Silver Zone iOS Sample Question Papers : International Olympiad of Science

Name of the Organisation : Silver Zone
Subject : IOS International Olympiad of Science
Location : India
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
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IOS Sample Question Paper

Syllabus & Sample Questions :
Living and Non Living Things Around us, Plants and animals, Food we eat, Clothes we wear, Air and Water, Our environment, My Family and Relatives

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The Actual Question Paper Contains 30 Questions. The Duration of the Test Paper is 60 Minutes.

Class I

1. Which one of the following has the characteristic to move from one place to another on its own ?
(A) Plant (B) Chair (C) House (D) Rabbit

2. Which one of the following is necessary for the growth of a plant?
(A) Water (B) Injection (C) Medicine (D) None of these
3. Identify the thing which does not need air, water and food for growth?
(A) Sparrow (B) Squirrel (C) Stone (D) None of these

4. Which one of the following clothes is specially made to worn during the winter season?
(A) Shirt (B) Sweater (C) T-shirt (D) None of these
5. Identify the reptile from the followings.
(A) Bear (B) Crocodile (C) Whale (D) None of these

6. Which one of the followings is called the king of fruits?
(A) Mango (B) Apple (C) Papaya (D) None of these
7. What is the name of the given tool?
(A) Scissor (B) Tester (C) Comb (D) Knife
8. Identify the healthy and nutritious food from the following.
(A) Burger (B) Pizza (C) Chips (D) Vegetables and fruits

9. Identify the insect from the following.
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
10. What does frog eat?
(A) Grass (B) Insect (C) Rice (D) None of these
1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (B) 6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (B)

Class II

Syllabus & Sample Questions :
The Actual Question Paper Contains 40 Questions. The Duration of the Test Paper is 60 Minutes.
Characteristic Features of Living and Non Living Things, Characteristic Features of Plants and Animals, Our Body, Our Environment, Air, Water and Weather, Our Universe, Food we Eat (Classification and Properties), Clothes we Wear ( Source and Properties).

The Actual Question Paper Contains 40 Questions. The Duration of the Test Paper is 60 Minutes.
1. Which one of the followings is the food for the animal given in the picture below?
(A) Flesh (B) Fruits (C) Vegetables (D) Rice

2. Steve’s mother overcooked the food at home. What is the result of overcooking of food?
(A) Loss of nutrients (B) Loss of salt (C) Loss of spices (D) None of these
3. Which of the following is a rock?
(A) Slate (B) Sandstone (C) Granite (D) All of these

4. Which one of the followings does not move from one place to another on its own?
(A) Man (B) Insect (C) Bird (D) Plant
5. Steve keeps the tap open while brushing his teeth. The action of Steve is called ______.
(A) Saving of water (B) Careful use of water
(C) Careless use of water (D) None of these

6. Identify the wild animal from the options given below.
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
7. Which one of the following gas of atmosphere is inhaled by human beings to be alive?
(A) Nitrogen (B) Oxygen
(C) Helium (D) None of these

8. Which one of the following statements is correct?
Statement 1: Living and non living things are important for us.
Statement 2: Only living things are important for us.
(A) Statement 1 is correct
(B) Statement 2 is correct
(C) Both statement 1 and 2 are correct
(D) Both statement 1 and 2 are incorrect

9. What does the following figure represent ?
(A) Pollutants (B) Cyclone
(C) Water cycle (D) None of these
10. The cow is a ______ giving animal.
(A) Fruit (B) Green vegetable
(C) Wheat (D) Milk
1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (D) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (C) 10. (D)

Class III

Syllabus & Sample Questions :
Land and aquatic animals, The Plant Kingdom, The Animal Kingdom, Human Body, Our Environment, Natural Resources, The Universe, Our Safety and First Aid, Motion Transport and Travel, General and Applied Science.
1. What will happen in the given condition shown in the figure below?
(A) Freezing of water
(B) Condensation of water
(C) Evaporation of water
(D) None of these

2. What precaution you should take while working in the lab?
(A) Don’t concentrate too much.
(B) Don’t touch unknown chemicals
(C) Conduct experiment some times against rule
(D) All of these
(E) None of these

3. Which one of the following animals can breathe in air as well as in water also?
(A) Fish
(B) Snake
(C) Crow
(D) Frog
(E) None of these

4. In mountain regions, terrace farming is done to control which one of the following natural phenomena?
(A) Deposition
(B) Soil erosion
(C) Photosynthesis
(D) All of these
(E) None of these

5. A student takes a balloon and fills it with air. What will he notice?
(A) He will notice that the mass of the balloon remains same.
(B) He will notice that the mass of the balloon is increased.
(C) He will notice that the mass of the balloon is decreased.
(D) He will notice that the mass of the balloon is decreased by ½ of the initial mass of the balloon.
(E) None of these

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