Applied Physics & Chemistry B.Sc Question Paper : gujaratuniversity.org.in

University : Gujarat University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Fire & Safety
Year : II
Subject :Applied Physics & Chemistry
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : gujaratuniversity.org.in

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Physics : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/gujaratuniversity.org.in/6921-FYBSc-Applied%20Physics%20(Fire)%20NE-856.pdf
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Gujarat University Physics & Chemistry Model Paper

NE–856 Seat No.__________
First Year B. Sc. (Fire Technology) Examination
April / May – 2003 Applied Physics
Time : 2 Hours] [Total Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks of the question.
(3) Non-programmable scientific calculators are permitted.
(4) Assume suitable additional data that may be necessary.

Related : Gujarat University Heavy Vehicles & Automobiles B.Sc Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6920.html

1 (a) How should a unit be ? 4
(b) Give dimensional formulae for : 3
(i) Linear momentum (ii) Stress (iii) Surface energy.
(c) If the velocity of water waves depends on the wavelength lbg, density of water rbg and acceleration due to gravity gbg. Then using dimensional analysis, prove that v 3

(d) Answer the following in brief : 4
(1) Can a body have zero mass and zero weight ?
(2) Explain the meaning of giga, micro and famto.
(3) Write dimensional formula of angle.
(4) Convert 10 m/s velocity into km/hr

1 (a) Give statement of Newton’s law of viscosity. Explain  variation of viscosity with  temperature. 5
(b) Define : Kinematic viscosity and obtain its unit in 2 MKS system.
(c) Define : any two : 4 (i) Density (ii) Specific weight (iii) Specific Volume
(d) A plate placed at 0.025 mm distant from a fixed plate moves with a velocity of 60 cm/s and to maintain this velocity a force of 2 N/m2 is required. Determine the fluid viscosity between the plates. 3

(b) Radius of the earth is 6400 kms. Its mean density where M = mass of earth and R = radius
of earth.
(c) Write a brief note on satellites. Derive expressions for orbital velocity and time period of a satellite. 4
(d) Mention different sources of error in the 2 measurement of g.

2 (a) What do you understand by the term stress ?  Explain briefly different types of stress. 6
(b) Define : any two 4
(i) Deforming force (ii) Perfectly elastic body (iii) Elasticity.
(c) Explain : Different types of solids. Give three 4 characteristics of each.

3 (a) Give statement of Stoke’s law and derive expression for the terminal velocity of a small spherical body moving through a viscous medium. 6
(b) Calculate the height (h) upto which water will rise in a capillary tube of diameter 2 mm. Angle of contact for water is zero and surface tension of water (T) is 0.072 N/m. 4
(c) Prove that Reynold’s number is dimensionless. 2
(d) Explain in brief : Equation of continuity. 2

3 (a) Explain Jaeger’s method for the determination of 6 surface tension of a liquid.
(b) Explain : Surface tension and surface energy of 4 a liquid.
(c) For a liquid drop prove that P P (symbols have their usual meanings

4 (a) Derive Bernoullie’s equation. 6
(b) Explain the physical quantity : Discharge (Q) of 4 a fluid.
(c) Explain : Stream lines and laminar fluid. 2 (d) Explain : Buoyanacy. 2
4 (a) Derive : Euler’s equation of motion. 7
(b) Explain : Metacentre. 3 c) Explain : Stable, unstable and neutral equilibrium for a submerged body.

5 (a) Explain : Radioactivity. 4
(b) Write properties of b – rays. 4
(c) Explain : radioactive constant lbg. 4
(d) Write definition of (1) curie (2) Bequerral. 2

5 (a) Explain any two of the following : 4
(i) Symbol : Z X A (ii) Isotopes (iii) Isomers.
(b) Explain : construction, principle and working of a 6 Coolidge tube.
(c) If a X-ray tube is operated at 50,000 volts, then 4 calculate the shortest wavelength of the X-raysprovided by this tube. (Take h = ´ – 6 6 10 34 . J.second,  C = ´ 3 108 m/sec, e = ´ – 1 6 10 19 . Coloumb)

Applied Electrical

Time : 3 Hours
Total Marks : 50
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory, each of 14 marks.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks of the questions.
(3) Non-programmable scientific calculators are permitted.

1 (a) Derive an equation of A-C series skt for 7
(i) Current
(ii) Power factor
(iii) Power and also draw vector diagram for it.

(b) Find current through 6 W resistor by superposition 7 theorem.

1 (a) State and explain KCL and KVL. 3
(b) Explain Faraday’s Laws of electromagnetic Induction. 3
(c) Explain Law of Resistance. 3
(d) Define following : 5
(1) Power factor
(2) R.M. S. value
(3) Dielectric strength
(4) Potential Difference
(5) Frequency.

2 (a) Explain types of circuit breaker in brief. 7
(b) Explain types of earthing in details. 7
2 (a) Explain construction and working principle of PMMC 7 meter.
(b) Explain importance of fuse and also explain types 7 of fuse in detail.

3 (a) Explain construction and working principle of 7 transformer. Also give the types of cooling used for transformer.
(b) Give answers of following :
(1) What happen if D.C. supply is given to 1 transformer ?
(2) Which types of losses occur in transformer ?

(3) An ideal 50 Hz, core type transformer has 4 100 primary winding turns and 200 secondary winding turns. The primary rated voltage is 220 V, if maximum permissible flux density is 1.2 wb/m2 :
(i) What should be the area of cross section iron core ?
(ii) Find secondary voltage.
3 (a) Derive e.m.f. equation of transformer. 7
(b) Explain the method for finding out transformer losses. 3
(c) Explain Buchhol 2 relay in detail. 2
(d) Find primary and secondary current in 1 kVA, 2 50 Hz, in 230/115 V transformer if primary winding is supplied at 230 V A.C. supply.

4 (a) Answer the following questions : 6
(1) Explain power distribution grid
(2) State advantages of HV transmission system.
(b) Write short note : 8
(1) Thermal power station
(2) House wiring.
4 (a) Answer the following questions : 6
(1) Explain equipments used in Hydropower station.
(2) Explain D.C. generator with its working principle, construction.
(b) Write short note : 8
(1) Types of distribution systems
(2) Substation, equipments installed in it.

5 (a) What is static electricity ? How is it result into 7 fire ? What should be done to reduce chances of fire ?
(b) Explain mechanism of lighting and protection used 7 for it.
5 (a) Explain electric traction with its types. 7
(b) Which equipments are used in electric traction ? 7 Explain in brief.

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