dmetodisha.gov.in ANM Examination Model Question Paper : DMET Odisha Medical Education & Training

Organisation : Directorate Of Medical Education & Training, DMET Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Document Type : ANM Examination Model Question Paper
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DMET Odisha ANM Examination Model Questions

SUB: Community Health Nursing
Time : 3 hrs
Full Marks: 75

Related : Directorate Of Medical Education & Training Odisha GNM Exam Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/10826.html

Paper – I

1. 3 long Questions of 15 Marks each (3X15) -45
2. Short Note Variety (15 Marks)
3. Objective Type Questions (Fill in Blanks / True & False/Abbreviations)-15Marks

Q.1. a) What is Health Education ? (3 +6+6)
b) Write the objectives of Health Education ?
c) What Heatlh Education you will impact to an adoscent girl in a rural area about HIV/AIDS prevention.
a) What do you mean by CNAA
b) Write down the steps involved in CNAA
c) Describe the process of CNAA in the Health Care delivery system?

Q2. a) Name 5 National Health Programmes ? (5+5+5)
b) Write the role of AWW in the community ?
c) As a HW(F) what is your role in the implementation of the National Malaria Control Programme at the community level ?
a) Write the Organization of District Hospital ?
b) Describe the referral system in the delivery of health care ?
c) Write the role of NGO’s in the community level ?

Q 3. a) What is Social Stratification ? (4+5+6)
b) Write how the traditions and Customs have a influence on our health ?
c) How caste, race has an influence on health practices.
a) What do you mean by NGO ?
b) Explain the role of National and Inernational Health Agencies ?
c) Write the Functions of Red Cross.

Q.4. Write short notes on Any five (5X3)
i) Principles of PHC
ii) Methods of learning
iii) Function of FAO
iv) Function of UNICEF
v) WHO
vi) Role of Panchayat in Health care delivery system .

Q.5. A) Write Full of Abbreviations (1X10)

B) Fill in the blanks. (1X5)
a) _______ is the best method of IEC.
b) In Villages use of ____________ methods is one of the best method for disseminating health message.
c ) Haemoglobin estimation can be done at _______ level by HW(F).
d) Head Quarters of WHO is at______________.
e) UNICEF was establised in the year___________.

Paper – II

SUB: Health Promotion
Time : 3 hrs Full Marks: 75
3 long Questions of 15 Marks each (3X15) -45
Short Note Variety (15 Marks)
Objective Type Questions (Fill in Blanks / True & False/Abbreviations) -15 Marks

Q.1. a) What do you understand by PEM? (5+5+5)
b) Write the factors associated with PEM and the signs and symp – toms of PEM ?
c) As a HW(F) how will you provide care and preventive measures of PEM?
a) What do you mean by Mental Health ?
b) Write the signs & symptoms of a Mentally abnormal person ?
c) As a HW(F) how will you educate the people in your area for promo -tion of Mental Health ?

Q2. a) Draw a labelled diagram of the Heart? (5+4+6)
b) Write the function of Heart ?
c) Describe the pulmonary circulation ?
a) Draw a diagram of lungs and label it ?
b) Write the parts of the lungs and mention its functions ?
c) Describe the bronchical tree ?

Q 3. a) Draw the structure of internal ear ? (5+6+4)
b) Explain the auditory Pathway?
c) Write the functions of the eye?
a) Write the External features of brain ?
b) Write the areas & parts of the b rain?
c) Draw the diagram of the brain.

Q.4. Write short notes on Any five (5X3)
i) Balanced diet
ii) Hardnes of water
iii) Functions of Kidney
iv) Functions of Liver
v) Intelligent Quotient
vi) Prevention of Mental illness

Q.5. Write Full Form of Abbreviations (5)
B) Write True/False of the following. (1X10)
a) Temporary Hardness of Water is removed by addition of chlorine .
b) ADH is secreted from Pancreas.
c) Scurvy is due to Vitamin-C Defeciency .
d) Night blindness is due to Vitamin -A deficiency .
e) Kwashiorkar and Maracmus are types of diarrhoea.
f) Hallucination occurs in anxiety.
g) Digestion of protein takes place in large intenstine .
h) There are 3 bones in the internal ear.
i) Gooseberry is rich is vitamin -C.
j) Iodine deficiency causes goitre

Paper – III

SUB: Primary Health Care
Time : 3 hrs Full Marks: 75
3 long Questions of 15 Marks each (3X15) -45
Short Note Variety (15 Marks)
Objective Type Questions (Fill in Blanks / True & False/Abbreviations) -15Marks

Q.1. a) What is the concept of occurance of disease ? (5+5+5)
b) What is illness?
c) Desccribe the classification of disease?
a) What do you mean by Incubation Period ?
b) Write the clarification of Micro Orgnism ?
c) Write the factors affecting the growth & destruction of organism?

Q2. a) Define bed sore? (5+4+6)
b) What are the causes of bed sore ?
c) As HW(F) how will you manage a patient suffering from Paralysis ?
a) What is isolation ?
b) What is its purpose ?
c) Whar are the infectious diseases whe re isolation is recommended ?

Q 3. a) What an epidemic ? (5+6+4)
b) What are the cause of epidemics ?
c) As a HW(F) what is your role is in a measles epidemic?
a) What is sterilisation ?
b) List the different methods of sterilisation
c) Describe the Physical methods of sterilisation.

Q.4. Write short notes on Any five (5X3)
i) Fracture
ii) Golden rules of first Aid
iii) Emergency drugs
iv) Antirabies Vaccine
v) Drug list in subcentre
vi) Skin Care & Foot Care in diabetes

Q.5. Write True/False of the following (1X10)
a) All cases of cough & blood in sputum should go for a sputum examination.
b) Fever with chill and rigor should not have their blood slide tested for malaria Parasite.
c) In Hepatitis B, yellow discolouration of sclera is seen.
d) Scabies is not contagious.
e) Poliomyelitis is also called infantile paralysis.
f) Vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella is given intramuscularly.
g) Encephalitis is the inflammation of meninges.
h) MDT is given in leprosy.
i) DOTS is given in leprosy.
j) Intradermal is the route when the drug is given beneath the skin.

B) fill in the blanks. (1X5)
a) One pint=_______ ounce.
b) In a stroke patient to prevent bedsore he should be turned every ______hour.
c) _______is loss of appetite.
d) pain in chest , with sweating and radiation of pain to left arm sug -gests the diagnosis of_______.
e) Fever, cough loss of weight , blood in sputum are the symptons of ______.

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