gpsc.gujarat.gov.in Assistant Charity Commissioner Paper Sample : Gujarat Public Service Commission

Organisation : Gujarat Public Service Commission
Post : Assistant Charity Commissioner
Document Type : Sample Paper
Website : gpsc.gujarat.gov.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/Recruitment/7179-Sample-Paper1-2-Advt-111-2013-14.pdf

GPSC Assistant Charity Commissioner Sample Paper

1. Field Water Use Efficiency is calculated by

Related : Gujarat Public Service Commission GPSC Verbal Skills English Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/8245.html

2. WUE=Y/C
4. None of these

2. The least effective vegetation for protecting the soil from erosion is
1. Tall tree crops
2. dense grass
3. Low light crops with big leaves
4. Grain crops

3. Farm ponds are designed based on the consideration of
1. Lesser water depth over a larger spreading area
2. Lesser water depth over a lesser spreading area
3. Greater water depth over a lesser open surface area

4. Greater water depth over a Greater open surface area
4. The contour cultivation is more effective in slope
1. 15%
2. 3 to 8 %
3. 10-15%
4. 15%-20%

5. Moving around the web from 1 site to another is called
1, Linking
2. Navigating
3. Hopping
4. Paging

6. The letter b in the production function Y-a+bx is
1. Dependent Variable
2. Independent Variable
3. Intercept
4. None of the above.

7. How many thousand eggs are produced by honey bee queen per day?
1. 0.5-1.5
2. 2.0-3.0
3. 4.0-4.5
4. 5.0-5.5

8. In a normal distribution
1. Mean and median are equal
2. Mean and mode are equal
3. median and mode are equal
4. Mean ,median and mode are equal

9. The tem ‘Isotops’ means
1. Same number of neutrons
2. Same number of electrons
3. Same number of protons
4. None of the above

10. Modification of floral parts into leafy structures by pathogenic infection is called
1. Phyllody
2. ‘Witch ‘ broom
3. Hyperplasia
4. Hypertrophy

Subject : English (Compulsory) Question Paper
Max. Marks : 100
Q. 1. Write an essay in about 400 words on any one of the following : 15
a) Make in India – need of the hour.
b) Is life better for us than it was for our forefathers ?
c) Judicial activism.
d) Major challenges faced by India in its path to prosperity.
e) Sustainable development and environment conservation.

Q. 2. Write a letter to your father describing your recent visit to an exhibition of historical interest. 5
Q. 3. Write a letter to your Reporting Officer seeking permission for a study-leave with a reasoning how it would be beneficial to perform duties more effectively. 5
Q. 4. Write an inspection report of a school you visited mentioning the strength and shortcomings you noticed there. 5
Q. 5. As the Director of your company draft a letter of warning to the employees who have been found indulging repeatedly in acts of misbehavior with their seniors. 5
Q. 6. Draft a dialogue between two neighbours about the rising cases of cyber crime in the city. 5
Q. 7. As the Head Boy of a school, write a send-off speech to be delivered at the farewell of the Principal of the school. 5
Q. 8. Draft your conversation with the members of the interview board for the post of Accountant. 5
Q. 9. You have to apprise the press about your plans for the development of your city as you’re contesting the election for the post of Mayor, Municipal Corporation. Draft the conversation imagining the possible questions by the press and your answers. 5
Q. 10. As the Editor of a local newspaper, prepare a short write-up advising people to take necessary precautions in the case of flood. 5

Q. 11. Write précis of the following paragraph in about one-third of its length and also give a suitable title. 5
What happens when one person sends a message and another receives it ?
First of all, let us consider the nature of language – the words in which most of the messages are expressed. All words are symbols. A symbol is a standardized sign, seen or heard, which stands for an object, event, or idea as agreed upon by senders and recipients of the messages. It need not resemble what it stands for. Thus it differs from pictorial representation or imitation, such as a portrait, a street plan, a building’s map, or an organization chart.

Q. 12. Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions that follow. 5
The most frightening aspect of malnutrition is that it is likely to cause permanent damage to the brain. Experiments carried out on animals suggest that brain damage due to malnutrition is irreversible. This may not be true of human beings. Nevertheless, known facts as well as results of tests conducted so far point to alarming conclusions. The human brain grows very fast. Three months before a child’s birth the child’s brain weighs onefourth of the adult brain. In one year, the brain of a child is already 66 percent of the weight of the adult brain. At four the brain weighs 90 percent and at eight the child’s brain is the size of an adult’s and there is no further increase.Quite obviously the first four years are very crucial for the development of the brain. And if the child suffers malnutrition, the damage to the brain may well be permanent.

Questions :
I) What is the most serious harm that may be caused by malnutrition in childhood ?
II) Why is good nutrition so essential during the first four years of childhood ?
III) What suggestions have been made by the National Institute of Nutrition for controlling goitre in certain parts of India ?
IV) What alternative sources of Vitamin A have been suggested by the Institute ?
V) Find out the synonym for ‘strengthening’ used in the passage.

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