UCHG Fundamentals Of Physical Geography-I B.Sc Question Paper : ideunom.ac.in

University : University of Madras
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Geography
Subject :UCHG Fundamentals Of Physical Geography-I
Document type : Question Paper
Website : ideunom.ac.in

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OCT 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ideunom.ac.in/6850-._DEC12_uid31621%20UCHG.pdf
OCT 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ideunom.ac.in/6850-._DEC2013_UID31621-UCHG-UGHAA.pdf
May 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ideunom.ac.in/6850-._MAY2013_UID31621%20UCHG%20UGHAA.pdf

IDEUNOM UCHG Physical Geography-I Question Paper

OCTOBER 2012 U/ID 31621/UCHG
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Related : University of Madras UTHA Socio-Economic Studies B.Sc Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6849.html

PART A — (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Asteroids.
2. SIMA.
3. Pangaea.
4. Continental Plates.
5. Epicenter.
6. Faults.
7. Rift Valley.
8. Alluvial fan.
9. Meander.

PART B — (5 ´ 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

11. Describe the Solar System.
12. Give details about the interior of Earth.
13. Explain the process of Mountain Building.
14. Write a brief note on the classification of the coasts.
15. Explain the work of the Running Water.
16. Elucidate the chemical weathering with examples.
17. Write a short note on earthquake.
18. Give a short description of a Action of the water in the desert.

PART C — (2 ´ 20 = 40 marks)
Answer any TWO questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

19. Describe about the Plate Tectonics theory.
20. Discuss various types of weathering process.
21. Explain the different type of rocks in details.

October 2013

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A — (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Explain the following in 50 words each.

Write short notes on:
1. Mesozoic era
2. Metamorphism
3. Ring of fire
4. Focus
5. Hydration
6. Rock fall
7. Ox-bow lakes
8. Crag and Tail
9. Deflation
10. Cliff

SECTION B — (5 ´ 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions
Answer should not exceed 300 words each.

11. Give a brief account of the Geologic history of the Earth.
12. What are sedimentary rocks? How can they be classified? Give examples.
13. What is mass movement? Explain the different types of slow mass movement.
14. What is meant by chemical weathering? Explain its types.
15. Explain the different transportational work of rivers.
16. What are glacio-fluvial features? Explain.
17. Write a brief account on the different types of sand dunes.
18. List the different landforms created by wave deposition explain each of them.

SECTION C — (2 ´ 20 = 40 marks)
Answer any TWO questions.
Answer should not exceed 1200 words each.

19. What are the effects of volcanic eruptions? Explain the topographies produced by volcanic eruptions.
20. Give an account of the erosional action of waves  and the resulting landform features.
21. Give an elaborate explanation of the Aeolian landscape.

May 2013

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A : (10 × 2 = 20 marks)
Answer ALL questions.

Explain the following in 50 words each :
1. Primary waves
2. Plutonic rocks
3. Geysers
4. Seismology
5. Granular disintegration
6. Avalanche
7. Attrition
8. Drumlins
9. Pedestal rock
10. Hooks

SECTION B : (5 × 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
Answer should not exceed 300 words each.
11. Draw and explain the interior of the Earth.
12. Give a detailed classification of volcanoes on the basis of mode of eruption.
13. What are folds? Explain the different types of folds.
14. What is weathering? How many types are there? Write a brief note on types of mechanical weathering?
15. What is a delta? What are the important types of delta?
16. What are the landforms created by glacial erosion? Explain.
17. Explain the erosional and transportational work of wind.
18. Describe the processes and mechanism of marine erosion.

SECTION C : (2 × 20 = 40 marks)
Answer any TWO questions.
Answer should not exceed 1200 words each.
19. Write a detailed essay on earthquakes, their causes, effects and distribution
20. Write an detailed essay on mass movement.
21. Discuss the erosional work of rivers and their resultant landforms.

Geographical Thought :

October 2012

U/ID 31604/UCHD

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (40 ´ 1 = 40 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Choose the correct answer :
1. In which century the systematic study of Geography started?
(a) 16th century
(b) 17th century
(c) 18th century
(d) 19th Century

2. Geography teaches us the human activities such as
(a) Agriculture
(b) Industry
(c) Trade
(d) All of the above.

3. What is the theme of Geography?
(a) Environmental study of man
(b) Cultural study of man
(c) Racial study of man
(d) None of these.

4. Who drew the first world map?
(a) Strabo
(b) Ptolemy
(c) Herodotus
(d) Kant.

5. Who stated that “As body is made for soul, so is the physical Globe made For man kind”.
(a) Carl Ritter
(b) Dudley Stamp
(c) Alexander Von Humboldt
(d) Semple

6. How many major cultural realms in the world?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 7.

7. Which of the following is a primary human activity?
(a) Hunting and gathering
(b) Manufacturing
(c) Processing
(d) Trade.

8. As per Indian scripts the word ‘Bhugamba’ refers to
(a) Eclipse
(b) Rainfall
(c) Earthquake
(d) Mountain

9. The first one to divide world climatic zones is
(a) Greeks
(b) Arabs
(c) Germans
(d) Americans.

10. Of the following one who declared the periodic winds of Monsoon to the Word
(a) Al-Masudi
(b) Al-Biruni
(c) Al-Idrisi
(d) Ibn-Battuta

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