Fire Fighting Equipment B.Sc Question Paper : gujaratuniversity.org.in

University : Gujarat University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Fire & Safety
Year : I
Subject :Fire Fighting Equipment
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : gujaratuniversity.org.in

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Fire Fighting Equipment Model Paper :

First Year B. Sc. (Fire) Examination
April / May – 2003
Time : 3 Hours
Total Marks : 70

Related : Gujarat University Library Cataloguing & Subject Indexing BLIS Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6914.html

Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Draw neat sketch wherever required.
(4) Figures on the right hand indicate marks.

1 (a) What is the function of Hose reel Hose ? 2
(b) Explain the different types of hose couplings ? 2
(c) What is the function of water monitor and 10 Branch pipe Explain different types of nozzle ?
1 (a) What precautions do you propose to prevent 5 damages of fire
(b) What are the main characteristics of delivery hose ? 9
2 (a) Why hydraulics test is necessary for fire 2 extinguisher ?
(b) With a neat sketch describe the principle, 12 construction, operation and uses of Halon type fire extinguisher.

2 (a) What is principle of fire Extinguishments ?
(b) Which chemicals are used as a Dry Chemical Powder ? 2
(c) With a neat sketch describe construction and operation of a water CO2 (cartridge) type fire

3 (a) Differentiate between : 6
(i) Alluminium Extension ladder and Escape ladder.
(ii) Turn Table ladder and Hydraulic platform.
(b) Enlist terminology used to operate turn-table ladder. 3
(c) Explain slab Hook ladder with neat sketch. 5

3 (a) What are the different uses of a ladder in fire 4 service ?
(b) What are the different types of hand extendable 2 ladders used in fire service ?
(c) With a neat sketch describe various parts of an 8 Alluminium extension ladder.
4 (a) Explain the maintenance of Breathing Apparatus Set 3
(b) Differentiate between open circuit and closed circuit type Breathing Apparatus Set.
(c) With neat sketch explain working of a closed circuit type Breathing Apparatus set.

4 (a) Explain the Distress signal unit. 4
(b) Name the different type of Breathing Apparatus Set. 4
(c) What is function of pressure gauge and by pass value  in Breathing Apparatus Set ?
(d) What is primary chamber and secondary chamber ? 4 Draw line diagram of first stage pressure reduction in Breathing Apparatus Set ? Draw line diagram of first stage pressure reduction in Breathing

5 (a) With the neat sketch explain the advantages 8 and disadvantages of sluice value.
(b) Write short notes on following : 6
(i) Ball value (ii) Air release value
5 (a) Classify the value according to the End Connection and Method of Operation.
(b) With a neat sketch explain the function of a 7 butterfly valve.
(c) Enumerate usage and advantages of butterfly valve. 3

English Compulsory :
Time : 3 Hours
Total Marks : 100
Instructions :
(1) This paper contains 6 questions.
(2) All are compulsory.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks of the questions.

1 Answer briefly any four of the following : 10
(1) What was Gradgrind’s plan regarding Sissy ? Why did he change his plan ?
(2) What options did Gradgrind offer to Cecillia ? Which did she choose ?
(3) What information about Louisa’s marriage did Mr. Harthouse extract from Tom ?
(4) What had happened to Blackpool’s wife ? How Rachael saved her ?
(5) What happened in the meeting between Stephen and Bounderby ?
(6) Why did Louisa come back to her father’s house ?
(7) How did Stephen die ?
(8) What was the end of the novel “Hard-Times” ?

2 (a) Write short notes on any two of the following : 10
(1) Mr. Bounderby
(2) Coketown
(3) Bank Robbery
(4) Mrs. Sparsit’s staircase.

2 (b) Answer any three of the following : 6
(1) Why did eagle fall on the sea ? How ?
(2) Why did the poet decide to move on form the woods suddenly ?
(3) What is the central idea of the poem “Night of the Scorpion” ?
(4) What is the poet attitude towards real life and art in “Ode on a Gracian Urn” ?
(5) What did the poet imagine about the reaper’s song ?

3 Read the following passage carefully and answer the 10 questions given below it :
Machines were made to be man’s servants. Yet he has grown so dependent on them that they have, to a great extent, become his masters. Already many men spend a gooddeal of their time in looking after and waiting upon machines. And the machines are very strict masters. If they do not get their meals, they refuse to work or may burst with anger, spreading ruin and destruction all round them. A lot of our time and energy are saved by machines. We should use this time and energy in being civilzed. Beingcivilized means making and liking beautiful things, thinking freely, living rightly and being fair to all. If we use more time and energy in being civilized, our civilization would be the greatest.

Questions :
(1) Why were machines made ?
(2) How have machines become our masters ?
(3) What is the chief benefit of machines ?
(4) What is meant by being civilized ?
(5) How would our civilization be the greatest ?

4 Write short essay on any one of the following : 10
(1) If I won a lottery
(2) Knowledge is power
(3) The most exciting day in my life
(4) Computer as a friend of mankind.

5 (a) Divide the following words into syllables : 3
(1) Switch
(2) balloon
(3) humiliation.

(b) Put emphasis on the right syllable in the following 3 words :
(1) Progress (verb)
(2) amount
(3) because.
(c) Do as directed : 4
(1) Will you prepare tea for me ? (Turn into request using “mind”)
(2) The students did not visit the book fair yesterday _________ ? (add the question tag)
(3) Will you lend me 100 rupees ? (Find out the verb “lend” is transitive or intransitive)
(4) She will prepare coffee for you. (Rewrite the sentence using “going to” form)

6 (a) Correct the following sentences : 4
(1) The copper is the useful metal.
(2) I am suffering by kidney trouble.
(3) I have borrowed the book from the library yesterday.
(4) The boy burst in tears.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs in the 4 brackets :
(1) While I _______ (cross) the road, my cap blew off.
(2) The police __________ the murderer yet. (not + find)
(3) It was clear that I _______ (judge) her wrongly.
(4) Look, the smoke _______ (come) out of the window.

(c) Fill in the blank with proper prepositions : 3
(1) I always travel _______ plane.
(2) Wine is injurious _______ health.
(3) Do not yield ________ temptation.

(d) Insert proper articles : 3
(1) I have forgotten ________ story which my grandmother told me.
(2) _______ more you go higher, _______ colder you feel.
(3) I have become _______ heir of my uncle’s property.

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