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Organisation : Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board
Post : Laboratory Assistant
Year : 2015
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
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Laboratory Assistant Question Paper

Maximum Marks: 85
Time: 90 minutes
Note :
Only one response to be selected and answered on OMR sheet. Each question carries one mark.

Related / Similar Question Paper :
HPPCB Stenographer Question Paper 2015

There will be negative marking for wrong answer or more than one answer for same question and half mark shall be deducted in each such question. No negative marking will be there for question left unattended.


1) Which instrument is used to measure pressure
(a) Saccharimeter
(b) Ammeter
(c) Manometer
(d) Lactometer

2) What does Angstrom measure
(a) Quantity of liquid
(b) Length of light waves
(c) Length of cables
(d) Speed of ships

3) Light year is related to
(a) Energy
(b) Intensity
(c) Distance
(d) Speed

4) The unit of current is
(a) Ohm
(b) Watt
(c) Ampere
(d) None of these

5) The intensity of an earthquake is measured with a
(a) Barometer
(b) Hydrometer
(c) Polygraph
(d) Seismograph

6) The Scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves around the sun was
(a) Newton
(b) Dalton
(c) Copernicus
(d) Einstein

7) Meteorology is the science of
(a) Weather
(b) Meteors
(c) Metals
(d) Earthquakes

8) The velocity of light was first measured by
(a) Einstein
(b) Newton
(c) Romer
(d) Galileo

9) The unit of energy in MKS system is
(a) Volt
(b) Erg
(c) Ohm
(d) Joule

10) Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales give same reading at
(a) -400o
(b) -32o
(c) -273o
(d) -100o


11) Which of the following is not an atmospheric pollutant
(a) Hydrocarbons
(b) CFCs
(c) CO2
(d) CO

12) Which element has the highest first ionization energy?
A. Sodium
B. Aluminum
C. Calcium
D. Phosphorus

13) When alpha particles are used to bombard gold foil, most of the alpha particles pass through undeflected. This result indicates that most of the volume of a gold atom consists of ____.
A. deuterons
B. neutrons
C. protons
D. unoccupied space

14) A neutron has approximately the same mass as a
A. an alpha particle
B. a beta particle
C. an electron
D. a proton

15) What is the mass number of an atom which contains 28 protons, 28 electrons, and 34 neutrons?
A. 28
B. 56
C. 62
D. 90

16) Which element is present in all organic compounds?
A. carbon
B. nitrogen
C. oxygen
D. phosphorous

17) Which statement explains why the element carbon forms so many compounds?
A. Carbon atoms combine readily with oxygen.
B. Carbon atoms have very high electronegativity.
C. Carbon readily forms ionic bonds with other carbon atoms.
D. Carbon readily forms covalent bonds with other carbon atoms.

18) What is the maximum number of covalent bonds than an atom of carbon can form?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

19) During fractional distillation, hydrocarbons are separated according to their
A. boiling points
B. melting points
C. triple points
D. saturation points

20) Which substance cannot be decomposed into simpler substances?
A. ammonia
B. aluminum
C. methane
D. methanol

21) Which statement describes a chemical property?
A. Its crystals are a metallic gray.
B. It dissolves in alcohol.
C. It forms a violet-colored gas.
D. It reacts with hydrogen to form a gas.

22) How many valence electrons does an oxygen atom have?
A. 2
B. 6
C. 8
D. 16

23) The identity of an element is determined by…
A. The number of its protons.
B. The number of its neutrons.
C. The number of its electrons.
D. Its atomic mass.

24) Which of the following is the correct name for NaHCO3?
A. sodium hydrogen carbonate
B. sodium acetate
C. nitrogen hydrogen carbonate
D. sodium hydrogen carbon trioxide

26) What is the oxidation number of chromium in the ionic compound Na2Cr2O7?
A. 2
B. 6
C. 7
D. 12

27) The nucleus of an atom consists of
A. electrons and neutrons
B. electrons and protons
C. protons and neutrons
D. All of the above

28) What is the molecular geometry for ammonia (NH3)?
A. saw horse
B. trigonal planar
C. tetrahedral
D. pyramidal

29) What is the hybridization of the sulfur atom is SF4?
A. sp2
B. sp3
C. sp3d
D. sp3d2

30) The number of moles of solute present in 1 kg of a solvent is called its
A. molality
B. molarity
C. normality
D. formality

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  1. Please give me the latest pattern of exam for Lab Assistant (Allopathy).

  2. Please give me the sample paper of Allopathy Lab Assistant.

  3. Please give me the recent pattern of exam for Lab Assistant (HP).

    1. For merit, you have to read Biology of 10th and 12th standard.

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