schooleducation.kar.nic.in SSLC Kannada & English 2nd Language Question Bank & Answer Keys : Karnataka Department of Public Instruction

Organisation : Karnataka Department Of Public Instruction
Exam Name : SSLC
Subject : 2nd Language Kannada & English
Document Type : Question Bank & Answer Keys
Location : Karnataka, India
Website : schooleducation.kar.nic.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
English: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7322-2ndLangEng.pdf
Kannada : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7322-2ndLangKan.pdf

Karnataka SSLC Language English Sample Paper

Unit – 1:
I Four alternatives are given . Choose the best alternative:
1. The boy who fought the tiger stayed on the tree for half – a – day – because he
a. wanted to watch the tiger from the tree top
b. wanted to rest for some time

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c. was waiting for help
d. did not like the tiger

Ans.: was waiting for help

2. Swami’s father asked him to sleep alone in the office room as he:
a. wanted him to catch the burglar
b. wanted him to prove that he had courage
c. wanted him to look after the office
d. wanted him to prove that he had strength

Ans.: b. wanted him to prove that he had courage

3. A burglar is a person who:
a. enters a house to steal
b. kills a tiger
c. writes for a newspaper
d. bites other people

Ans.: enters a house to steal

4. Swami decided to sleep under the bench because:
a. he felt it was a safe place
b. it was near the door
c. it was not dusty
d. it was made of wood

Ans. : he felt it was a safe place

5. For Swami events took an unexpected turn because:
a. his father was angry with him
b. his father read about a newspaper report
c. his home work was not done
d. his exams were near

Ans.: b. his father read about a newspaper report

6. Swami thought that the boy in the report was not a boy but a grown-up person because:
a. he knew him
b. he felt he was a coward
c. he was sure no boy could fight a tiger
d. he was sure he was a courageous person

Ans.: c. he was sure no boy could fight a tiger

II. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each:
1. Swami’s father drew his attention to a report in the newspaper. What was the report about?:
What was the special news about the bravery of a village lad?

The newspaper carried a report about the bravery of a village boy who had come face to face with a tiger while returning home by the village path.

2. What comment did Swami make when he heard the newspaper report? How did his view differ from that of his father?:
Swami felt that it was not possible for a boy to fight a tiger and it must have been a strong and grown up person who had done this. His father disagreed saying that strength and ago were not so important. What really needed was courage.

3. What challenge did Swami’s father put to him?:
Swami’s father challenged him to sleep alone in his office room that night which was a frightful proposition. Swami always slept beside his grandmother so any change in this arrangement made him frightful.

4. In which part of the office did Swami decide to sleep. Why did he select this place?:
Ans.: Swami spread his bed under the bench in the office and crept in there to sleep. It seemed to be a much safter place more compact and reassuring.

5. As the night advanced Swami felt that something terrible would happen to him. What would it be? How would it happen?:
As the night advanced Swami remembered all the stories of devil and ghost. He expected the devils to come up and carry him away.

6. What did Swami feel when he saw something moving in the darkness? What did he do?:
When Swami saw something moving in the room he imagined that if was the devil. He crawled out of the bench, caught hold of it and dug his teeth into it.

7. Why were congratulations showered on Swami?:
Ans.: Swami had bitten the burglar taking him to be the devil. The burglar’s cry brought Swami’s father and others to the scene leading to his arrest. So congratulations were showered on Swami.

8. Why did Swami feel relieved at the end?:
The next day Swamy slept beside his granny. His father did not protect much. Swami felt relieved.

9. How was Swami honoured by his classmates, teacher and the headmaster?:
Congratulations were showered on Swami. His classmates looked at him with respect and his teacher patted on his back. The headmaster said that he was a tree scout.

10. Do you think Swami really wanted to join the police? If not, what did he want to be?:
No, Swami was not interested to join the police. He wanted to become an engine driver, railway guard or a bus conductor.

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