Rural Planning B.Arch Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Architecture
Degree : B.Arch
Subject Name : Rural Planning
Year/Sem : V/II
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ds…20Planning.pdf

Rural Planning Model Question Paper :

Bachelor Of Architecture Engg. Examination, 2009 :
(5th Year, 2nd Semester)
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100

Related : Jadavpur University Services & Equipments-II B.Arch Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6707.html

Answer any five questions. :
All questions carry equal marks. :
1. a) Discuss the background and evolution of Panchayati Raj System in India.
b) What is the Three-tier Structure in Rural Administration. 15+5=20

2. a) Elaborate the process of development and essential features of Indira Awas Yojna.
b) Illustrate with sketches a standard rural habitat for one dwelling unit that can be suitably adopted within the frame of IAY for Bankura – Purulia – Midnapore(w) region. 10+10=20

3. a) What do you understand by Total Sanitation Campaign.
b) Illustrate with sketches a sanitary latrine that can be used for a standard household sanitation . 10+10=20

4. a) Describe the evolution of early human settlements.
b) What should be the role of Architects in planning a sustainable village. 10+10=20
5. What do you mean by alternative Energy. Discuss some methods that can be suitably used for rural electrification. 20

6. Write short notes on any five of the following : 5×4=20
i) Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna.
ii) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna.
iii) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
iv) Definition of Rural Areas in Indian Concepts.
v) A village road with sketch (on the plains).
vi) Role of water in Rural Settlements.

7. State with sketches the essential planning methods that should be adopted for : 20
a) A hill-side village at Darjeeling District.
b) A sea-side village at 24 prgs(S) District.

Principles Of Urban And Rural Planning Question Paper :
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100
Question no. 1 is compulsory and answer any 5 from the remaining questions.
I. i) Fill in the blanks (any 10) 1051=10
a) The basic unit of urban area is .
b) UDPFI stands for .
c) For Residential landuse category for metrocities the percentage ranges from .
d) The Radburn concept proposed the idea of .
e) The Roman towns which were conquered from others were called .
f) The main motto of ‘‘city Beautiful movement’’ was .
g) The ‘‘culture of cities’’ was written by .
h) ASCORAL stands for .
i) The 5 elements of human settlement as proposed by Doxiadus in Ekisties were .
j) The primary residential zone is shown in colour.
k) The sewerage is estimated at the rate of % age of the water supply in any area.

ii) Define the terms : (any 5) 552=10
a) ECS
b) C.I.A.M.
d) Perspective plan
e) Woonerf
iii) Define a Census Town. 5

2. Differentiate between (any 3) 553=15
i) Net Density and Gross Density
ii) Greek towns and Roman towns.
iii) Garden city and Satellite towns.
iv) Use zoning and Spot zoning
v) Arterial Road and sub-Arterial road.
vi) Social Infrastructure & physical infrastructure.

3. The population of Silchar Municipal Area is shown as below :
1961 – 41062
1971 – 52596
1981 – 77936
1991 – 115483
Calculate the projected population for the year 2011 by the following methods.
i) By Incremental Increase
ii) By Geometrical Increase
iii) By Arithmetic Increase. 15

4. Define the term Neighbourhood and the conceptual models as proposed by Clarence Stein, Perry and Engel Hardt. 15
5. Briefly explain the models or concepts as proped by Tony Garmeir, Frank Lyoyd Wright, Soria Y. Mata, Luduing Hilberseimer and Le Corbusier for future cities. 15

6. The Design principles of Vidhydhar Nagar were borrowed from the city of Jaypur – Elaborate with sketches. 15

7. Draw the plans of the following cities (any 5) 553=15
i) Versailles
ii) Chandigarh
iii) City of Ur-Babylon
iv) Ideal city by Vitruvius
v) Auroville city
vi) Carcasonne and Noerdlinger
vii) Farming Unit.

8. Elaborate the various rural development schemes by the central Govt. for various sectors like Housing, Poverty alleviation, Roads, Slums etc. 15

Categories: Architecture
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