jkbose.co.in : Class XII Geology Question Paper Model Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education

Name of the Board : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education
Name of the Exam : Class XII
Subject : Geology
Year : 2010
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : jkbose.co.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/jkbose.co.in/7009-Geology(2).pdf

JK BOSE Geology Model Question Paper

For Kashmir Division 2010 Regular Exam Only :
Subject :
Maximum Marks : 60
Time Allowed : 3 Hours (Fifteen Minutes Extra to read the question paper)

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JKBOSE Class XII Biochemistry Question Paper

Do questions from Part A or Part B or from both Part A and B Part of maximum 60 marks as per your preparation.


Part A
Note : All questions are compulsory. Write their answers in your Answer-buck.-
(Long Answer Type Questions)
1. Discuss various causes of Earthquakes alongvvith their Geological effects with special reference to recent earthquake in parts of J&K State.
Define Volcano. Draw its diagram. Write an essay on various Volcanic products.
Define Seismology. Give Richter scale of Earthquake intensity in detail. 5

3. Name the various methods for the determination of age of the Earth. Describe any one of the Radioactive methods.
On the basis of Seismological studies, give a brief description of Interior of the Earth. 5

4. Describe in detail Tidal hypothesis of origin of the Earth.
Explain the Nebular Hypothesis regarding the origin of the Earth. Also add a note “on its criticism. 5

5. Describe the Morphological features of typical Lamellibranchia. Draw its diagram aand-alsdl?iel its parts.
Explain with a neat sketch, the Morphology of Trilobita. 5
(Short Answer Type Questions)
6. Write short description of Focus and Epicentre with the help of neat diagram. 3
Describe Schmidt’s Hypothesis in brief. 3

9. Explain, how rate of Sedimentation is used for the determination of Age of the Earth. 7
11. Brief note on Head shield of Trilobita. 3
12. Define in brief three layers of Interior of the Earth.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

13. The following very short answer type questions of two marks, each may be answered in a few words or a few sentences or as may be required.
(a) Distinguish between Amd ava and Basic ava. ‘
Write down briefiy the drawbacks of Tidal Hypothesis.
(Objective Type Questions)

14. Choose/the correct/most appropriate answer and write it in your Answer-book :
(i) The Core of the Earth is composed of
A. Na, K, Na and K
B. Mg and Si
C. Nickel and Iron
D. None of these.

(ii) Volcanoes which show volcanic activity are called
A. Extinct volcanoes
@ Active volcanoes ‘/
C. Dormant volcanoes
D. Volcanic Bombs. ‘ 1‘

(iii) The Science which deals with Earthquakes, is called

(iv) Tidal Hypothesis was first proposed by
A Immanuel Kant
C. Schmidt’s
D. Lyttleton.
(v) Agnostus is a

Brachiopoda have
B. only one valve
C. three valves
D. four valves


Maximum Marks : 40
Time : 2½ Hours
Note :
In case of failures/re-appear cases and fresh private candidates; i.e. candidates appearing for the first time after having passed Secondary School Examination, marks secured out of 40 shall be raised proportionately as if obtained out of 60.

Long Answer Type Questions :
1. Name the Physical divisions of J&K State and describe Trans Himalayan Ladakh Zone in detail. 5
Name and explain main factors which effect the climate of J&K State

2. What is the importance of Irrigation in J&K State ? Write a detailed account on Martand Canal of Kashmir province. 5
State the importance, growth and distribution of Rice cultivation in J&K State

3. Write a detailed note on Coal deposits of J&K State. 5
Describe the production of Hydro Power Projects in Kashmir division.

4. What is a Cottage Industry ? Write a comprehensive note on Cottage Industries of J&K State. 5
Describe the distribution and density of Population in J&K State.

Short Answer Type Questions :
5. Give the area and extent of J&K State. 3
6. What is the importance of forests in the Economy of the J&K State ? 3
7. Describe the cultivation of Saffron in J&K State. 3
8. Give a brief description of the Woolen Textile Industry in J&K State. 3
9. What facilities are provided to the Tourists in our State ? 3

Very Short Answer Type Questions :
10. The following very short answer type questions of one mark, each may be answered in a few words or few sentences or as may be required :
(a) Give two reasons for the absence of forest cover in Ladakh region. 1
(b) Name two private sector Cement Units of Kashmir Valley. 1
(c) Name two most famous places of pilgrimage in the State where most of the pilgrims come from out side the State.

Categories: Board Exams
Tags: jkbose.co.in

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