mpbse.nic.in : Class XII Home Science, Anatomy, Physiology & Hygiene Question Bank Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education

Name of the Board : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
Name of the Exam : Class XII
Subject : Home Science, Anatomy, Physiology & Hygiene
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mpbse.nic.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mpbse.nic.in/7014-HomeSciArt11th-fnl.pdf

Home Science, Anatomy, Physiology & Hygiene Sample Paper :

Objective Questions :
One mark allotted to each question. :
Power houses of the cell is called ……………………………..
Connective tissues act as ……………………………… tissues.

Related : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Class IX Social Science Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/7013.html

A tendon attaches a …………………… to ……………………..
…………………… is the largest gland of the human body.
…………………… is the structural & functional unit of life.
…………………… enzyme found in Saliva
There are …………………… bones in skull.
…………………… is the structural and formation unit of nervous system.
Two elements are needed in the bone fermation are …………………… and ………………..
……………………. harmones secreted by Pancrease.

Write the answere in one sentence. :
What is tissue ?
Who discovered the Nucleus ?
Which tissue stores the fat ?
Dendron found in which types of tissues.
Which food is digested with the help of bile juice.
Give two differences between Cartilage and Bone.
Give the example of Hinge Joint.
Where does glycogen store.
Differentiate between blood and lymph.
Which gland secretes insulin harmon.

Choose Correct option:
Structural & functional unit of nervous system is :-
(a) Cyton
(b) Dendron
(c) Axon
(d) Neuron

Two elements are needed in the bone formation :-
(a) Calcium & Phosphorus
(b) Vitamin ‘C’ and ‘D’
(c) Iron & Vitamin ‘C’
(d) Vitamin ‘A’ and ‘D’

No. of vertebrae in cervical
(a) 7
(b) 12
(c) 4
(d) 5

Osteocytes are the cells found in :-
(a) Connective tissue
(b) Cartilage
(c) Bone
(d) Cardiac tissue

Trachea (Wind pipe) is lined with :-
(a) Startified epithlium
(b) Cuboidal epithelium
(c) Startified epithelium
(d) Ciliated Columnar epithelium

Which of the following is not a part of alimentary canal.
(a) Stomach (b) Small intenstine
(c) Liver (d) Large intestine.

Which acid found in stomach.
(a) Hydrochloric acid (b) Acetic acid (c) Sulphuric acid (d) Carbonic acid.

Bile juice acts on
(a) Carbohydrate (b) Protien (c) Fat (d) None of these

Sweetness is experience by which part of the tongue.
(a) infront of the tongue (b) backside of the tongue (c) side part of the tongue
(d) middle part of the tongue.

Enzyme present in Saliva is
(a) Ptaylin (b) Trypsih (c) Amylase (d) Erepsin

4 Marks allotted to each question :
What is tissue ? Explain the connective tissue ?
Write the functions of epithelial tissues ?
Write the biological properties of protoplasm. ?
Write the functions of muscles ?
Distinguish between voluntary and involuntary muscles?

Draw a labelled diagram of alimentary canal.
Write the characteristics of Cardiac muscles.
Which elements helps in the formation of bone.
What is startified epithelium tissue.

Write the characteristics of voluntary muscles.
Write the composition of bone.
What do you mean by fatigue of muscles.
Wrtie the functions of Saliva.
Explian the structure and functions of squamous epithelium

5 Marks allotted to each question :
Write the properties of Protoplasm.
Write the functions of bone.
Write the functions of liver.
Explian the types of movable joint with example.
Describe the functions of vertebral column.
Explain composition and structure of bone.
Describe the structure of vertebral column.
Name the no. & diffrent type of vertebra present in vertebral column.
Explain the composition of intestinal juice.
Explain the process of digestion in stomach.

6 Marks allotted to each question :
Explain the structure of tongue with the help of a diagram.
Explain the digestion process in alimentary canal.
Explain the internal structure of stomach
How does digestion process take place in duodenum.
Explain the structure of teeth with the help of a diagram.
What is digestion ? Explain the process of digestion.
What do you mean by absorption ? Where does it take place.
What is salivary gland ? Write its situation and importance.
Write the composition and functions of Pancreatic juice.
Explain the functions of bile juice.
Give the composition of intestinal juice.
Write the functions of D.N.A and R.N.A.
What is Cartilage. Explain its composition and types.
Describe the composition and functions of Protoplasm.
Draw a labelled diagram of alimentary canal and write the importance of each organ.
Explain the process of absorption and assimmilation of food.
Differentiate between Absorption & Assimmilation.
What is joint ? Explain the types of joints.
Describe the D.N.A.

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