mpbse.nic.in : Class IX Science Question Bank Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education

Name of the Board : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
Name of the Exam : Class IX
Subject : Science
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : mpbse.nic.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mpbse.nic.in/7012-Science9th-fnl.pdf

Science Sample Question Paper :

Chapter -1 & 2 :
In medieval India, length was measured in —-
The international system of measurement came into existences in 1857 with the international Meter Agreement. This is now known as the — system.

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The SI system has seven fundamental units. namely —–,—– length (meterm) time (second, s); —————-; temperature (kelvin,K) luminuous intensity (candela.cd) and quantity of substance (mol) and two supplementary units namely ————-
The units obtained from two or more fundamental units are called —–units.
The Metric System in India was implemented in the year ——.
The National Physical Labortory (NPL) New Delhi is responsible for preservation of standards of measurements in India.
The radioactive standards are preserved by Bhabha Atomic Research

Some thing which has mass and occupies space is known as matter (Substance)
Element is the simplest from of matter containing only one type of atoms. It can not be divided into simpler matter by chemicla reactions.

The substance formed by a chemical reaction between two or more elements in a definite proportion is known as compuund.
The properties of a compound are completely different from the constituent elements.

Particles which are insoluble in a medium and which are visible to eyes give supension.
A colloid is a heaterogeneous mixture containing extermely small particles uniformly distributed in a mediumn. The particle size is much smaller compared to that in a suspension but larger then the size of solute particles in a solution.

How was the metric system in India established?
What do you understand by physical changes? Explain with examples.
Describe an experiment to study the effect of temperature on the state ofg matter.
What is homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture? Explain.
What do you understand by the term solution? What are the different types of solution?

Differentiate between suspension and colloid on the basis of any four of their properties.
What is Tyndal effect? Where do you observe it?
If one angstroms (()A) is equal to 10 -10mm convert one meter into angstrom.
A star is situated 4 light years away from the Earth. Calculate its distance in meters.
What is the average distance in meter between the Earth and the Sun?

Chapter -3 :
The initial velocity of an object moving from the position of rest is zero.
If a moving object comes to rest, its final velocity is zero.
Rate of changee of velocity of velocity per unit time is known as acceleration.
The tendency of any object to oppose any effort ained at changing its state of rest of motion is known as inertia.

The rate of change of momentum is equal to the applied froce on the object.
The SI unit of force is Newton. One Newton is the force that cause an accelertion of l ms-2 on an object of mass 1 kg.
Friction always less then static friction.
The thrust exerted on a unit area is known as pressure. Its SI unit is pascal.
The relative density of an object is equal to the ratio of the density and the density of water at 40C

Long Answer :
Derive the first equation of motion v = u+at.
Derive the equation of motion. S = ut+1/2 a t2
Derive the equation of motion. v2 = u2+2a S.

Explain with examples, Newton’s third law.
7. Write notes on
(a) Static friction
(b) Limiting friction
(c) Sliding friction
(d) Rolling friction
Explain with example “impulse”

A train moving with a velocity of 90ms-2 experience a deceleration of 2 ms-2 when brakes are applied. Calculate the distance travelled by the train before complete halt.

An object is moving with a velocity 4 ms -1. If it is subjected to an acceleration of 2ms-2 calculate its velocity and the distance travelled after 5s.

A bus is moving with a uniform velocity of 36 km/h. The driver applies brake and the bus stops after travelling a distance of 10m. Calculate the deceleration and the time taken by the change to rest.

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