TRB English For Competitive Examination B.A Question Paper : ideunom.ac.in

University : University of Madras
Degree : B.A
Department : English
Subject :TRB English For Competitive Examination
Document type : Question Paper
Website : ideunom.ac.in

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IDEUNOM TRB English Competitive Exam Paper

 U/ID 4031/TRB
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Related : University of Madras RZD Guidance & Counselling Psychology B.Sc Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6883.html


Answer ALL questions.
1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in about 500 words. (20)
(a) Environmental pollution.
(b) Modern youth.

2. (a) Write a letter to the local M.L.A. Drawing his attention to the need for opening of a secondary school for girls in your town.
(b) You have just returned from a place of tourist interest. Write a letter to your father telling him all about the place and the experiences you had there. (10)

3. Write a paraphrase of the following poems: (20)
Four daffodils, use weep to see You haste away so soon; As yet the early-rising sun Has not attain’d his noon.
Stay, stay
Until the hassling day
Has run
But to the evensong;
And having Pray’d together, we
Will go with you along
We have short time to stay as you

4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions: (10 ´ 1 = 10)
New York is a city of many beauties, and with a reckless prodigality she has done her best to obscure them cell. Driven by a rain love of swift traffic. “She assails your Ears with an incessant dew and your eye with the unsight best railroad
It is the common citizen of New York who is never quiet. He finds it irksome to stay long in the same place though his house may be comfortable, even Luxurious, ‘He is in a fever to leave it’ and so it comes about that what he is won’t to call ‘Transportation’ seems the most important thing in his life.
(a) Why does the author use ‘She’ for NewYork?
(b) What is the meaning of the second sentence? (Driven…… contrived)
(c) What is the author opposed to?
(d) What is the meaning of the expression the hustling probably lead to little enough?
(e) What does the author mean by the phrase ‘busy idleness’?
(f) What do we know about the big industrialist?
(g) Why is the common citizen of New York never quiet?
(h) What is the attitude of the author towards the common citizen?
(i) What is the meaning of the word fever in the statement ‘he is in a fever to leave it’?
(j) What looks important to the average New York?

5. Use any TEN of the following expressions and idioms in 10 sentences of your own: (10 ´ 1 = 10)
(a) Bad blood.
(b) Cut down.
(c) Do without.
(d) Shed crocodile tears.
(e) Get up.
(f) Hand over.
(g) Hush money.
(h) Make up.
(i) Put off.
(j) The Lion’s share.
(k) Run out of.
(l) The rank and life.

6. Correct the following sentences: (5 ´ 1 = 5)
(a) I am waiting for you since this morning.
(b) I prefer coffee than tea.
(c) Of the two students the one from Nepal is the best.
(d) The both girls are singers.
(e) She is a M.A. in English.

7. Imagine you are attending an interview for the post of a Manager in a company in Chennai. The interviewers ask you for details like your qualifications, hobbies, present Employment, if any and expected salary. Make a list of five questions asked by the interviewers and your answers. (10)

8. Answer the general knowledge questions given
below: (15)
(a) Expand the following:
(i) WTO
(ii) ONGC.

(b) Which among the following planets is smaller in size than the earth?
(i) Neptune
(ii) Venus
(iii) Saturn
(iv) Uranus.

(c) ‘Dronacharya’ awards are given to ….
(i) Athletes
(ii) Sports coaches
(iii) Musicians
(iv) Sports persons.

(d) The author of the book ‘Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince’.
(i) Andren levy
(ii) J.K. Rowling
(iii) Shobe De
(iv) Rudyard Kipling.

(e) The World Environment Day is observed on
(i) June 5
(ii) July 10
(iii) August 21
(iv) December 24.

(f) The Sethusamudram project connects
(i) Gulf of Mannar and Palk straits.
(ii) Bay of Bengal and pack starts.
(iii) Gulf of Mannar and Bay of Bengal.
(iv) Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal.

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