Drug Store & Business Management D.Pharm Question Paper : gujaratuniversity.org.in

University : Gujarat University
Degree : D.Pharm(Diploma in Pharmacy)
Subject :Drug Store & Business Management
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : gujaratuniversity.org.in

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Gujarat University Drug Store Model Paper

(Part – II) Examination
May / June– 2003
Time : 3 Hours
Total Marks : 80

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Instructions :
(1) Attempt any three questions from each section.
(2) Tie both sections separately.
(3) All questions carry equal marks.

Diploma in Pharmacy

1 (a) Define : Trade, Industry. Classify industry.
(b) State different forms of business organisations.
State advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship.

2 (a) Classify distribution channels.
(b) What are the different services provided by whole-salers ?

3 (a) What are the factors to be considered while selecting
(b) Draw the ideal lay-out of drug store.
What are the objectives of lay-out design.

4 (a) What are the different methods of codification of items
What are advantages of codification ?
(b) Explain EOQ. (Economic Order Quantity)

5 (a) What are the different sales promotion techniques ?
(b) Define salesman.
Explain different qualities of salesman.

6 (a) Classify different types of Banks.
What are the services provided by Commercial Banks ?
(b) What are the different sources of finance ?

7 (a) Define Accounting. State branches of accounting.
State different concepts of accounting.
(b) Define Book-keeping. State different types of accounts.
State various books of original entry.
Explain the format of journal.

8 (a) Differentiate journal and ledger.
(b) What are the objectives of trial balance ?

9 (a) What is financial statement ?
What are the advantages of financial statements ?
(b) Define balance sheet ?

How balance sheet is useful ?
10 Short notes : (any three)
(i) Liquidity ratios ii) Budgets (iii) Trade (iv) Material management.

Pharmacology & Toxicology

Time : 2 Hours
Total Marks : 80
Instructions :
(1) Attempt both sections separately.
(2) Attempt any three questions from each section.

Section – I :
1 Write synthesis, metabolism and release of NA at 13 different sites in adrenergic neurone.

2 (a) Give an account of autocoids. Write pharmacological 8 actions and receptors of 5–HT.
(b) Write a note on oral rate of administration. 5

3 (a) Define pharmaeokinetics. Write factors affecting 8 absorption of drugs.
(b) Write a note on drug antagonism. 5

4 (a) Explain feed-mechanism involved in the regulation of 8 hormonal secretion in pituitary gland.
(b) Classify general anaesthetics. Give their mechanism 5 of action in general.

5 Answer the following : (any four) 14
(a) Therapeutic uses of morphine
(b) Classification of anti-psychotics
(c) M/A of xanthine alkaloids
(d) Pharmacological actions of benzodiazepines
(e) Functions of Vit.B12.
(f) Oral contraceptives.

Section – II :
6 (a) Classify drugs used in angina pectoris. 8 Give M/A, and adverse effects of nitrites.
(b) Enlist calcium channel blockers used in treatment of 5 hypotasion. Give M/A, adverse effects of them.

7 (a) Enlist Quinolones. Write mechanism, therapeutic 8 uses and adverse effects of them.
(b) Give therapeutic uses and adverse effects of 5 chloramphenicol.

8 (a) Enumerate mecrolide group of antibiotics. Write 8 M/A, therapeutic uses, source of erythromycin.
(b) Write a note on anticoagulants. 5

9 Give a detailed account of antimetabolites used in cancer 13 therapy.

10 Answer the followings : (any two) 14
(a) Quinine
(b) Rifamycins
(c) Common adverse effects of antibiotics
(d) Classify cathartics
(e) Gastric antacids
(f) Carbonic anhydrose inhibitors.


Paper – II :
Time : 3 Hours
Total Marks : 100
Instructions :
(1) All questions carry equal marks.
(2) Attempt any three questions from each section.
(3) Tie both sections separately.

Section – I :
1 Comment on the following prescriptions :
(a) RX
Olei Hypoglossi…………………………………………..m ii
Glycerini …………………………………………………… m v
Aquam cinnamomi ……………………………..ad to 3 i
Fiat mistura, signa : More dicto danda. Mitte / fl.oz.

(b) RX
Menthol ………………………………………………… 5 parts
Camphor ………………………………………………. 5 parts
Ammonium chloride ……………………………. 30 parts
Light magnesium oxide ……………………… 60 parts
Prepare Insufflation. Label : For Nose.

(c) RX
Quininqe sulphatis………………………………….. gr xii
Acidi sulphurici diluti ……………………………. m xxx
Sodii salicylatis ………………………………………….. 3 ii
Aquam ……………………………………….. ad to fl. oz vi
Fiat mistura, signa : cochleare amplum pro dose, more dicto danda. Mitte / fl. oz.

2 (a) How prescriptions are priced ? Describe in brief general dispensing procedure of prescription.
(b) Write the different methods used to calculate dose for child.
(c) How will you calculate a dose of 15 months old child if adult dose is 600 mg. for a drug.

3 (a) Write the requirements of ideal suppository base.
(b) Write advantages and disadvantages of cocoa butter as suppository base.
(c) Write classification of ointment bases with its examples, advantages and disadvantages.

4 (a) Describe in brief different “Evaluation Tests” for parenteral preparations.
(b) Write the requirements of “Aseptic Area”.
(c) Write note on “Evaluation of suspension”.

5 Write short notes : (any three)
(a) Effervescent Granules
(b) Mouth washes and Gargles
(c) Tooth Powder
(d) Suspending agent
(e) Enema.

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