NPB Indian Administration B.A Question Paper : ideunom.ac.in

University : University of Madras
Degree : B.A
Department : Public Administration
Subject :NPB Indian Administration
Document type : Question Paper
Website : ideunom.ac.in

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IDEUNOM NPB Indian Administration Model Paper

MAY 2012 U/ID 2031/NPB
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (25 ´ 1 = 25 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

Related : University of Madras UCPA Principles Of Public Administration B.A Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6893.html

Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives.
1. India came directly under the British crown by the Act of.
(a) 1858 (b) 1861 (c) 1891 (d) 1869
2. The Parliamentary form of government in India is based on the pattern of.
(a) France (b) Canada (c) Britain (d) USA

3. Which one of the following Cabinet Committee is chaired by the prime Minister?
(a) Political Affairs committee (b) Appointments Committee
(c) Committee on Parliamentary Affairs (d) Economic Affairs committee

4. The Cabinet Secretariat in India has all the following wings except.
(a) RAW Wing (b) Military Wing (c) Intelligence Wing (d) Social Security Wing
5. The Council of Ministers Consists of.
(a) Three Categories (b) Four Categories
(c) Five Categories (d) Six Categories

6. The ex-officio member of the Planning commission is
(a) Home Minister (b) Finance Minister
(c) Defence Minister (d) Human Resource Minister

7. A New All India Service can be created by
(a) a resolution of the Rajya sabha
(b) an act of the Parliament
(c) an order of the President
(d) a resolution of the UPSC.

8. The first Lok Pal Bill Was introduced in the Parliament in
(a) 1971 (b) 1967 (c) 1968 (d) 1972
9. The Governor is appointed for a Period of
(a) 5 Years (b) 6 Years (c) 7 Years (d) 8 Years
10. Who presides over the Chief Secretaries Conference?
(a) Home Minister (b) Prime Minister (c) Cabinet Secretary (d) President

Fill in the blanks
11. ———— is the Chairman of Drafting Committees of India
12. India is ———— federal system of government.
13. Prime Minister of India is ———— head of the government.
14. Planning Commission is accountable to ————.
15. The Cabinet Secretariat is a ————agency.
16. Rajya sabha consists of ———— members.
17. The Indian Civil Service Act was framed in ———.
18. The tenure of office of the members of the UPSC is ————.
19. The Chief Minister of a state is accountable to —————.
20. ————— is the King pin of District Administration.

State whether the following statements are True or False.

21. India is a Quasi federal system of government.
22. President of India is real head of the state.
23. State list Consists of 97 subjects.
24. The UPSC Chairman is appointed by the President of India.
25. Head of the District Administration is the Governor.

PART B — (5 ´ 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions in 500 Words.
All questions carry equal marks.
26. Bring out the salient features of government of India Act, 1935.
27. Describe the appointment of the Prime Minister of India.
28. Describe the Organisation of the cabinet secretariat.
29. Evaluate the functions of External Affairs Ministry.
30. Examine the organisation of a state Secretariat.
31. Write a short note on Lokayukta.
32. Discuss the functions of Chief Minister.
33. What are the Powers of District Collector?

PART C — (3 ´ 15 = 45 marks)
Answer ALL questions, each not exceeding in 1200 Words.
All questions carry equal marks.
34. (a) Trace the evolution of Indian Administrative system.
(b) Examine the functions and powers of the president of India.
35. (a) Explain the powers and functions of Home Minister.
(b) Describe the composition and functions of planning commission.

36. (a) Define the structure and powers of UPSC.
(b) Explain the central and state Administrative relations in India.

October – 2012

U/ID 22108/UCPH
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (20 ´ 1 = 20 marks)
Answer ALL Questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

Choose the correct Answer
1. Making of the Constitution under this Act
(a) 1935
(b) 1930
(c) 1947
(d) 1950.

2. The President of the Constituent Assembly was
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Dr.B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Sardar Vallabhai Patel
(d) Pandit Nehru.

3. Report on Public Administration, 1951,was presented by
(a) Paul. H.Appleby
(b) J.B.Kriplani
(c) A.D.Gorwala
(d) V.T.Krishnamachari.

4. The Chairman of cabinet secretariat is
(a) Prime Minister
(b) President
(c) Home minister
(d) None of these.

5. Ceremonial head of the state of India is
(a) The President
(b) Prime Minister
(c) The Speaker
(d) The Finance Minister.

6. One of the important features of Federal Government is
(a) Unicameral legislature
(b) Division of Powers
(c) Monarchy
(d) None of these.

7. Budget is Presented by the
(a) President
(b) Finance Minister
(c) Prime Minister
(d) Speaker.

8. Planning Commission was Created in
(a) 1945
(b) 1950
(c) 1938
(d) 1947.

9. Public Sector undertaking is Classified into- ——————— Categories
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 6.

10. Balwantra Mehta Committee appointed on
(a) 1962
(b) 1961
(c) 1965
(d) 1957

Fill in the Blanks :
11. The Objectives resolution of the Constitution Indicated by —————
12. The State Election Commissioner is appointed by ——————
13. Head of the district administration is —————
14. The Chairman of the estimate committee is appointed by the ——————
15. The civil servants in India are selected on the basis of —————— system.

State Whether the following Statements are True or False :
16. The constitution of India came into force on August 15,1947.
17. All Governors of State are members of the Planning Commission.
18. The basic Territorial unit of administration in India is Village.
19. The President can dismiss the vice-President.
20. Entertainment tax and stamp duty tax handover to the Local bodies after 73rd and 74th the constitutional Amendment Acts.

PART B : (5 ´ 7 = 35 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions in about 300 words each.
All questions carry equal marks.
21. Discuss the evolution of Indian Administration.
22. Describe the structure of state administration.
23. Give the Meaning of federation according to the Indian constitution.
24. Examine the minister-Secretary relationship.
25. Give an account of development Administration.
26. What is meant by TRYSEM?
27. Write short note on the Changing economic Order.

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