation are called mechanical waves for their propagation are called mechanical waves.
Ex. Sound waves

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