tbse.in : Class XI Philosophy Question Paper Sample Tripura Board Of Secondary Education

Board : Tripura Board Of Secondary Education
Exam : Class XI
Subject : Philosophy
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Website : tbse.nic.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/6708-Philosophy.pdf

Philosophy Question Paper :

For Class – XI :
Full Marks : 90

Related : Tripura Board Of Secondary Education Class XI Psychology Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/7302.html

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
1) Answer the following questions (Within 20 words)
Choose the right answer :
The number of heterodox (nastika) schools of Indian philosophy are
i) Two ii) Three iii) Four iv) Five
Name of Purusarthas admitted in Indian philosophy.
Name any two methods of establishning Vyapti (Vyaptigraha) according to the Nyaya.
Name the Third Noble Truth (Aryasatya) of Buddhism.
What is the etymological meaning of the term ‘Philosophy’?
Choose the right answer :
Epistemology is –
i) The theory of knowledge ii) The theory of reality
iii) The theory of mind iv) The Study of society
Choose the right answer :
Kant’s theory of the origin of knowledge is known as :
i) Empiricism ii) Rationalism iii) Criticism iv) Intuitionism
Who is the propounder of Representative realism?
Is Ethics a normative science or a positive science?
Give an example of non-moral action.
Are proper names denotative or connotative?
Point out the term (s) distrilented in ‘A’ Proposition
Mention any two teachings of Swami Vivekananda towards the youth.
What did Mahatma Gandhi mean by ‘Ahimisa’?
2) Answer each question : (Within 50 words)
Explain in brief the meaning of the term ‘Darsana’.
Explain in short the nature of Dharma as a kind of purusartha.
What is Pratyaksa according to Goutama?
What is Sannikarsa according to Nyaya? Name the laukika sannikarsas admitted in Nyaya philosophy.
What is Bhutacatustayavada according to Carvaka?
What is Pratityasamutpadavada according to Buddhism?
Explain in short the nature of Metaphysics as a branch of philosophy.
Mention any two points of difference bitween Science and Philosophy.
Explain the three senses of the word ‘know’
What is Empiricism? Name any two empiricist philosophers.
What is realism ?
What is Necessary connection theory of causality?
Explain the nature of Ethics.
Determine the following actions as moral or non-moral :
i) The actions of an insane person.
ii) Reflex action of an individual.
iii) Throwing a coin towards a beggar to help him.
Transform the following sentences into logical Propositions :
i) There are no pink rats.
ii) Only S is P
iii) Philosophers may also be scientists.
Distinguish between proposition and sentence.
Explain Swami Vivekananda’s concept of ‘Jive Prem’ (Love for Beings).
How is Ahimsa related to Truth according to Mahatma Gandhi ? – Discuss.
3) Answer the following questions. (Within 125 words) :
i) What is Vyapti ?
ii) Explain, with example for each, different kinds of Vyapti. 3 + 2 = 5
Distinguish between Nirvikalpaka Pratyaksa (Indeterminate perception) and Savikalpaka Pratyaksa (Determinate Perception) according to the Nayaya philosophiy.
i) What is Rationalism as the theory of the origin of Knowledge?
ii) Discuss about one merit and one demerit of this theory.
Explain and examine Kant’s main theses of criticism as a theory of the origin of knowledge.
4) Answer the following questions : (Within 150 words)
Explain Buddhist doctrine of Twelve Causal Link (Bravacakra)
‘Perception is the only source of valid knowledge’ – explain the Carvaka view.
Explain and examine Hume’s theory of Causality.
Explain and examine Subjective Idealism of Berceley.

SUBJECT :- Accountancy
Class-XI :
Full Marks – 90
Time allowed :- 3 hours
General instructions :-
i) All questions are compulsory
ii) Attempt all parts of question at one place.
1. Answer the following Questions as directed 1X10 10
(a) What is Accrual basis of Accounting?

(b) Complete the sentence choosing the right alternative given below. The Users of Accounting information of a company
i) Shareholders
ii) Creditors
iii) Employee
iv) All of Above

(c) Give an example of Internal transaction.
(d) Justify the statement responding ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’ Journal is a books of original entry.

(e) Complete the sentence choosing the right alternative given below :
Under Straightline method, the basis of calculating depreciations is
(i) Written down value
(ii) Scrap value
(iii) Original cost less scrap value.
(iv) Present value.

(g) Write two example of fictitious Asset.

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Tags: tbse.in
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