wbsed.gov.in Higher Secondary HS English & Bengali Questions & Answers Model : West Bengal School Education

Board / Organisation : West Bengal School Education
Class : Higher Secondary HS
Subject : English & Bengali
Document Type : Model Questions & Answers
Website : wbsed.gov.in

Download Model/Sample Question Papers:
Bengali : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7317-hs_model_ben.pdf
Sample – 1: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7317-hs_model_eng1.pdf
Sample – 2: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7317-hs_model_eng2.pdf
Sample – 3: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7317-hs_model_eng3.pdf
Sample – 4: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7317-hs_model_eng4.pdf

Model Question English – 1 :

1. Complete each of the sentences which follow by choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given :1 x 4 =4
(i) “The young lady stepped close to the expert”. ___ The ‘young lady’ was:
(a) Miss Bennet
b) Miss Smith
(c) Miss Sullivan
(d) Miss Raby

Ans: (b) Miss Smith

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(ii) The man who was sitting on the bench near the writer was a:
(a) cotton merchant
(b) tobacco merchant
(c) hide merchant
(d) wheat merchant

Ans: (b) tobacco merchant

2. Answer the questions which follow (each in about 30 words) 3:
“The idea originated with Ram Saran” ___ What was the idea and how was it carried out ?

The ‘idea’ was to establish a school for the children of workmen and of the lowly-paid railway staff at Mokameh Ghat. It was carried out by renting a hut for twenty odd students, appointing a master who had to tactfully overcome the initial hurdle of caste prejudices.

3. Answer the question which follow (in about 50 words) : 5
Q. What were the Christmas Day celebrations at Mokameh Ghat ?:
The Christmas Day celebration was a big affair at Mokameh Ghat. On that day Ram Saran and his workmen would decorate the office with signal flags and flowers. Sharp at ten in the morning Ram Saran, colourfully attired, would fetch Corbett to the place. The programme would start with the garlanding of Corbett followed by a long speech of Ram Saran and a short one by Corbett. Subsequently, sweet would be distributed among the children. The celebration would conclude with the distribution of cash bonus to Ram Saran and his workmen.

5. Answer the question which follow (in about 30 words) 3:
Q. How does Nature lead us to an unknown world ?
Nature, like a fond but strict mother, takes away our playthings (worldly ties and attachments) one by one and prepare us for our journey to an unknown world. She does so to give us eternal repose and peace.

6. Answer the question which follow (in about 50 worlds) : 5
Q. Bring out the significance of the title of the poem:
“Where The Mind Is Without Fear”.
The title of Rabindranath Tagore’s poem, ‘Where the Mind is Without Fear’ is also the first line of the poem and is one of the most significant sub-clauses which go to build up the poem. The ‘World of Freedom’, which Tagore envisons for his countrymen, can only be attained if we possess a fearless mind. Only a fearless mind can hold its head upright. So attain true freedom one has to have a mind which is ‘Without fear’. In this sense the title is very significant and has been an apt one.

7. Answer the question which follow (in about 30 words) : 3
Q. How was the convict treated in the prison ?:
In the prison the convict was very badly treated. He was chained like a wild beast and whipped like a dog. He was given dirty inedible food to eat and was made to live in a filthy condition. He had to sleep on wooden planks. His name was taken away and he was called by a number.

8. Answer the question which follow (in about 50 worlds) : 5
Q. Sketch the character of Bishop:
The Bishop in Norman McKinnel’s one act play “The Bishop’s Candlesticks” is the embodiment of a true Christian. He has all the virtues which a bishop ought to have — he is selfless, kind, generous and charitable. He has a childlike innocence and does not understand any ‘dupe’. His absolute faith in God has made him fearless. The convict’s treats to kill him fail to unnerve him. He hates sin but loves sinners. The way he restores the convict’s faith in Christianity is remarkable. Even the convict recognizes his goodness towards the end of the play, “… but somehow I — I … know you are good…” He is the most adorable character in the play. No wonder person calls him the best man in the whole of France.

9. Rewrite the sentences which follow as directed, without changing their meaning. 2 x 5 = 10:
i) Move him into the Sun. ( Change the voice)
Ans: Let him be moved into the Sun.

You are asked to move him into the Sun.

ii) In many cases environmental plunder is an infringement of distributive justice (Use the verb form of ‘infringement’)
Ans: In many cases environmental plunder infringes upon distributive justice.

iii) ‘Into that heaven of freedom let my country awake’ (Turn into indirect)
Ans: The speaker prayed that his country should be awakened into the world of freedom.

iv) Nature deals with us and takes away our playthings one by one. (Turn into a simple sentence)
Ans: Nature deals with us taking away our playthings one by one.

v) All of this was very primitive. (Make it negative)
Ans: None of this was modern.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositons : ½ x 6 = 3
____ me ____ young man ____ England who had recently joined ____ railway and who had been sent ____ me ____ study the system of work. Ans: With me was a young man from England who had recently joined the railway and who had been sent to me to study the system of work.

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