jkbose.co.in : Class XI History Paper Sample Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education

Name of the Board : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education
Name of the Exam : Class XI
Subject : History
Year : 2008
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : jkbose.co.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/jkbose.co.in/6990-hist.pdf

JKBOSE History Model Question Paper

Second Term :
Maximum Marks : 50
Time : 2½ Hours
Note : In case of failures/re-appear cases and fresh private candidates; i.e. candidates appearing for the first time after having passed Secondary School Examination, marks secured out of 50 shall be raised proportionately as if obtained out of 75.

Related : Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education Class XI Geography Paper Sample : www.pdfquestion.in/6989.html

Section A

Long Answer Type Questions :
1. How Revenue assignments led to the growth of a Feudal Society between A.D. 800-1200 ?
What were the results ? 7
Describe the main features of the Caste system prevalent in India during A.D. 800-1200.
2. The Battles of Tarian and Chandawar laid the foundations of the Turkish rule in North India. Explain.
Explain in detail the causes of the success of the Turks against the Rajputs. 7
3. Iltutmish is considered to be the real founder of the Delhi Sultanate. Why ?
What were the Market regulations of Ala-ud-din Khilji ? 7
4. Discuss the nature of the State during the Sultanate period.
Describe the nature of Religious freedom during the Sultanate period. 7
(Short Answer Type Questions)
5. Who was Shankara ? What do you know about his Philosophy ? 3
6. What were the major effects of Muhmud’s invasions on India ? 3
7. Discuss the causes of the failure of Muhammad Tughlaq’s experiments. 3
8. Briefly describe the position of the Sultan during the Sultanate period. 3
9. Discuss the Economic condition of the Peasants during the Sultanate period. 3
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
10. The following very short answer type questions of one mark, each may be answered in a few words or few sentences
(a) Mystics, who later came to be called ……….. had risen in Islam at a very early stage. 1
(b) Who was the founder of the Sikh religion ? 1
(c) Who established Chisti order in India ? 1
(d) Who was Kabir ? 1

Section B

Long Answer Type Questions :
Q. 1. Explain the functions of Management.
OR “Co-ordination is the essence of Management” Explain. 6 marks
Q. 2. Explain the importance of Organizing.
Explain factors determining Delegation of authority. 6 marks
Q. 3. Describe the nature and importance of directing.
Explain Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory. 6 marks
Q. 4. Explain the role of financial planning in financial management.
What is Financial Management? What are its objectives? 6 marks
Q. 5. What is Marketing Mix? Explain its Main elements.
Distinguish between advertising and personal selling. 6 marks

Section C

(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
11. Choose the correct/most appropriate answer and write it in your Answer-book :
(i) The most magnificent building constructed by the Turks in the 13th Century was
(a) The Arhai-Din-Ka Jonpra 1
(b) The Qutab Minar
(c) TheQuwwat-u-Islam
(d) None of the above.
(ii) The city of Ajmer was associated with the following Sufi Saint. 1
(a) Baba Farid
(b) Nizam-ud-Di Auliya
(c) Muin-ud-din Chisti
(d) Bakhtiyar Kaki
(iii) The earliest seeds of Bhakti can be found in the 1
(a) Ragadarpan
(b) Gita
(c) Epics
(d) Vedas.

Q. 2. Management is needed at:
a) Top level b) Middle level
c) Lower level d) All levels 1 mark

Q.3. Fayol’s Principles of Management are Fourteen. (True or False) 1 mark
Q. 4. Monetary Policy is decided by SBI. (True or False 1 mark

Q 5. Planning is the:-
a) First function of management b) Pervasive
c) Both of these d) None of these 1 mark

Q.6. Which is not the external source of recruitment:-
a) Advertisement b) Employment
c) Promotion d) Labour Contractors 1 mark

Q. 7. The steps in selection process are:-
a) Preliminary interview b) Testing
c) Both a & b d) Neither a & b 1 mark

Q.8. Controlling is ______________ function of management
a) First b) Last c) Both a & b d) Neither a & b 1 mark

Q.9. Controlling is ______________ aspect of management.
a) Mental b) Theoretical c) Practical d) All of the above 1 mark

Q. 10. SEB I has been set up under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act in………….1 mark

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