ubse.uk.gov.in : Class XII English Question Paper Model Uttarakhand Board of School Education

Name of the Board : Uttarakhand Board of School Education
Name of the Exam : Class XII
Subject : English
Document Type : Model Questions/Answers
Website : ubse.uk.gov.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ubse.uk.gov.in/7033-2014ENGLISH.pdf
2015 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ubse.uk.gov.in/7033-2015English_I.pdf

Class XII English Model Paper :

Class-XII :
English :

Time : 3Hrs
Max.Marks .: 100

Related : Uttarakhand Board of School Education Class X Home Science Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/7032.html

(i)This paper is divided into three Sections-A,B and C. All sections are compulsory.
(ii)Sep arate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Readthese instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully.
(iii)Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.
Section-A : (Reading)
1.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
(A) All round development of a man is the true aim of education. It should train not only the head, but also the hands and the heart. But our present system of education has miserably failed to achieve this aim. It suffers from many grave defects.
(B)The present system of education was founded by the British for their own convenience. Lord Macaulay was the father and founder of this system. He wanted it to produce clerks to help the British in running their administration. Today the English have gone but the same old system of education still continues. We are free but we are still slavishly following the system evolved by the British. This system of education has many defects. It must be changed and overhauled.
(C )The greatest defect in our present system of education is that it is too theoretical. An educated man has only bookish knowledge. He knows nothing about practical things. He finds that his education has not made him fit for any useful work for his society.
(D)The present system of education does not teach us the dignity of labour. A student is not taught or trained to do things with his hands. Manual or physical labour finds no place in education. Educated young men are fit only to be clerks in offices. They look down upon manual labour. They consider it below their dignity to work with their hands in fields or factories.
(E)Vocational education is the need of the hour. We need more and more technicians, engineers and doctors. But, the number of vocational institutions- Engineering and Medical Colleges, Polytechnics and IITs- is limited. A large number of young men and women, who can do well as technicians, are deprived of technical or vocational knowledge.
(F)The present system of education gives too much importance to English. At many places,it is the medium of instruction. English may be a global language. It may have rich treasures of science and literature. But it can never be our national language. Education must be imparted in the mother tongue. This will save much talent of the country from going waste.
(G)A number of commissions have been set up since the dawn of independence to plan afresh the country’s system of education. After much thought , the 10+2+3 system was introduced. It was designed to divert the students to different fields and vocations according to their talent and the needs of the society. But, different states have taken to it only half-heartedly. As the things stand today, the 10+2+3 system has become a riddle. No one knows what exactly it is.
(H)Meanwhile, our education system is as rotten and muddy as it used to be. Students find it purposeless. Therefore, they feel restive and go on strikes. They take no interest in their studies because they know that after finishing their education, they will only join the army of the unemployed. There is an urgent need that the present system should be overhauled and made purposeful.
(a )What is the true aim of education? 1
(b) Who was the father and founder of present system of education? Why did he found this system? 2
(c) What is greatest defect in our present system of education? 2
(d) What type of education is the need of the hour and why? 2
(e) What is meant by vocational education? 2
(f) Find the words in the above passage which convey similar meaning as the following: 3
(i) Prevented from having something. (Para E)
(ii)In a new and different way (Para G)
(iii) Restless (Para H)
2.Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
High-altitude climbing is still a very dangerous task in spite of the availability of oxygen masks and other protective equipments which modern climbers take with them. These ,of course, are indispensable accessories of climbing, but more important than this is the stamina of the climber which ultimately determines the success of his attempt. Throughout his journey, death is his constant companion which he can keep at a distance only with his superb presence of mind. He has to tread every inch of the ground with utmost care, for a false step may not only strike him a fatal blow but also bring disaster to the whole expedition. That is why all expeditions invariably take with them local guides ho are experienced climbers and who have thorough knowledge of the nature. Morever, a huge amount of capital is needed for financing these expeditions, and this is generally provided bygovernments or rich private organizations.
The primary object of a mountaineering expedition is to get to the top of a high mountain which in the past has withstood all attempts to conquer it. But it should not be presumed that the expedition is a complete failure if it does not reach its destination. Sometimes operations are temporaraily suspended because of bad weather, loss of some valuable equipment or the sudden death of a very important member of the party. Every big expedition takes with it men who are intrested in botany, biology, goology and various other branches of science, and these men carry with them quipment for recording their observations concerning the weather, the terrain and different forms of life in higher altitudes.
To ordinary people mountaineering need not be a fearful journey in the land of snow storms where the brave adventurer is always face to face with death. They can scale less ambitious heights, rest their weary limbs under a quiet shelter and feast their eyes on the distant landscape. In the company of friends they can enjoy an outing near a waterfall or cross into the next valley with sacks full of the provisions dangling from their shoulders. All those who can afford to go to a hill station should seek its innocent pleasure, for it can be had without any risk to life or limb.
(a)On the basis of your reading of the passage , make notes on it using heading and sub-headings. Also use recognisable abbreviations, wherever necessary. 5
(b)Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words using the notes made by you and also suggest a suitable title. 3

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