Advanced Suppy Chain Management PGDMM Question Paper : iimm.org

College : Indian Institute of Materials Management
Degree : PGDMM(PG Diploma in Materials Management)
Subject : Advanced Suppy Chain Management
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : iimm.org

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Advanced Supply Chain Management Question Paper :

Post Graduate Diploma in Materials Management
Date: 20.12.2013
Max. Marks 100
Time: 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Duration 3 hours

Related : Indian Institute of Materials Management Decision Support System PGDMM Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6748.html

Instructions :
1. The question paper is in three parts
2. Part A is compulsory. Each sub question carries one mark. Total marks-32
3. In Part B answer any 3 questions out of 5. Each question carries 16 marks Total marks-48
4. Part C is a case study with sub questions and it is compulsory. Total marks-20

PART A (32 x 1 = 32 marks)
Q. 1. Fill in the blank :
i) The flows of the supply chain that occurs within the individual organization are called ____________________
ii) Supply chain management is the combined activities of materials management and ______________
iii) Forrester effect is also known as ______________ effect.
iv) The fourth stage of supply chain development is characterized by a ___________ focus
v) The locations that performance cycles link together are referred to as _________
vi) In future inventory will be replaced by __________
vii) Supply chain ______________ is those abilities of a supply chain necessary to meet demand and supply.
viii) A private network contained within an enterprise is called __________

Q.2. State True of False :
a. Supply chains have two decoupling points.
b. In a longer forecast horizon, the forecast accuracy tends to increase.
c. A transition from a decentralized system to a centralized system increases safety stock.
d. Alliances are legal entities.
e. Modularity in product and process enables standardization strategy thereby lowering inventory costs and increases forecast accuracy.
f. Mass production involves production of large quantities of small variety of goods.
g. Passive tags require internal power sources to operate.
h. Contract of sale is completed by delivery of goods.

Q.3. Expand the following
a) UPC
c) TPS
d) SRM
e) GPS
f) WMS
g) SQL
h) GIS

Q.4. Match A and B :
A – B :
1) Supply chain up-stream – a) Wal-Mart
2) ABC classification – b) Supplier Integration
3) Cross docking – c) Suppliers
4) Postponement – d) Bar code
5) Black box – e) Manufacturer
6) ERP – f) Delayed differentiation
7) Auto identification – g) Pareto rule
8) Excise duty – h) Relational database

PART B :  48 marks
Answer any three. Each question carries 16 marks
Q.5. a) What is logistics network? How the configuration of this network is optimized?
b) Discuss how lead time in a supply chain can be reduced.

Q.6. a) What is meant by push based and pull based supply chain
b) Explain retailer-supplier partnership

Q.7. a) What are the forces that drive towards globalization?
b) What are the benefits of early supplier integration in product development?

Q.8. a) What are the goals of supply chain information technology?
b) Explain the usefulness of GIS in logistics.

Q.9. Write short notes on any four
a) Third party logistics
b) Total cost of ownership
c) Mass customization
e) Bullwhip effect

Part C : 20 marks
Case Study :
1. Q.10. Benetton is a global manufacturer and retailer with headquarters near Venice, Italy. The company was founded in 1965 by the three Benetton brothers and a sister. It began as a manufacturer before opening three retail stores of its own in 1968. Benetton experienced rapid growth throughout 1980s. It experienced difficulty when it attempted to diversify into financial services, but it ahs since refocused its efforts and left that arena.

It relies heavily on information technology, such as CAD/CAM in cutting and deying materials, and EDI and bar coding for gathering point-of-sale data. It leverages its volume by performing centralized strategic and capital-intensive activities; Benetton takes advantage of the flexibility and relatively low cost of small subcontractors in its assembly operations.

Questions :
a) Comment on Benetton’s supply chain.
b) How information technology helps Benetton to improve its supply chain performance
c) Benetton has centralized its warehouse activities. What are the advantages derived by this arrangement.

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