IIT : Biotechnology Question Paper JAM 2015

Name of the Organisation : Indian Institute of Technology
Location : Kanpur
Exam : JAM 2015
Subject : Biotechnology
Document Type : Question Papers
Website : iitk.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/iitk.ac.in/7056-BT_2013.pdf
2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/iitk.ac.in/7056-BT_2014.pdf

IITK Biotechnology Sample Paper

Test Paper Code : BT
Maximum Marks : 100
Continuous culture technique at steady state (chemostat) is useful in isolating bacteria from a mixed culture. It exploits the differences in their
(A) maintenance requirements (B) specific growth rates

Related : IIT Indian Institute of Technology Biological Science Question Paper for JAM 2015 : www.pdfquestion.in/7055.html

(C) rates of speci?c product formation (D) endogenous metabolism
Biofilrn observed in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients is composed of
(A) polysaccharides (B) polylactic acid
(C) polypeptides (D) polyethylene glycol

Match the pathogens listed in Column Iwith the diseases listed in Column H Column I Column 11
P. Rotaviius 1. Food poisoning
Q. Leishmania 2. Diarrhea
R. Salmonella Typhimurium 3. Kala azar
S. Epstein-Barr Virus 4. Typhus fever

5 . Glandular fever
(A) P-z, Q-l, 11-4, 5-5
(0) P-S, Q-3, 11-4, 3-2
(B) P-Z, Q-s, R~1, so
(in) P-5, Q-i, R-3, 5-4

The time required for an E. coli to divide is less than the time required to replicate its chromosome. This is possible because
(A) of an abundance of enzymes required for replication
(B) it linearizes the chromosome and replicates from both ends
(C) only one daughter cell receives the nuclear material
(D) of multiple replication forks

A bacterial population contains a mixture of wild type and leucine auxotrophs. From this mixture, the leucine auxotrophs can be enriched by growing the mixture in minimal medium Supplemented With
(A) leucine
(C) leucine and penicillin
(B) penicillin
(D) chlorarnphenicol

Gram positive bacteria are more rigid than Gram negative bacteria because of the
(A) presence of multiple layers of peptidoglycan
(B) lack of D»amino acids in their cell wall
(C) presence of N-acetylgalactosarnine in the peptidoglycan backbone
(D) presence of lipopolysaccharide

Helicobacter pylori can survive in the highly acidic environment of human stomach because it
(A) creates an alkaline microenvironment around itself by urease action
(B) rapidly invades the stomach cells and escapes the acidic environment
(C) is capsulated and hence, is protected from acidic stress
(D) undergoes sporulation for self protection

The waxy surface of dental plaques does not allow oxygen to diffuse readily. A sample of dental plaque was inoculated into a rich medium and incubated at 37°C with vigorous shaking. However, there was no bacterial growth. The absence of growth was attributed to the following reasons
P: These bacteria are obligate anaerobes
Q: These bacteria require highly alkaline medium for growth
R: These bacteria require a very hard surface, such as that of teeth, to grow.
Which of these three reasons are likely to be correct?
(A) Only P (B) Both P and Q
(C) Both Q and R (D) Both P and R

Cellulases and hemiceliulases are in great demand nowadays for the preparation of second- generation
(A) biodiesel (B) bioplastics
(C) bioethanol (D) antibiotics

Marine microalgae are very important due to their potential industrial significance as single cell oil. These can be used for which of the following?
Biofuel production
Recombinant insulin production
Atmospheric carbon dioxide sequestration
Antibody production
T: Poly-unSaturated fatty acid production
(A) Only P, R and T
(C) Only Q, R and S
(B) Q and S, but not T
(D) P and Q, but not S

A monoclonal antibody (mAb) against a specific cell surface receptor was generated. This was expected to block the receptor function. However, it led to activation instead of blocking. This is due to
(A) cross-linking of the receptors by mAb resulting in receptor activation
(B) binding of the Fab fragment to the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor
(C) binding of the Fc portion to the receptor giving activation signal
(D) the internalization of the mAb by the celI leading to activation

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