NIELIT Question Paper : C Level Course Software Systems

Institute : National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (nielit.gov.in)
Course : C Level Course
Subject Code/Name : C10-R4/ Software Systems
Document Type : Old Question Paper
Location : India
Website : nielit.gov.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
January 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7104-jan12C10-R4.pdf
JULY 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7104-jun12C10-R4.pdf
January 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7104-jan13CE13-R4.pdf
JULY 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7104-jul13C10-R4.pdf
January 2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7104-jan14C10-R4.pdf
July 2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7104-jul14newC10-R4.pdf

Software Systems Sample Paper :

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
1. a) Discuss how can software quality be achieved during software development.

Related : NIELIT Question Paper C Level Course Cyber Forensic & Law : www.pdfquestion.in/7103.html

b) What is preliminary investigation? Who does it? What is the purpose of preliminary investigation?
c) What is the difference between the system life cycle and a system development methodology?
d) Explain characteristics of an Object Oriented System.
e) Explain: Use case and Scenario. Discuss how Use-Case diagram can be used to model the requirements of a system.
f) Give the characteristics of the design phase.
g) List all kinds of control information represented by Dynamic model. (7×4)
2. a) In what situations waterfall model will be used? Justify your answer. Name the risk based software development process model? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
b) What do you mean by requirements engineering? Explain the steps of RE process? Why should a requirement engineer avoid making any design decision during requirement analysis?
c) Prepare Dynamic Model (State Chart Diagram) for the Order Processing system. (6+6+6)
3. a) Prepare Data Flow Diagram and E-R Diagram for Library Management System. (Give the problem statement and define the scope).
b) What is a data dictionary? What is the importance of it? What are the contents of a Data Dictionary?
c) Reusability is an important feature of Object Oriented System. What are the good practices to be adopted while designing for reuse? (8+6+4)
4. a) Explain how does object oriented design provide separation of interface and implementation. What is the main element/purpose of class diagram? How to identify classes and objects that are relevant to a particular object?
b) When are Interaction Diagrams used? Differentiate between Sequence Diagram and Collaboration Diagram.
c) Use Cases should be written in terms of Actors and Roles. Define these terms. How many roles can a single person have? Discuss the object oriented software development process using use case method. (6+6+6)
5. a) Differentiate between Requirements workflow v/s Analysis workflow. How to identify classes from a system?
b) Why are object oriented programming techniques required? List out the different types of UML Diagrams. Explain in detail the UML diagrams that represent only the dynamic aspects of the software system, with example.
c) Define object model. Explain the various elements of object model in detail. Why software is inherently complex? Briefly explain the structure of complex systems. (4+8+6)
6. a) How would you differentiate good design from a bad design?
b) What is the difference between architecture and a framework? What roles can architectures play in the development of software systems?
c) What is the aim of testing? Which are the methodologies (techniques) of testing? How Use-Cases and Testing are related? (4+6+8)
7. a) How is a Object Oriented Software (System) tested? Differentiate between Test Case and Test Suite. How to prepare the test case?
b) Compare agent oriented software development and object oriented software development by discussing various advantages and disadvantages. What do you understand by a multi agent system?
c) What is a component? What are the different types of components? Differentiate between components and classes. (6+6+6)

C10-R4: Software Systems July 2012 :
1. a) What are the characteristics that make software different from hardware? Show how thefailure curve of software differs from that of hardware.
b) Is it true that whenever cohesion of different modules in the design is increased, coupling among the modules automatically decreased? Justify the statement.
c) Why the Spiral life cycle model is considered to be a Meta model? What are the advantages of using evolutionary process model?
d) Develop a set of use cases for the ATM system
e) “Quality, Reliability, Security and Safety are related concepts, but fundamentally different in a number of ways.” Discuss.
f) Why SRS (Software Requirements Specifications) document is also known as black box specification of a system?
g) Explain the principles of Software Design (Architecture, Module, User interface etc.). (7×4)

2. a) Under which circumstances is it beneficial to construct a Prototype? Does construction of Prototype always increase the overall cost of software development?
b) Discuss the relationship between the concept of information hiding as an attribute of effective modularity and the concept of module independence. Why is it good idea to keep the scope of effect of a module within its scope of control?
c) Explain different steps of requirements engineering process. Discuss any two requirements elicitation techniques. (6+6+6)

3. a) What are the two primary goals of Testing? Which are the attributes, which will impact the Testing Process? What do you mean by Test case? How to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of it?
b) Explain the manner in which use cases can be used for the purpose of the testing.
c) Justify the design principle: “The code should be open for extensions, but closed for modifications”. (8+6+4)

4. a) What kinds of role UML plays in terms of defining and designing software architectures?
What are the roles of software architect? How to achieve dynamism in software architectures?
b) Compare and contrast between Activity diagram and State-chart diagram.
c) Discuss the following
i) State and Activity
ii) Use Case and Collaboration (6+6+6)

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