ubse.uk.gov.in : Class X Science Question Paper Model Uttarakhand Board of School Education

Name of the Board : Uttarakhand Board of School Education
Name of the Exam : Class X
Subject : Science
Document Type : Model Questions/Answers
Website : ubse.uk.gov.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ubse.uk.gov.in/7030-2014SCIENCE_H.pdf

UBSE Science Theory Question Paper

Choose the correct option :
When powdered lead nitrate is heated in boiling tube theo produced brorvn smoke has –
(i) Nitrogen mono oxide.

Related : Uttarakhand Board of School Education Class X English Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/7029.html

(ii)Nitrogen tri oxide.
(iii) Nitrogen odi oxide.
(iv)Nitrogen pcnta oxide.
A solution turns rcd litrnur paper into blue. its pH probability be –
(i) 1 (ii) 4 iii) 5 (iv) 10
c. The decomposition of pyruvale to produce Carbon dioxide waler and energy happens in –
(i) Cyoplasm
(iii) Cloroplast
(ii) Mitochondris
(iv) Nucleus
Dam is relatcd to –
(i) Therno-elcctric station
(iii) Hydroelectric power station
(ii) Nuclear pouer station
(iv) Gas initiative power station
2. What is Amalgam ?
3. Name a planthamone which inhibits growth ?
4. What is the another namepfRight Handthumb 1aw ?
5. What is the meaning of period & group in periodic table? Horv many groups & periods in extended modem peliodic tablc i
6. What are the dillercnt circumstances lbr photo synthesis ?
7. What is the meaning of internal l’ertilization & external fertilization Explain with examples ?
8. What do you understand by Homologons &Analogons Organs. Explain with examples ?
9. What precautions should be allowed to avoid over load in domestic electric circuit ?
10. How much charge is possess by an electron Calculate the number ol clectrons to make a one coulomb charge ?
11. Write four properties of image formed by plane mirror ?

12. What do you unclerstand bl Homologons &Analogons Organs’l Explain wiith examples ?
13. what precautions should be lbllow to avoid over load in domestic electrio circuit ?
14. How much chmgc is posscss by an electron Calculate the numbcr ol clectrons to make a one coulon’lb charge ?

15, Write advantages of electricity produceed by wind energy ?
16. Write an equation of decomposion from each where energy is provided as (a) heat (b) light & (c) electricity ?
17. Writc three physical properties of cach metal and non metal ?
18. What is Hydrogenation’? Explan the industrial use of this process
19. What is the diiierence between self pollination and cross polination ? How the insects helf in cross pollination ?

20, Name the glands which accrete following hormones –
(i) Estrogen
(iv) lestosteron
(ii) Thyoxine (iii)Insuiin
(v) Groth halmone (iv) Adrinalin
Name the glands rvhich accrete following….
(i) Estrogen ii) Thyroxinc (iii)lnsulin
(iv) lestosteron (v) Growth harmone (iv) Adrinalin
What is Blood ? Write the functions of its each component.
Write three properties of Magnetic line of force ?

21. What is Blood ? Write the functions of its each component 1
22. Cross section ateast of copper wire is 0′ 1964X10 ‘m’] if the specific resislance of copper is L6XI0 8(!m
23. Write three properties ol Magnetic line of force ?
24. Two thin lenses 01’pon’er +5 0D and -7’5d alc placed in conlact lo each other’ Find out fte lbcal length andpo$’crofthis lense combination’

25. Explain Why ?
(i) lnner surface of solar cooker box is black’
(ii) Solar cooker box is covered by glass sheet
(iii) Plane mirror is used as rellection in solar cooker box’

26. What is plast of paris ? How it is lbnned ? \\rhat happens when  proucd atcr in plastcr ofparis, give equation also
27. Write tfie molecular tibrmulae of pantane Dra$’the structure of all possiblc isomers of Panta,re.
28. Which substances are found in gasLricjuice and what are their functioos ?
29. Draw the labelled diagram ol electric motor. Clear its principlc & methodology’ ?

30. What is chromatic ordcr ?-Drarv a labelled diagram to silo\\’the fo1mation of chomaLic or dcr’ Write the ditierent colours of chromatic order’
31. Why we conserve forest and wi1d life ?

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